Python | lambda function that returns the maximum of 2 numbers

Output: Enter numbers: 1 2 2

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Python | Convert all strings of a list to uppercase using lambda

Output: [‘ONE’, ‘TWO’, ‘THREE’]

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Python | Square numbers of a list using lambda

Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

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Python | Reverse and convert a string to uppercase using lambda


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Python | Convert String to uppercase using lambda


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Python | Reverse a list using lambda

Output: [3, 2, 1]

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Drawing letter A using Python Turtle Today, we will learn how to draw the letter 'A' using Python Turtle. We all know how to write the letter 'A' using pen and paper, but would it not be great if you had a turtle, who can take your commands and draw it for you in whatever size or color you want? This is what Python Turtle does. It is a python library used to create graphics, patterns, and shapes, but it can be used to draw almost anything.

Drawing letter A using Python Turtle

Today, we will learn how to draw the letter ‘A’ using Python Turtle. We all know how to write the letter ‘A’ using pen and…

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Python | Reverse a String using lambda

Output: tnemngissAypoC

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Python | Calculator using lambda

Output: PS C:\” Enter 1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Division 5. Exit Enter choice: ds Enter integer values only! Enter 1. Addition 2….

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Python | Square of a number using lambda

Output: Enter number: 525

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Python | Multiply numbers using lambda

Example 1: Output: Enter 1st number: 2Enter 2nd number: 3Enter 3rd number: 4Multiplication result is: 24 Example 2: Output: Enter numbers: 4 5 6 7840

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Python | lambda with None

Output: None

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Python | lambda with pass statement

Output: File “C:\”, line 1 output = lambda: pass ^^^^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

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Python | Add numbers using lambda

Example 1: Output: Enter 1st number: 5Enter 2nd number: 6Enter 3rd number: 7Addition result is: 18 Example 2: Output: Enter numbers: 5 4 3 2…

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Python | Print Namaste using lambda

Output: Namaste

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Spell Checker in Python

Spell Checker in Python

Today, we will be creating a GUI application of spell checker in Python. We will use two famous libraries in Python that can be used…

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Python | Check type of a NumPy Array

Output: <class ‘numpy.ndarray’>

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Iterate over a string in Python

Output for all methods: C o p y A s s i g n m e n t

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Python | upper() and lower() methods | Convert a string to uppercase or lowercase letters

Output: copyassignment COPYASSIGNMENT

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Python | join() | Join list of strings

Output: str1 str2 str3 str1 and str2 and str3

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