Python Datatypes


Variables are used to store data and the data they store is related to some specific type like text, number, or sequence, in any programming language. Python Datatypes are similar to most of the other programming languages.

Python also has predefined datatypes.

During the declaration of any variable, we do not need to specify it’s a data type in Python, as Python is a dynamically-typed language and Python automatically specifies the datatype.


1. Text/stringstr
2. Numberint, float, complex
3. Sequencelist, tuple
4. Mappingdict
5. Setset, frozenset
6. Booleanbool
7. Binarybytes, bytearray, memoryview

type() in Python

Python uses “type()” to determine the type of any datatype, see the example below–


x = 2
y = ""
z = ["list", 1]


<class 'int'>
<class 'str'>
<class 'list'>

Type Casting

Typecasting or type conversion is the conversion of a variable from one data type to another e.g. int to float or float to int.


var1 = 20.3
var2 = int(var1)    # to int type
var3 = complex(var1)    # to complex type
var4 = str(var1)    # to str type
print(var1, "Type is", type(var1))
print(var2, "Type is", type(var2))
print(var3, "Type is", type(var3))
print(var4, "Type is", type(var4))


20.3 Type is <class 'float'>
20 Type is <class 'int'>
(20.3+0j) Type is <class 'complex'>
20.3 Type is <class 'str'>

From the next lecture, we will start learning all data types in detail.

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