TCS Launched Free Certification Course with Industry Recognized Value

TCS Launched Free Certification Course with Industry Recognized Value

Hello reader! We are back with another article on “TCS Launched Free Certification Course with Industry Recognized Value” In an era marked by monetary uncertainty and rising unemployment prices, possibilities for professional development have ended up more crucial than ever. In response to this urgent need, TCS ION has brought the “Career Edge – Young Professional” course, offering a lifeline to the ones trying to boost their careers. This is totally a Free Course and covers a wide range of modules that not only help learners personally but also professionally. This course covers basic topics like communication, and presentation to advanced topics like AI/ Let’s take a look at what TCS iON Career Edge – Young Professional has to offer.

TCS Launched Free Certification Course with Industry Recognized Value

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Cost of TCS iON Career Edge – Young Professional

  • It is totally a FREE course
  • You don’t need to pay a single penny

What you will learn

  • Personality traits that foster cohesion in work.
  • Effective communication and presentation skills.
  • How to write compelling resumes that maximize profile visibility.
  • Business manners appropriate for a corporate environment.
  • Accounting and IT Fundamentals.
  • Artificial intelligence.

Who can take this Free Certification Course?

  • Undergraduates, Graduates and Postgraduates
  • Fresher
  • Anyone who is willing to learn industry-level skills and wants a boost in their career can take this course.

Prerequisites of taking TCS iON Career Edge – Young Professional

  • There is nothing that you need to have knowledge of before taking this course.
  • No prerequisites at all.

More About the Course

  • Course duration- 2 Weeks / 15 Days
  • You need to dedicate 7 to 20 hours per week
  • Course Format- Self-paced
  • Language- English

Syllabus of TCS iON Career Edge – Young Professional Course

1Mastering Impressive CommunicationThis module aims to cover essential skills like verbal and non-verbal communication.
2Deliver presentations with Impact and InfluenceThis module will help you to learn more about how to deliver effective presentations.
3Cultivate Essential Workplace Soft SkillsHere you will learn the importance of soft skills in the corporate world
4Seek Career Wisdom from Industry ExpertsGain a career edge with strategic insights from TCS business experts
5Learn to Craft an Effective Resume and Cover LetterIn this module, you will learn the art of crafting a resume that gets you a job.
6Learn to Excel in Group DiscussionsIn this, you will discover the purpose of group discussions and master active participation.
7Mastering Corporate InterviewsYou will learn about the tips and tricks to crack interviews.
8Mastering Corporate EtiquetteHere you will learn to master essential business etiquette in a corporate environment.
9Crafting Impactful Email CommunicationsEmail plays a pivotal role in this world. This module will help you in writing professional emails.
10Mastering Corporate Telephone EtiquetteHere you will gain insights into how to have a conversation on the phone and some etiquette relating to it.
11Grasp the Foundations of AccountingThis module covers the topic of accounting.
12Acquire Fundamental IT SkillsIn this module, you will learn skills that are of utmost importance in the IT sector.
13Dive into Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Part 1Basics of AI
14DAY 14: Explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Part 2More about AI concepts (NPTL Course)
15Final AssessmentThis assessment marks the end of this course. In order to get a certificate you will have to clear this Final Assessment.

How to get the certificate?

  • There will be an objective type of assessment after each module (except 2-3 modules)
  • In order to get the certificate of completion, one must complete all the module assessments as well as Final Assessment.
  • This completion certificate of “TCS iON Career Edge – Young Professional” is industry-recognized.
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Sample Certificate of Completion

Sample of Free Certification Course


We encourage all our readers to undertake this Free Certification Course from TCS ION with an Industry-recognised certificate. We strongly believe that this course offers a wide range of skills that are quintessential in this current job scenario. Thank you for visiting CopyAssignment.


Author: Ayush Purawr