In this article, we’ll look at how to make a Telegram bot with Python. Building a chatbot on Telegram is fairly simple and requires a few steps that take very little time to complete.
Steps :
Step 1: Create a Telegram Account
Step 2: Find BotFather in the telegram
Step 3: Open it and Press the start
Step 4: Click on /newbot
Step 5: Now choose the name for the bot
Step 6: And then choose the username for the bot
After that, We need to install a library to edit the Telegram bot
Pip install python-telegram-bot
conda install -c conda-forge python-telegram-bot
Source Code
Step 1: Import the libraries.
from telegram import *
from telegram.ext import *
Step 2: Fetching the bot information
bot = Bot("Past token ID")
Step 3: Update the for future changes
updater=Updater("Past token ID ",use_context=True)
#use_context is use for if your telegram version is low than use false else use true
Step 4: A dispatcher is used to dispatch this update to our telegram bot
Step 5: We create the command for a specific reply that we want
# For Commands
def test_fnc2(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
text="Welcome to the ",
start_value2=CommandHandler('start', test_fnc2)
dispatcher.add_handler (start_value2)
#adding more Command
def test_fnc(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
text="tutorial link: ",
start_value=CommandHandler('python', test_fnc)
dispatcher.add_handler (start_value)
Step 6: Polling the update
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