Today we will see the HackerRank Day 23 Solution in Python. The problem is BST Level Order Traversal, part of 30 Days of code on HackerRank. Let’s get started!
Day 23: BST Level Order Traversal Problem statement
We are given a pointer, which points to the root of a binary search tree. Our task is to complete the levelOrder function provided so that it prints the level-order traversal of the binary search tree. A level-order traversal, known as a breadth-first search, visits each level of a tree’s nodes from left to right, top to bottom.
Sample Input
Sample Output
3 2 5 1 4 7
Explanation: We traverse each level of the tree from the root downward, and we process the nodes at each level from left to right. The resulting level-order traversal is 3->2->5->1->4->7, and we print these data values as a single line of space-separated integers.
You can solve the problem here.
HackerRank Day 23 Solution in Python
import sysclass Node:def __init__(self,data) = dataclass Solution:def insert(self,root,data):if root==None:return Node(data)else:if data<,data)root.left=curelse:cur=self.insert(root.right,data)root.right=curreturn root#Function to perform Level order traversaldef levelOrder(self,root):#Create list to store the iterations and resultcurrent_level = [root]next_level = []result = []#Iterate through the treewhile current_level:next_level = []#Iterate through the levelfor node in current_level:result.append(str( node.left:next_level.append(node.left)if node.right:next_level.append(node.right)#Increment to the next levelcurrent_level = next_level#Print the result of level order traversalprint(" ".join(result))T=int(input())myTree=Solution()root=Nonefor i in range(T):data=int(input())root=myTree.insert(root,data)myTree.levelOrder(root)
Code Explanation
- First, we create a levelOrder function to perform Level order traversal
- Create a list current_level to start with the root, next_level to store the subsequent iterations, and result to keep the level order traversal output
- Iterate through the tree through each level. Add the node data to the result if present, then check for the left and right nodes and add them to the list
- Increment the current level to the next level and repeat the steps
- Finally, we print the result list
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