Python | Find LCM using function

Let us take a look t methods that we have to find the LCM using functions

Method 1: Using the divide operator

def calc_LCM(x, y):
if x > y:
greater = x
greater = y
if((greater % x == 0) and (greater % y == 0)):
lcm = greater
greater += 1
return lcm
num1 = int(input("Enter the first number: "))
num2 = int(input("Enter the second number: "))
print("The L.C.M. is", calc_LCM(num1, num2))


Enter the first number: 64
Enter the second number: 56
The L.C.M. is 448


Here we compared the value passed to the function i.e x and y if x > y then we assign the value of x in a greater variable and the same goes for y. Now we used the while loop and check the condition
(greater % x == 0) and (greater % y == 0), if this satisfies then and then we assign the value of greater to the lcm variable or else we increment greater and continue on with the loop.

Method 2: Using reduce() function

def check_LCM(a, b):
if a > b:
greater = a
greater = b
while True:
if greater % a == 0 and greater % b == 0:
lcm = greater
greater += 1
return lcm
def calc_LCM(your_list):
return reduce(lambda x, y: check_LCM(x, y), your_list)
ans = calc_LCM([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
print("The LCM is: ",ans)

Method 3: Using recursion

def calc_LCM(n, m):
if m == 0:
return n
return calc_LCM(m, n % m)
A = [100, 205, 12 , 15, 5, 19]
lcm = 1
for i in A:
lcm = lcm * i // calc_LCM(lcm, i)
print("The LCM is: ", lcm)


Here we used a for loop, wherein we did the floor division between the expression calc_LCM(lcm, i)and the output of calc_LCM(lcm, i). This will again call the function and in the second iteration the value inside the lcm variable will be the round-off whole number computed by lcm * i // calc_LCM(lcm, i)

Method 4: Using NumPy

import numpy as np
result = np.lcm(120, 200)

These above are some of the methods in order to compute the LCM. That’s all for this article, we will be back with another problem-solving article.


Author: Ayush Purawr