Java is one of the most common programming languages which is used in multiple fields like web and application servers, game development, desktop apps, mobile apps, etc. It’s also one of the favorite programming languages for interviews along with C++. Java has a long history and a big community to help a beginner to start learning Java. Today, we are here to help you by presenting the top 10 Java projects with source code.
We have presented these Java projects in such a way that difficulty increases as we move to the next project starting from the first Java Project which will be especially for beginners. We will see all 10 Java projects with their description, and links to their source code and tutorial. Let’s start.
The top 10 Java Projects with source code are:
1. Password Generator program in Java

Project Description:
We all use passwords in our daily life, if you use a mobile and computer, then you may know that we all have passwords for many sites and mobile apps like Facebook, Instagram, Gmail, amazon, mobile, computer, etc. It’s always important to generate a secure password. In Java, there are many ways to generate a password. We are giving a link to a webpage where you will learn 4 different ways to generate a secure password in Java. This project is recommended for beginners only. You can use in-built Java libraries or your own logic to generate a random password in Java.
Recommended for: Beginner Java Developers
Tech Stack: Java, Passay Library, RandomStringGenerator, and RandomStringUtils.
Link to source code- Password Generator program in Java
2. Word Count Tool using Java

Project Description:
Do you know how many words are there in this article? The answer is no, right? But, do you know that there are many tools available online just for word counting? The reason is very simple, more than 50% of bloggers use word count tools every day and there are nearly 600 million blogs worldwide. We told you these stats to excite you to make this simple yet exciting project. The project idea is very simple, you just need to count words in the sentence/paragraph which is a very simple task as you can simply use split()
method and split words with just spaces. This project is mainly for beginners but intermediate Java programmers can give it a try. Check this small code below:
String text="Welcome to CopyAssignment";
String words[]=text.split("\\s");
int length=words.length;//returns total number of words
int clength=text.length();//returns total number of characters with space
Recommended for: Beginners and Intermediates Java Developers can try too
Tech Stack: Java, awt, and swing.
You can even create a word count tool using Java, check out the link below.
Link to source code- Word Count Tool using Java
3. Scientific Calculator in Java
Project Description:
We all use standard calculators in our daily life and we can even use Google to calculate simple to some complex math calculations. Scientific calculators are different than standard calculators, they have some extra features like trigonometric calculation, function, exponential, root, log, pi, mod, etc. As a programming student, you should be able to implement all these features to create a scientific calculator in Java. This project is recommended for beginners and especially for intermediates.
Recommended for: Beginners(if possible) and Intermediates Java Developers
Tech Stack: Java, awt, and swing.
Link to the source code- Scientific Calculator in Java
4. Snake Game using Java
Project Description:
Snake game become very famous since it comes built-in with Nokia mobile phones. This game is still famous among today’s youth as they all played this game. This game is very easy to create and most programming languages like Java, JavaScript, Python, etc offer such GUI libraries which can be used to create this snake game. The logic to create a snake game using Java is very simple, it should have the following features-
- there will be a small dot-like snake object and a food object
- snake can eat food and increase its length by 1 unit
- food will be reproduced anywhere on the screen after the snake eats the food
- the score will be visible on the screen
- the snake will die and the game will end if the snake’s mouth touches the snake or the walls
Recommended for: intermediates and advanced Java programmers
Tech Stack: Java, awt, Swing, and util.
Click here for a video explanation of the code
Link to the source code- Snake Game using Java
5. Customer Relationship Management using Java

Project Description:
Don’t confuse yourself with the name of this project, it’s not that hard. It’s a very simple CRM(Customer Relationship Management) using Java. A CRM is a very simple GUI application used by companies to manage their customers easily. CRM is mainly used to handle databases. This project includes very simple features like-
- User roles-> employee, manager, owner, and admin
- for admin-> adding and editing other users
- adding and editing clients
- printing reports
- adding events
- accepting contracts
- searching employees and clients
Recommended for: Intermediates and Advanced Java Developers
Tech Stack: Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data, Hibernate, Spring Security, MySQL, Multithreading, JUnit, and Thymeleaf.
Libraries used: Lombok, OpenCSV, and iText
Link to the source code- Customer Relationship Management using Java
6. Employee Management System Project using Java

Project Description:
Just like CRM, companies use employee management systems to manage data related to employees in the company. An employee management system is a GUI application that is handled by administrative department members of the company. This system has features like viewing all employees, adding new employees, editing an employee, deleting an employee, etc. You can easily create this project using Java if you know how to connect and use databases with Java applications.
Tech Stack: Java, awt, swing, and SQL.
Recommended for: Intermediates and Advanced Java Developers
Link to the source code- Employee Management System Project using Java
7. Criminal Records Management System

Project Description:
This project is similar to CRM and employee management system. All technologies used in those projects can be used in this project as well. You need to develop a simple GUI app using Java which is connected to a database to add and edit records of a criminal. There should be different types of user rights like admin, and some other types of users who can only view the database.
Tech Stack: Java, awt, swing, and SQL.
Recommended for: Intermediates and Advanced Java Developers
Link to the source code- Criminal Records Management System
8. Real-time Chat Application

Project Description:
Not too much to describe this real-time chat application because we all even 5th-class students know what a real-time chat application is and how it works. So, you should create this project and it should have features like login, logout, real-time chatting, text-based chatting, sharing media files, etc. WhatsApp is the best example of real-time chatting. You will be creating a real-time chat app for desktop but do you know that Java can also be used to create mobile apps as well. For real-time chatting, you will always need a socket library/program no matter what type of application you are making and whatever technology you use. We recommend you create an app that can work in the real world and anyone can use it.
Tech Stack: Java, Socket Programming, AJAX, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Recommended for: Advanced Java Programmers only
Link to the source code- Real-time Chat Application
9. E-commerce website

Project Description:
One of the most famous projects made by at least 30 percent of developers in their initial days. E-commerce website in Java should be tried by everyone because it involves almost all the programming concepts and requires complete knowledge of front-end and back-end. This is an advance level project for sure because it will take at least 1.5 months of duration and can stretch to 8 months. This is mostly recommended as a final-year project for computer science students. As a final-year student, one should know all the programming concepts and technologies used to make such big projects. No need to explain what an e-commerce website is as we all use these websites like amazon, Flipkart, etc. Features of an e-commerce website-
- login/logout functionality
- searching and filtering products
- ordering products
- saving products to the cart
- delivery and payment options
Tech Stack: Java, SpringBoot, Vue.js, XML, and MySQL.
Recommended for: Final Year CSE students and Advanced level Java Developers only.
Link to the source code- E-commerce website
10. File Sharing Application using Java

Project Description:
You can create a file-sharing application in Java. Not a simple project, it will require socket programming knowledge in Java. Making this project will not be easy, and beginners are not recommended to try this project. Using a file-sharing app, users should be able to share all types of files. You can restrict the file size limit user can share. We recommend you create a beautiful and real-world app so that you can show it in your resume for better chances of your selection.
Tech Stack: Java, Socket programming, Awt, and Swing.
Recommended for: Final Year CSE students and Advanced level Java Developers only.
Link to the source code-> File Sharing Application using Java
Best Java Projects ideas according to the difficulty level
Top 10 Java Projects ideas for beginners
- Currency Converter
- ATM Simulation System
- Random Password Generator
- Tic-tac-toe Game
- Age calculator program in Java
- Countdown timer program
- Dice Roller
- Simple calculator program
- Simple Quiz Game
- Temperature Converter
Top 10 Java Projects ideas for intermediates
- Exam Seating Arrangement System in Java
- Brick Breaker Game
- Snake Game using Java
- Wordcount Tools in Java
- Internet Service Provider System
- Airline Reservation System in Java
- Library Management System
- GUI Quiz Application
- GUI Password Manager
- Text-Based Adventure Game
Top 8 Java Projects ideas for advance
- Property Management System
- Personal Blog website
- Data Visualization Software
- Electricity Billing System
- Medical Management System
- Supply Chain Management System
- Consumer Relationship Management System
- Criminal Face Detection System
Final Thoughts!
As a final word, I would like to say try your best. No matter which Java project you selected from the above Java projects, just try your best to make it as good as possible. I have really tried hard to present you the best Java projects for beginners to advanced so that my readers like you can save their precious time and don’t waste their time searching on the Internet. At last, I will recommend you bookmark this page for the future.
Thank you for reading till here