Get IP address using Python

Get IP address using Python

An IP address is a label that is used to identify one or more devices on a computer network, such as the internet. And today we will learn how to get an IP address using Python. It is comparable to a postal address. An IP address is a long number written in binary

Today we will learn how to find the IP address of the machine we are working on. We will use the socket module which provides access to the BSD socket interface. This is available on all modern operating systems like Unix systems, Windows, MacOS, and probably additional platforms.

So let’s see and understand the code


# importing socket module
import socket 

# getting machine name
hostname = socket.gethostname() 

# getting IP Address
IPAddr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) 

# printing hostname
print("Your Computer Name is:" + hostname) 

# printing IP Address
print("Your Computer IP Address is:" + IPAddr) 


Your Computer Name is: LAPTOP-HAHA2FDA
Your Computer IP Address is:

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Author: Harry

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