You are in college. Every student in your college has a unique ID on their ID Card. Unique ID contains letters, numbers, and hyphens(-). But now, your college administration wants to modify the unique ID of ID Cards. Modifications required are-
- All letters should be capitalized.
- Hyphens should come inside ID after a certain fixed length(starting from the right).
- Fixed length will be given during input.
For example-
Enter string: as4-12fgt-5hgJ
Enter length: 3
Code for ID Card in Python:
s = input('Enter string: ') n = int(input('Enter length: ')) new_s = '' for i in s: new_s = new_s+ i.upper() new_s = new_s.split('-') new_s = ''.join(new_s) result = [] for i in range(0, len(new_s), n): result.append(new_s[i:i+n]) result=result[::-1] result='-'.join(result) result=result[::-1] result=result.split('-') new_result = [] for i in result: new_result.append(i[::-1]) print('-'.join(new_result))
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