Scooby-Doo using Python Turtle

Scooby-Doo using Python Turtle

You must have watched the famous cartoon ‘Scooby-Doo‘. Would it not be great, if we were able to draw its character Scooby-Doo using Python Turtle?…

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Python Pattern Programs

Python Pattern Programs to print Star, Pascal, Pyramid, Number, Triangle

Hello people! Today we are back with another fantastic article on various Python Pattern Programs. We all know how brainstorming these types of Python Pattern…

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Python Programming Examples Fundamental Programs in Python

Python Programming Examples | Fundamental Programs in Python

Python is a popular, widely-used programming language and easy to learn for beginners because of its short syntax and readability, and learning to code in…

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Real Estate Management System Project in Python

Real Estate Management System Project in Python

In this article, we will build a Real Estate Management System Project in Python and MySQL. In this project, the users will be able to…

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Python | Delete object of a class

Output: Rakesh 50000 Amit 60000 Rakesh 50000 Traceback (most recent call last): File “C:\”, line 14, in <module> print(, obj2.salary) NameError: name ‘obj2’ is not…

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Python | Modify properties of objects 

Output: Amit 60000

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Python classmethod

Output: Your numbers-> 88

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Python | Create a class that takes 2 parameters, print both parameters

Output: Rakesh 50000Amit 60000

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Python | Create a class, create an object of the class, access, and print property value

Output: 10

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Python | Find the maximum element in a list using lambda and reduce()

Output: 40

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Python | filter numbers(that are not divisible by 3 and 4) from a list using lambda and filter()

Output: [12, 24, 36]

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Python | lambda function that returns the maximum of 2 numbers

Output: Enter numbers: 1 2 2

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Python | Convert all strings of a list to uppercase using lambda

Output: [‘ONE’, ‘TWO’, ‘THREE’]

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Python | Square numbers of a list using lambda

Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

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Python | Reverse and convert a string to uppercase using lambda


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Python | Convert String to uppercase using lambda


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Python | Reverse a list using lambda

Output: [3, 2, 1]

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Drawing letter A using Python Turtle Today, we will learn how to draw the letter 'A' using Python Turtle. We all know how to write the letter 'A' using pen and paper, but would it not be great if you had a turtle, who can take your commands and draw it for you in whatever size or color you want? This is what Python Turtle does. It is a python library used to create graphics, patterns, and shapes, but it can be used to draw almost anything.

Drawing letter A using Python Turtle

Today, we will learn how to draw the letter ‘A’ using Python Turtle. We all know how to write the letter ‘A’ using pen and…

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Python | Reverse a String using lambda

Output: tnemngissAypoC

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Python | Calculator using lambda

Output: PS C:\” Enter 1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Division 5. Exit Enter choice: ds Enter integer values only! Enter 1. Addition 2….

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