Hello friends, in this article we will see a very simple cleaning service booking system in Python tkinter. This project can not be used in the real world, this just tries to mimic real-world online service applications and that’s why the features of this app are limited. In simple words, you can use this app to book a cleaner. I have used the following technologies for the project- Python, tkinter, tkcalendar, re, and sqlite3.
Working of Cleaning Service Booking System
There are two types of users- Cleaner and Customer. Initially, when you run the app, the global Home screen will open and you will see 3 options- Login, Register, and Close App.

We can click on the Register button if we are not registered, after clicking, we will see the Register screen.

You can register as a cleaner or customer. After registration, we will be directed to the Home screen where we can click the Login button.
After we click the Login button, we will see the Login screen.

Customer side working
If you log in as a customer, you will see 5 options-

If you click on book a cleaner, you will see options to book a cleaner

You can also see your booking history

You can click on About Us to learn about the cleaning service provider company, Logout to logout from the App, and Close App button to exit the app.
Cleaner Side working
You will see 4 options after you logged in as cleaner-

If you click on Check Current Bookings, you will see the date and time, customer name, and customer phone who has booked you for the cleaning service through the app.

The other 3 options(About Us, Logout, and Close APP) are the same as they are for customers.
Complete Source code for Cleaning Service Booking System in Python Tkinter
import tkinter as tk import sqlite3 from tkinter import messagebox from tkcalendar import DateEntry from tkinter import ttk import re def is_valid_phone_number(phone_number): # Define the regex pattern for a valid phone number # This regex pattern allows for 10 digits with optional dashes or spaces # Examples of valid phone numbers: "1234567890", "123-456-7890", "123 456 7890" pattern = r'^\d{3}[-\s]?\d{3}[-\s]?\d{4}$' # Check if the phone number matches the regex pattern return re.match(pattern, phone_number) def is_strong_password(password): if len(password) < 8: return False if not any(char.isupper() for char in password): return False if not any(char.islower() for char in password): return False if not any(char.isdigit() for char in password): return False if not re.search(r'[!@#$%^&*]', password): return False return True # SQLite Database Initialization # Create a database and tables to store user and booking information conn = sqlite3.connect("book_cleaning_service.db") cursor = conn.cursor() # Create a User table to store user information cursor.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS User ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT NOT NULL, phone TEXT NOT NULL, password TEXT NOT NULL, user_type TEXT NOT NULL ) """) # Create a Booking table to store booking information cursor.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Booking ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, customer_id INTEGER NOT NULL, cleaner_id INTEGER NOT NULL, date_time TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES User (id), FOREIGN KEY (cleaner_id) REFERENCES User (id) ) """) conn.commit() # Tkinter App Initialization root = tk.Tk() root.title("Cleaning Service Booking App") # Function to handle user registration def register_user(): clear_screen() # Add code to handle user registration and insert user data into the database # Function to handle the user registration form submission def submit_registration(): name = entry_name.get() phone = entry_phone.get() password = entry_password.get() user_type = user_type_var.get() if len(name)<5: messagebox.showerror("Name field Error", "Name should be 5 or more characters long.") return if not is_valid_phone_number(phone): messagebox.showerror("Phone field Error", "Please enter valid phone number") return if not is_strong_password(password): messagebox.showerror('Password field error', ''' Criteria for a strong password At least 8 characters long Contains at least one uppercase letter Contains at least one lowercase letter Contains at least one digit Contains at least one special character (e.g., !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *)''') return # Validate the input (you may add more validation checks as needed) if not name or not phone or not password: messagebox.showerror("Error", "Please fill in all fields.") return # Insert user data into the database try: conn = sqlite3.connect("book_cleaning_service.db") cursor = conn.cursor() # Check if a user with the same phone number already exists cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM User WHERE phone=?", (phone,)) existing_user = cursor.fetchone() if existing_user: messagebox.showerror("Error", "User with this phone number already exists.") conn.close() return # Insert the new user into the User table cursor.execute("INSERT INTO User (name, phone, password, user_type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (name, phone, password, user_type)) # Assuming the user is registering as a customer conn.commit() messagebox.showinfo("Success", "Registration successful.") # root.destroy() login_user() except sqlite3.Error as e: messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Error while registering: {str(e)}") finally: conn.close() # Create labels and entry fields for the registration form label_name = tk.Label(root, text="Name:") entry_name = tk.Entry(root) label_phone = tk.Label(root, text="Phone:") entry_phone = tk.Entry(root) label_password = tk.Label(root, text="Password:") entry_password = tk.Entry(root, show="*") user_type_label = tk.Label(root, text="User Type") user_type_var = tk.StringVar(root) user_type_var.set("Customer") # Default value user_type_options = ["Customer", "Cleaner"] user_type_dropdown = tk.OptionMenu(root, user_type_var, *user_type_options) btn_register = tk.Button(root, text="Register", command=submit_registration) # Grid layout for the widgets label_name.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) entry_name.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10, pady=5) label_phone.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) entry_phone.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=10, pady=5) label_password.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) entry_password.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=10, pady=5) user_type_label.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) user_type_dropdown.grid(row=3, column=1, padx=10, pady=5) btn_register.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=10, pady=10) # Function to handle user login def login_user(): clear_screen() # Function to handle the user login form submission def submit_login(): global phone phone = entry_phone.get() password = entry_password.get() global user_type user_type = user_type_var.get() # Validate the input (you may add more validation checks as needed) if not phone or not password: messagebox.showerror("Error", "Please fill in all fields.") return # Check the login credentials in the database try: conn = sqlite3.connect("book_cleaning_service.db") cursor = conn.cursor() # Retrieve user data based on the phone number cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM User WHERE phone=?", (phone,)) user = cursor.fetchone() if user is None: messagebox.showerror("Error", "User not found.") conn.close() return # Check if the entered password matches the stored password if user[3] == password: # Redirect the user based on the user_type (customer or cleaner) if user_type == user[4]: if user_type == 'Customer': # Redirect to the customer screen show_customer_screen() elif user_type == "Cleaner": # Redirect to the cleaner screen show_cleaner_screen() else: messagebox.showerror("Error", "Invalid user type.") else: messagebox.showerror('Error', 'User type mismatch') else: messagebox.showerror("Error", "Incorrect password.") except sqlite3.Error as e: messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Error while logging in: {str(e)}") finally: conn.close() # Create labels and entry fields for the login form label_phone = tk.Label(root, text="Phone:") entry_phone = tk.Entry(root) label_password = tk.Label(root, text="Password:") entry_password = tk.Entry(root, show="*") user_type_label = tk.Label(root, text="User Type") user_type_var = tk.StringVar(root) user_type_var.set("Customer") # Default value user_type_options = ["Customer", "Cleaner"] user_type_dropdown = tk.OptionMenu(root, user_type_var, *user_type_options) btn_login = tk.Button(root, text="Login", command=submit_login) # Grid layout for the widgets label_phone.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) entry_phone.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10, pady=5) label_password.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) entry_password.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=10, pady=5) user_type_label.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) user_type_dropdown.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=10, pady=5) btn_login.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=10, pady=10) # Function to handle booking a cleaner def book_cleaner(): clear_screen() # Function to handle the selection of a cleaner def on_select_cleaner(event): # Clear any previous booking date and time selection date_entry.delete(0, tk.END) # Get the selected item (cleaner) from the treeview selected_item = cleaners_tree.selection() if selected_item: cleaner_name = cleaners_tree.item(selected_item, "values")[0] cleaner_phone = cleaners_tree.item(selected_item, "values")[1] selected_cleaner_label.config(text=f"Selected Cleaner: {cleaner_name} - {cleaner_phone}") # Function to handle the booking form submission def submit_booking(): # Get the selected cleaner's name and phone selected_item = cleaners_tree.selection() if selected_item: cleaner_name = cleaners_tree.item(selected_item, "values")[0] cleaner_phone = cleaners_tree.item(selected_item, "values")[1] # Get the selected date and time for booking selected_date_time = date_entry.get() # You can now process the booking details and save to the database boolean_value = save_booking(cleaner_phone, selected_date_time) if boolean_value==True: tk.messagebox.showinfo("Booking Successful", f"Booking for {cleaner_name} - {cleaner_phone} on {selected_date_time} is successful!") if user_type=='Customer': show_customer_screen() else: show_cleaner_screen() # Function to save booking details to the database def save_booking(cleaner_phone, booking_date_time): try: conn = sqlite3.connect("book_cleaning_service.db") cursor = conn.cursor() # Fetch the cleaner ID from the database cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM User WHERE phone=?", (cleaner_phone,)) cleaner_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM User WHERE phone=?', (phone,)) customer_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] # Insert the booking details into the database cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Booking (customer_id, cleaner_id, date_time) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (customer_id, cleaner_id, booking_date_time)) conn.commit() return True except sqlite3.Error as e: tk.messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Error while saving booking: {str(e)}") print("Error", f"Error while saving booking: {str(e)}") finally: conn.close() root.title("Book a Cleaner") # Fetch the list of cleaners from the database cleaners_list = [] try: conn = sqlite3.connect("book_cleaning_service.db") cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT name, phone FROM User WHERE user_type=?", ('Cleaner',)) cleaners_list = cursor.fetchall() except sqlite3.Error as e: tk.messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Error while fetching cleaners: {str(e)}") finally: conn.close() # Create a treeview to display the cleaners' details cleaners_tree = ttk.Treeview(root, columns=("Name", "Phone"), show="headings") cleaners_tree.heading("Name", text="Name") cleaners_tree.heading("Phone", text="Phone") # Add the cleaners' details to the treeview for cleaner in cleaners_list: cleaners_tree.insert("", tk.END, values=cleaner) # Bind the selection event of the treeview to the on_select_cleaner function cleaners_tree.bind("<<TreeviewSelect>>", on_select_cleaner) # Create a label to show the selected cleaner's details selected_cleaner_label = tk.Label(root, text="Selected Cleaner: None") # Create a date picker for booking date date_entry = DateEntry(root, width=12, background="darkblue", foreground="white", borderwidth=2) # Create a button to submit the booking btn_book = tk.Button(root, text="Book", command=submit_booking) # Grid layout for the widgets cleaners_tree.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=10, pady=5) selected_cleaner_label.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=10, pady=5) date_entry.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) btn_book.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=10, pady=5) # Function to handle viewing booking history # Function to handle viewing booking history def view_booking_history(): clear_screen() # Create the booking history window root.title("Your Booking History") # Get the customer's phone number (you can set this variable when the customer logs in) customer_phone = phone # Retrieve the customer's user ID based on their phone number try: conn = sqlite3.connect("book_cleaning_service.db") cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM User WHERE phone=?", (customer_phone,)) customer_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] # Fetch the booking history for the customer from the Booking table # cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Booking WHERE customer_id=?", (customer_id,)) cursor.execute("SELECT b.date_time, u.name, u.phone FROM Booking b JOIN User u ON b.cleaner_id = u.id WHERE b.customer_id=?", (customer_id,)) booking_history = cursor.fetchall() except sqlite3.Error as e: messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Error while fetching booking history: {str(e)}") booking_history = [] finally: conn.close() # Check if any bookings were found in the database if not booking_history: messagebox.showinfo("No Bookings", "No booking history available.") return # Create a listbox to display the booking history root.geometry('500x300') listbox_booking_history = tk.Listbox(root, width=150) for i in booking_history: print(i) # Add the booking history data to the listbox for booking in booking_history: date_time, cleaner_name, cleaner_phone = booking listbox_booking_history.insert(tk.END, f"Date and Time: {date_time} - Cleaner Name: {cleaner_name} - Cleaner Phone: {cleaner_phone}") # Grid layout for the listbox listbox_booking_history.pack(padx=10, pady=10) if user_type=='Customer': btn_to_home = tk.Button(root, text="Go to Home", command=show_customer_screen) else: btn_to_home = tk.Button(root, text='Go to Home', command=show_cleaner_screen) # Grid layout for the label btn_to_home.pack(padx=10, pady=10) # Function to handle checking current bookings def check_current_bookings(): clear_screen() root.geometry('500x300') root.title("Current Bookings") # Retrieve the cleaner's user ID based on their phone number try: conn = sqlite3.connect("book_cleaning_service.db") cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM User WHERE phone=?", (phone,)) cleaner_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] # Fetch the current bookings for the cleaner from the Booking table cursor.execute("SELECT b.date_time, u.name, u.phone FROM Booking b JOIN User u ON b.customer_id = u.id WHERE b.cleaner_id=?", (cleaner_id,)) current_bookings = cursor.fetchall() except sqlite3.Error as e: messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Error while fetching current bookings: {str(e)}") current_bookings = [] finally: conn.close() # Check if any current bookings were found in the database if not current_bookings: messagebox.showinfo("No Current Bookings", "No current bookings found.\nReturning to Home page") if user_type=='Customer': show_customer_screen() else: show_cleaner_screen() return # Create a listbox to display the current bookings listbox_current_bookings = tk.Listbox(root, width=150) # Add the current bookings data to the listbox for booking in current_bookings: date_time, customer_name, customer_phone = booking listbox_current_bookings.insert(tk.END, f"Date and Time: {date_time} - Customer Name: {customer_name} - Customer Phone: {customer_phone}") if user_type=='Customer': btn_to_home = tk.Button(root, text="Go to Home", command=show_customer_screen) else: btn_to_home = tk.Button(root, text='Go to Home', command=show_cleaner_screen) # Grid layout for the listbox listbox_current_bookings.pack(padx=10, pady=10) btn_to_home.pack(padx=10, pady=10) # Function to show the "About Us" screen # Function to show the "About Us" screen def show_about_us(): clear_screen() root.geometry("600x300") # Define the "About Us" information (you can replace this with your actual information) about_us_info = """Welcome to our Cleaning Service Company! Our mission is to provide top-quality cleaning services to our customers at affordable prices. With a team of skilled and reliable cleaners, we are dedicated to making your home or office a clean and pleasant environment. Contact us today to book a cleaner and experience the difference our cleaning service can make in your life.""" # Create a label to display the "About Us" information label_about_us = tk.Label(root, text=about_us_info, wraplength=400, justify=tk.LEFT) if user_type=='Customer': btn_to_home = tk.Button(root, text="Go to Home", command=show_customer_screen) else: btn_to_home = tk.Button(root, text='Go to Home', command=show_cleaner_screen) # Grid layout for the label label_about_us.pack(padx=10, pady=10) btn_to_home.pack(padx=10, pady=10) # Function to show the home screen def show_home_screen(): clear_screen() root.title('Cleaning Service booking App') # Create labels and buttons for login and registration label_title = tk.Label(root, text="Welcome to Cleaning Service") btn_login = tk.Button(root, text="Login", command=login_user) btn_register = tk.Button(root, text="Register", command=register_user) btn_close = tk.Button(root, text="Close App", command=close_app) # Grid layout for the widgets label_title.pack(pady=20) btn_login.pack(pady=10) btn_register.pack(pady=10) btn_close.pack(pady=10) # Function to show the customer screen def show_customer_screen(): clear_screen() # Create buttons for customer options btn_book_cleaner = tk.Button(root, text="Book a Cleaner", command=book_cleaner) btn_view_booking_history = tk.Button(root, text="View Booking History", command=view_booking_history) btn_about_us = tk.Button(root, text="About Us", command=show_about_us) btn_logout = tk.Button(root, text="Logout", command=show_home_screen) btn_close = tk.Button(root, text="Close App", command=close_app) # Grid layout for the buttons btn_book_cleaner.pack(pady=10) btn_view_booking_history.pack(pady=10) btn_about_us.pack(pady=10) btn_logout.pack(pady=10) btn_close.pack(pady=10) # Function to show the cleaner screen def show_cleaner_screen(): clear_screen() # Create buttons for cleaner options btn_check_current_bookings = tk.Button(root, text="Check Current Bookings", command=check_current_bookings) btn_about_us = tk.Button(root, text="About Us", command=show_about_us) btn_logout = tk.Button(root, text="Logout", command=show_home_screen) btn_close = tk.Button(root, text="Close App", command=close_app) # Grid layout for the buttons btn_check_current_bookings.pack(pady=10) btn_about_us.pack(pady=10) btn_logout.pack(pady=10) btn_close.pack(pady=10) # Function to clear the screen def clear_screen(): for widget in root.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() def close_app(): root.destroy() # Main program if __name__ == "__main__": root = tk.Tk() root.title("Cleaning Service booking App") root.geometry("400x300") show_home_screen() root.mainloop()
Check out my GitHub repository for the source code.