In this article, we will develop a Brick Breaker game in Python. We will use Pygame to develop this Brick Breaker game. Pygame is a set of Python modules used for writing video games. It includes computer graphics and sound libraries designed to be used with Python to develop games. Let’s get started!
Code for Brick Breaker Game in Python
Create a Python file and save it as brickbreaker.py and paste the following code into it. Save the file and run it.
import pygame #Start the game pygame.init() size = (600, 600) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) pygame.display.set_caption("Brick Breaker Game") floor = pygame.Rect(100, 550, 200, 10) ball = pygame.Rect(50, 250, 10, 10) score = 0 move = [1, 1] continueGame = True GREEN = (28, 252, 106) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BLACK = (0,0,0) PINK = (252, 3, 152) ORANGE= (252, 170, 28) RED = (255, 0, 0) # bricks b1 = [pygame.Rect(1 + i * 100, 60, 98, 38) for i in range(6)] b2 = [pygame.Rect(1 + i * 100, 100, 98, 38) for i in range(6)] b3 = [pygame.Rect(1 + i * 100, 140, 98, 38) for i in range(6)] # Draw bricks on screen def draw_brick(bricks): for i in bricks: pygame.draw.rect(screen, ORANGE, i) while continueGame: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: continueGame = False screen.fill(BLACK) pygame.draw.rect(screen, PINK, floor) font = pygame.font.Font(None, 34) text = font.render("CURRENT SCORE: " + str(score), 1, WHITE) screen.blit(text, (180, 10)) # floor move if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: if floor.x < 540: floor.x = floor.x + 3 if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: if floor.x > 0: floor.x = floor.x - 3 # Bricks draw_brick(b1) draw_brick(b2) draw_brick(b3) # Ball ball.x = ball.x + move[0] ball.y = ball.y + move[1] if ball.x > 590 or ball.x < 0: move[0] = -move[0] if ball.y <= 3: move[1] = -move[1] if floor.collidepoint(ball.x, ball.y): move[1] = -move[1] if ball.y >= 590: font = pygame.font.Font(None, 74) text = font.render("Game Over!", 1, RED) screen.blit(text, (150, 300)) font = pygame.font.Font(None, 50) text = font.render("YOUR FINAL SCORE: " + str(score), 1, GREEN) screen.blit(text, (100, 350)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.wait(5000) break; pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, ball) for i in b1: if i.collidepoint(ball.x, ball.y): b1.remove(i) move[0] = -move[0] move[1] = -move[1] score = score + 1 for i in b2: if i.collidepoint(ball.x, ball.y): b2.remove(i) move[0] = -move[0] move[1] = -move[1] score = score + 1 for i in b3: if i.collidepoint(ball.x, ball.y): b3.remove(i) move[0] = -move[0] move[1] = -move[1] score = score + 1 if score == 18: font = pygame.font.Font(None, 74) text = font.render("YOU WON THE GAME", 1, GREEN) screen.blit(text, (150, 350)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.wait(3000) break; pygame.time.wait(1) pygame.display.flip() #End the game pygame.quit()
Output for Brick Breaker Game in Python:
Image output:

Video output:
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