Download File from URL using Python

Python Download File from URL | 4 Methods

There are many methods and libraries to download file from URL using Python and we will try to cover the most used and reliable methods….

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Python Programming Examples Fundamental Programs in Python

Python Programming Examples | Fundamental Programs in Python

Python is a popular, widely-used programming language and easy to learn for beginners because of its short syntax and readability, and learning to code in…

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Python | Delete object of a class

Output: Rakesh 50000 Amit 60000 Rakesh 50000 Traceback (most recent call last): File “C:\”, line 14, in <module> print(, obj2.salary) NameError: name ‘obj2’ is not…

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Python | Modify properties of objects 

Output: Amit 60000

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Python classmethod

Output: Your numbers-> 88

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Python | Create a class that takes 2 parameters, print both parameters

Output: Rakesh 50000Amit 60000

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Python | Create a class, create an object of the class, access, and print property value

Output: 10

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Python | Find the maximum element in a list using lambda and reduce()

Output: 40

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Python | filter numbers(that are not divisible by 3 and 4) from a list using lambda and filter()

Output: [12, 24, 36]

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Python | lambda function that returns the maximum of 2 numbers

Output: Enter numbers: 1 2 2

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Python | Convert all strings of a list to uppercase using lambda

Output: [‘ONE’, ‘TWO’, ‘THREE’]

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Python | Square numbers of a list using lambda

Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

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Python | Reverse and convert a string to uppercase using lambda


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Python | Convert String to uppercase using lambda


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Python | Reverse a list using lambda

Output: [3, 2, 1]

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Python | Calculator using lambda

Output: PS C:\” Enter 1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Division 5. Exit Enter choice: ds Enter integer values only! Enter 1. Addition 2….

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Python | Square of a number using lambda

Output: Enter number: 525

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Python | Multiply numbers using lambda

Example 1: Output: Enter 1st number: 2Enter 2nd number: 3Enter 3rd number: 4Multiplication result is: 24 Example 2: Output: Enter numbers: 4 5 6 7840

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Python | lambda with None

Output: None

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Python | lambda with pass statement

Output: File “C:\”, line 1 output = lambda: pass ^^^^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

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