In this tutorial, we are going to study how to use the slice operator in python. The slice operator is used to slice the string i.e [n:m] it will return the part of the string starting from the nth character to the mth character including the first but excluding the last. The slice() in python is used for a similar purpose.
What is slicing?
Slicing means getting the substring(subpart) from the string(or an iterable). It is done in python with the help of brackets[]. It helps to get access to the parts of sequences like strings, tuples, and the list. Slicing syntax comes with three parameters start, stop and step.
Slice operator
start: Starting index where the slicing of the object starts
stop: Ending index where the slicing of the object is stopped
step: This argument determines the increment between each index for slicing
More ways to use the slice operator:
#slicing done from start index to stop index -1
#slicing from start index to the end
#slicing done from the beginning to index stop-1
Examples of Slice operator in Python
Example 1:
string1 = 'Welcome to'
print("String = ",string1)
# Slice
print("Slicing from start index to stop-1 = ",string1[4:8])
print("Slicing from start index to the end = ",string1[6:])
print("Slicing from the beginning to index stop - 1 = ",string1[:5])
print("Slicing from the start index to stop index, by skipping step = ",string1[5:11:2])
Output 1:

Example 2:
string1 = 'Welcome to'
print("String = ",string1)
# Slice
print("String after slicing and using step = ",string1[4:12:2])
Output 2:

Example 3:
We can perform the slicing on the tuples and use the step parameter to do the increment between the indexes.
# Create a Tuple
tuplelist = ("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October")
print("Tuple = ",tuplelist)
# Slice the Tuple
print("Tuple after slicing = ",tuplelist[2:8:2])
Output 3:

Example 4:
We can perform the slicing on the different parts and also use step parameters to set the increment index.
# Create a List
Lists = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k']
print("List = ",Lists)
# Slice the List
print("List after slicing = ",Lists[2:9:3])
Output 4:

Click here to get more information on slice operator.
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