Currency Converter Desktop Application in Python

Currency Converter Desktop Application in Python

One of the uses of Python is to create desktop-based applications, isn’t it?
Python supports thousands of modules and packages to crack any logic behind the idea! And here also Python is supporting our idea to create a Currency Converter Desktop Application in Python using the forex-python module.

What we’ll do?

We are coding for a program that can convert currencies at the current time, as currency between different countries trades over a second, hence this will be a ‘REAL-TIME CONVERTER’.
We will design this with GUI for a better view of our program and then convert it into an application! Yes, a desktop-based application!

Modules we need:

For designinng : tkinter
For Currency Conversion: forex-python
For converting to exe: Pyinstaller (auto-py-to-exe)

assignment advertisement

Introduction to forex-python:

forex-python is a python module that provides functionality for foreign exchange rates and currency conversion. It can give historical rates for any day since the year 1999. It also decodes currency names and symbols.

This module comes with PyPI, so it can be installed through pip in cmd:

pip install forex-python

It not only gives Currency rates but Bitcoins as well!
For currency, we need to first import the rates and create the instance of the same class.

from forex_python.converter import CurrencyRates
c = CurrencyRates()  #creating instance
r = c.convert("USD", "INR", 1)  

The above function takes ‘from’, ‘to’, and ‘amount’ as parameters and returns real-time conversion for the specified amount. It takes ‘from’ and ‘to’ as the abbreviated code of currency names of different regions.



Also, in our project, we will provide an option as bitcoin conversion.
For the sake of it, we need to import bitcoin rates and create its instance as above separately.

from forex_python.bitcoin import BtcConverter
b = BtcConverter()
r1 = b.convert_to_btc(100, "USD") #converting 100 USD into bitcoins
r2 = b.convert_btc_to_cur(1, "USD") #converting 1 bitcoins into USD
print(r1, r2, end="\n")

r1 will give us the amount in specified currency into bitcoins whereas r2 will set the value of the specified amount of bitcoin into the specified currency.
Note: Don’t get confused, the name of the functions themselves suggest their works.


0.0029284254773098524  #amount in BTC = 100 USD
34161.4683             #amount in USD = 1 BTC

These are the functions that we’ll use in our code. forex_python also provides standard rates in all currencies provided one currency, symbols, abbreviations, etc.
For more information about it, read the documentation:

With the hope, that you are cleared over the central logic of our code, let’s get started with designing:
We will make this Currency Converter Desktop Application in Python a GUI, so obviously we’ll need GUI tools and for it here we are using tkinter. You can also use wxPython or PyQt, etc.
I am making this application a little bit eye-catchy, by adding background images, and a logo image as a conversion sign.

Basic Design of Currency Converter Desktop Application in Python

Basic Design of Currency Converter Desktop Application in Python
Basic Design of Currency Converter Desktop Application in Python

So, now you’ve got the idea of how we will design.
We will create two different frames, one for our main widgets, labels, and options menu providing options for selection of currency (including bitcoins), a label and entry for amount, a label for logo image to be placed between ‘FROM’ and ‘TO’ for a catchy look.

The other frame will contain a label displaying the result.

Between these two frames, there are four buttons:
CONVERT: For displaying the result.
CLEAR: To clear the AMOUNT and RESULT entries.
REFERENCE: This is a little different, as this button will show the full form of abbreviations used in the options menu for help/reference purposes. The most interesting thing about this is that we will redirect the user to another window that will display the full forms.
EXIT: To quit the application.

This is it!
Now less discussing, more coding:
Let’s start by creating the design:
Importing modules for designing:

from tkinter import *

from PIL import ImageTk, Image
import tkinter.font as font

As we’ve discussed we’ll add a background image. Here, I m using the ‘jpg’ image, and tkinter’s label widget doesn’t support ‘jpg’s hence, here we’re using PIL. tkinters’s font is also imported to change the font style.

root = Tk()
HEIGHT = 500
WIDTH = 500
FONT = font.Font(family ="Comic Sans MS", size ="9", weight ="bold")

canvas = Canvas(root, height = HEIGHT, width = WIDTH)

background_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage("FULL PATH.ext"))
background_label = Label(root, image = background_image) = 1, relheight =1)

frame = Frame(root, bg ="yellow", bd =5) = 0.5, rely = 0.1, relwidth = 0.80, relheight = 0.25, anchor = "n")

label_up = Label(frame) relwidth= 1 , relheight = 1)

lower_frame = Frame(root, bg ="yellow", bd =10) = 0.5, rely = 0.53, relwidth = 0.8, relheight = 0.25, anchor = "n")

label_down = Label(lower_frame, font = FONT, fg = "#001a4d", anchor = "nw", justify = "left", bd =4) relwidth=1, relheight = 1)


Here’s the basic structure with the background image.
Because of minsize and maxsize, the size of the window will be fixed which will avoid stretching of widgets while minimizing and maximizing.
We’ve used the ‘place’ method for placing. You can use a pack or grid.
Please make sure that you specify the FULL PATH of the image you’ll provide. (even if it is in the same directory). Before the path, I’ve used ‘r’ because as the program includes Unicode UTF-8, the ‘/’ character we’ll use in the path will know as an escape sequence. Hence, to avoid this, either use ‘//’ in the path in place of ‘/’ or use ‘r’ before the path.


Currency Converter Desktop Application in Python

Now, let’s add labels and buttons, also that tiny conversion image. For a list of options, we’ll use the OptionMenu widget.
Also, we’ll give commands to the buttons and write the functions next.

label1 = Label(frame, text = "FROM", font =FONT, bd =5, bg ="#d9138a", highlightbackground = "#d9138a", fg = "white") = 0.15, rely = 0.02,relwidth = 0.15, relheight =0.25)

label2 = Label(frame, text = "TO", font =FONT, bd =5, bg ="#d9138a", highlightbackground = "#d9138a", fg = "white") = 0.64,rely = 0.03,relwidth = 0.15, relheight =0.25)
#for OptionMenu
options = [
clicked1 = StringVar()
listbox1 = OptionMenu(frame,clicked1, *options)
listbox1.config(bg = "#fc034e", fg = "black", activeforeground = "#fc034e", activebackground = "black", font=FONT) = 0.07,rely = 0.3, relheight = 0.28, relwidth = 0.38)

clicked2 = StringVar()
listbox2 = OptionMenu(frame,clicked2, *options)
listbox2.config(bg = "#fc034e", fg = "black", activeforeground = "#fc034e", activebackground = "black", font=FONT) = 0.56,rely = 0.3, relheight = 0.28, relwidth = 0.38)

#for logo image between two options list
image = PhotoImage(file = r"FULL PATH.ext")
img_label = Label(frame, image = image) = 0.445, rely = 0.22)

label3 = Label(frame, text = "AMOUNT", font = FONT, bg = "#12a4d9", highlightbackground = "#12a4d9", fg = "white") = 0.26,rely = 0.7,relwidth = 0.2, relheight = 0.25)

entry = Entry(frame, font = FONT, fg = "#001a4d") = 0.54, rely = 0.7, relwidth=0.26, relheight = 0.25)

button1 = Button(root, text = "CONVERT", font = FONT, bg = "pink", fg = "black", activeforeground = "pink", activebackground = "black") = 0.16,rely = 0.4,relwidth = 0.15, relheight = 0.07)

button2 = Button(root, text = "CLEAR", font = FONT,  bg = "pink", fg = "black", activeforeground = "pink", activebackground = "black") = 0.35,rely = 0.4,relwidth = 0.13, relheight = 0.07)

button3 = Button(root, text = "REFERENCE", font = FONT,  bg = "pink", fg = "black", activeforeground = "pink", activebackground = "black") = 0.52, rely = 0.4, relwidth = 0.15, relheight = 0.07)

button4= Button(root, text = "EXIT", font = FONT,  bg = "pink", fg = "black", activeforeground = "pink", activebackground = "black") = 0.7, rely = 0.4, relwidth = 0.12, relheight = 0.07)


There’s not any rocket science we’ve used here.
Yes, clicked1 and clicked2 are the two variables we’ve created to get the value of currency the user will select. You can increase the number of options in the list. And used the get() function to get the value, the user is selecting.
Here, that image symbolizing conversion, in my case, was of ‘.png’ type and hence I’ve used PhtoImage() of tkinter and not as we’ve done earlier for ‘.jpg’ or ‘.jpeg’ extension. You can also use the same for ‘.png’ kind of.

Now, let’s add the commands to the buttons:
In this function, first, we’ll check if all entries (both option menus, and amount) are filled or not, and whether the amount entered by the user is valid or not. Any case of invalidity will raise an error shown by the MessageBox widget.
And as we’ve discussed earlier if the user selects, BTC (bitcoin), we’ll require another function for it.
CONVERT will take three arguments, two currency args selected, and the amount. As this is a clickable event, we will command it using the lambda function.

from tkinter import messagebox
from forex_python.converter import CurrencyRates
from forex_python.bitcoin import BtcConverter

def convert(c1,c2,amount):
        if amount == "":
            messagebox.showerror("Error", "Amount not specified")
        elif c1 == "Select" or c2 == "Select":
            messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Currency not selected")
                amount = float(amount)
                b = BtcConverter()
                c = CurrencyRates()
                if c1 == c2:
                    result = amount
                elif c1 == "BTC":
                    result = b.convert_btc_to_cur(amount, c2)
                elif c2 == "BTC":
                    result = b.convert_to_btc(amount, c1)
                    result = c.convert(c1, c2, int(amount))
                label_down["text"] = f"Conversion Result: {amount} {c2}\n{amount} {c1} = {result} {c2}"
            except ValueError:
                messagebox.showerror("Error", "Invalid amount")
    except Exception:
        messagebox.showerror("Error", "Something went wrong. Please try again")

button1["command"] =lambda:convert(clicked1.get(), clicked2.get(), entry.get())

You can also specify ‘command’ by the time declaring button, but, here, we’re seeing this in chunks of code, we’ve specified it separately.

If the user enters the amount as ‘6.78’ while converting to ‘int’ in conversion calculations, the python interpreter will treat ‘.’ as a special character and not a floating decimal. Hence, instead of converting it to ‘int’, we’ll choose ‘float’.

The CLEAR function will clear all the entries i.e. amount entry. Label result also needs to be clear if the user converts any currency and if he again wants to convert, the label must be clear.

def clear():
    label_down["text"] = ""

button2["command"] = clear

As we discussed earlier, this function is for giving info about currency abbreviations i.e. their full form.
We will show this info in the new window and also add the ‘BACK’ button to go back to the main window.
You can also show this to the result label.

def help():
    newwin = Tk()
    newcanvas = Canvas(newwin, height = 400, width = 300)
    newframe = Frame(newwin, bg ="yellow") = 1, relheight = 1)
    newlabel = Label(newframe, font = ("Comic Sans MS", 11, "bold"), fg ="#001a4d", anchor = "nw", justify = "left", bd =4) = 0.05, rely = 0.05,relwidth = 0.90, relheight = 0.90)
    newlabel["text"] = "Abbrevations:\nBTC - Bitcoin\nUSD - USD Dollar\nEUR - Euro\nJPY - Japnese Yen\nGBP - Pound Sterling\nAUD - Australian Dollar\nCAD - Canadian Dollar\nCHF - Swiss Frank\nINR - Indian Rupees\nRUB - Russian Rubble\nCNY - Chinese Yuan"
    newbutton = Button(newframe, text = "Back",font = ("Comic Sans MS", 11, "bold"),  bg = "pink", fg = "black", activeforeground = "pink", activebackground = "black", command = lambda:newwin.destroy()) = 0.76, rely = 0.82, relwidth = 0.14, relheight = 0.11)

button3["command"] = help


Currency Converter Desktop Application in Python

‘BACK’ button will use to destroy this new window.

4. EXIT:
The EXIT button will simply destroy the root window to end the program.

def exit():

button["command"] = exit

Now that we are done with all the code.
Let’s now see the complete output of the code with all the errors handled.
But first in case of confusion, here’s the whole code:

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
import tkinter.font as font
from forex_python.converter import CurrencyRates
from forex_python.bitcoin import BtcConverter

root = Tk()
HEIGHT = 500
WIDTH = 500
FONT = font.Font(family ="Comic Sans MS", size ="9", weight ="bold")

def clear():
    label_down["text"] = ""

def convert(c1,c2,amount):
        if amount == "":
            messagebox.showerror("Error", "Amount not specified")
        elif c1 == "Select" or c2 == "Select":
            messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Currency not selected")
                amount = float(amount)
                b = BtcConverter()
                c = CurrencyRates()
                if c1 == c2:
                    result = amount
                elif c1 == "BTC":
                    result = b.convert_btc_to_cur(amount, c2)
                elif c2 == "BTC":
                    result = b.convert_to_btc(amount, c1)
                    result = c.convert(c1, c2, int(amount))
                label_down["text"] = f"Conversion Result: {amount} {c2}\n{amount} {c1} = {result} {c2}"
            except ValueError:
                messagebox.showerror("Error", "Invalid amount")
    except Exception:
        messagebox.showerror("Error", "Something went wrong. Please try again")
def help():
    newwin = Tk()
    newcanvas = Canvas(newwin, height = 400, width = 300)
    newframe = Frame(newwin, bg ="yellow") = 1, relheight = 1)
    newlabel = Label(newframe, font = ("Comic Sans MS", 11, "bold"), fg ="#001a4d", anchor = "nw", justify = "left", bd =4) = 0.05, rely = 0.05,relwidth = 0.90, relheight = 0.90)
    newlabel["text"] = "Abbrevations:\nBTC - Bitcoin\nUSD - USD Dollar\nEUR - Euro\nJPY - Japnese Yen\nGBP - Pound Sterling\nAUD - Australian Dollar\nCAD - Canadian Dollar\nCHF - Swiss Frank\nINR - Indian Rupees\nRUB - Russian Rubble\nCNY - Chinese Yuan"
    newbutton = Button(newframe, text = "Back",font = ("Comic Sans MS", 11, "bold"),  bg = "pink", fg = "black", activeforeground = "pink", activebackground = "black", command = lambda:newwin.destroy()) = 0.76, rely = 0.82, relwidth = 0.14, relheight = 0.11)
def exit():

canvas = Canvas(root, height = HEIGHT, width = WIDTH)

background_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage("FULL PATH.ext"))
background_label = Label(root, image = background_image) = 1, relheight =1)

frame = Frame(root, bg ="yellow", bd =5) = 0.5, rely = 0.1, relwidth = 0.80, relheight = 0.25, anchor = "n")

label_up = Label(frame) relwidth= 1 , relheight = 1)

label1 = Label(frame, text = "FROM", font =FONT, bd =5, bg ="#d9138a", highlightbackground = "#d9138a", fg = "white") = 0.15, rely = 0.02,relwidth = 0.15, relheight =0.25)

options = [

clicked1 = StringVar()

listbox1 = OptionMenu(frame,clicked1, *options)
listbox1.config(bg = "#fc034e", fg = "black", activeforeground = "#fc034e", activebackground = "black", font=FONT) = 0.07,rely = 0.3, relheight = 0.28, relwidth = 0.38)

label2 = Label(frame, text = "TO", font =FONT, bd =5, bg ="#d9138a", highlightbackground = "#d9138a", fg = "white") = 0.64,rely = 0.03,relwidth = 0.15, relheight =0.25)

image = PhotoImage(file = r"FULL PATH.ext")
img_label = Label(frame, image = image) = 0.445, rely = 0.22)

clicked2 = StringVar()
listbox2 = OptionMenu(frame,clicked2, *options)
listbox2.config(bg = "#fc034e", fg = "black", activeforeground = "#fc034e", activebackground = "black", font=FONT) = 0.56,rely = 0.3, relheight = 0.28, relwidth = 0.38)

label3 = Label(frame, text = "AMOUNT", font = FONT, bg = "#12a4d9", highlightbackground = "#12a4d9", fg = "white") = 0.26,rely = 0.7,relwidth = 0.2, relheight = 0.25)

entry = Entry(frame, font = FONT, fg = "#001a4d") = 0.54, rely = 0.7, relwidth=0.26, relheight = 0.25)

button1 = Button(root, text = "CONVERT", font = FONT, bg = "pink", fg = "black", activeforeground = "pink", activebackground = "black", command = lambda:convert(clicked1.get(), clicked2.get(), entry.get())) = 0.16,rely = 0.4,relwidth = 0.15, relheight = 0.07)

button2 = Button(root, text = "CLEAR", font = FONT,  bg = "pink", fg = "black", activeforeground = "pink", activebackground = "black", command = clear) = 0.35,rely = 0.4,relwidth = 0.13, relheight = 0.07)

button3 = Button(root, text = "REFERENCE", font = FONT,  bg = "pink", fg = "black", activeforeground = "pink", activebackground = "black",  command = help) = 0.52, rely = 0.4, relwidth = 0.15, relheight = 0.07)

button4= Button(root, text = "EXIT", font = FONT,  bg = "pink", fg = "black", activeforeground = "pink", activebackground = "black",  command = exit) = 0.7, rely = 0.4, relwidth = 0.12, relheight = 0.07)

lower_frame = Frame(root, bg ="yellow", bd =10) = 0.5, rely = 0.53, relwidth = 0.8, relheight = 0.25, anchor = "n")

FONT = font.Font(family ="Comic Sans MS", size ="12", weight ="bold")
label_down = Label(lower_frame, font = FONT, fg = "#001a4d", anchor = "nw", justify = "left", bd =4) relwidth=1, relheight = 1)



This is how our CURRENCY CONVERTER works!
Now, this is a ‘.py’ file and we’re making an application, i.e. ‘.exe’, right?
As we discussed, Python provides logic to the idea! n there we go:

First, we need an icon for our application. This is completely optional. Here, for this project, we’re using icons so download the icon.
The recommendation is to download it in the same folder as our project is.

Icons are images with ‘.ico’ extension, so if you don’t have an icon or have trouble finding the same, take the desired image, and convert it into ‘.ico’ through online converters available.
You can use this one:

Convert ‘.py’ to ‘.exe’ :
Python has a module called ‘pyinstaller’ which can convert any python file to an application.
To install pyinstaller quickly go to the search bar and type Command Prompt, but make sure to open it with ‘RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR’ like here:

Now, check the box as ‘YES’ for permission. And type in the terminal:

pip install pefile

As it requires a profile package as a requirement given in the documentation:

pip install pyinstaller

It requires time to install. It may get a number of warnings, and even it will suggest to ‘UPGRADE THE PIP’. Then please upgrade the pip with:

python -m pip install -upgrade pip

In case of any troubles installing it, check for a solution here:

Now, if it’s installed it’s time to convert our code into the application.
We’ve to give commands in cmd like selecting OneFile or one directory, icon, console-based or window-based, clearing temporary files, additional data, displaying output, etc.
You can check for that commands in the documentation here:

Instead of it, we can actually use a GUI-based facility to create applications provided by the pyinstaller itself and it is ‘auto-py-to-exe’.
Now, we’re almost closed until the quick installation of auto-py-to-exe.

pip install auto-py-to-exe

Note: You don’t need to open cmd as ‘run as administrator’ from here.

As it is installed, to open it, type in the terminal :


Wait for a few seconds, until the application itself gets opened as below:

Currency Converter Desktop Application in Python One of the uses of Python is to create desktop-based applications, isn't it?Python supports thousands of modules and packages to crack any logic behind the idea! And here also Python is supporting our idea to create a Currency Converter Desktop Application in Python using the forex-python module.

Now, let’s first understand what it does:
auto-py-to-exe is simply a Graphical version of pyinstaller which can convert the ‘.py’ to ‘.exe’ file.
Script Location: Enter the path of the script i.e. full path of the ‘.py’ code of the project.
OneFile: Select between One Directory – including all the files with ‘.exe’ in a single folder OR One File – including all the files with ‘.exe’ into a single file.
The recommendation is obviously One File, as it includes all the files.
Console Window: Select between Console Based – the project will show console OR Window Based – project will hide the console window (mostly for GUI-based projects).
Here we’re creating a GUI project hence, the hiding window will be better.
Icon: The dropdown arrow shows to enter the path for the icon if want to add it.
Additional Files: If the project contains additional files, like here we’re having IMG files or files like excel, text, etc. It is necessary to mention its path along with the type of file in the side box as ‘.img’ or ‘.txt’, etc.
Advanced: It contains setting for different OS options.
Settings: It provides configuration options and also provides where to save the ‘.exe’ file. By default, it takes a path. Depending upon us, we can change it.

Current Command: This shows the actual command we’re giving indirectly by selecting the options above.
This Current Command can be typed in the terminal in the working directory to achieve the ‘.exe’ result.
For full details, read the auto-py-to-exe documentation here:

Now, let’s fill in the options. Before it makes sure that all the images, and icon (not compulsory) should be in the same folder as here:

Now fill in all the settings:
Script Location: py file (Full Path)
OneFile: One File (we want all things in one file)
Console Window: Window Based (Don’t want to show console)
Icon: .ico file (Full Path)
Additional Files: images file(Full Path with mentioned ‘.img’)

Output Directory: Full Path of the output directory.

Currency Converter Desktop Application in Python One of the uses of Python is to create desktop-based applications, isn't it?Python supports thousands of modules and packages to crack any logic behind the idea! And here also Python is supporting our idea to create a Currency Converter Desktop Application in Python using the forex-python module.

Click ‘CONVERT .PY TO .EXE‘ button.
This requires a few minutes to complete. You will see this kind of interface :

Now after its completion, you will see the info in the display:

Moving project and Complete.
So Now you can see your output folder or you can click the button ‘OPEN OUTPUT FOLDER‘ to open the exe file.

And here we go!!
Our Application is ready.
Let’s test the application:

And now we’re done here!

NOTE: If it displays an error message of ‘Unable to Load Scripts’, please pay attention, as we’ve discussed earlier, to include the full path of images in the code.

You can try your other Python projects too to convert them into desktop applications! Thank You!

Also Read:


Author: Ayush Purawr