Today, we will make Stickman Game in Python. Stickman is a video game in which the player controls a stickman character and the stickman must be navigated to the exit. The character needs to jump to get on the platform and try not to fall down in order to get to the exit door and win the game. It is a fun game to build and play as it is simple but slightly challenging. We have used the Tkinter library to build the GUI for the game. Let’s start!
- The player will be able to move the character left, and right by pressing the left and right arrow buttons.
- The character can jump by pressing the space bar button
Complete Code for Stickman Game in Python
Download all the images for the Stickman Game in Python from here. Create a folder for the project, add all the images in it, and create a python file with the name stickmangame.py. Now copy and paste the below lines of code into the file to run the project.
from tkinter import * import random import time class Game: def __init__(self): self.tk = Tk() self.tk.title("Stick Man Races for the Exit") self.tk.resizable(0,0) self.tk.wm_attributes("-topmost", 1) self.canvas = Canvas(self.tk, width=500, height=500, highlightthickness=0) self.canvas.pack() self.tk.update() self.canvas_height = 500 self.canvas_width = 500 self.bg = PhotoImage(file="background.png") self.bg2 = PhotoImage(file="background2.png") self.alternate = True w = self.bg.width() h = self.bg.height() for x in range(0, 5): for y in range (0, 5): if self.alternate == True: self.canvas.create_image(x * w, y * h, image=self.bg, anchor='nw') self.alternate = False else: self.canvas.create_image(x * w, y * h, image=self.bg2, anchor='nw') self.alternate = True self.sprites = [] self.running = True def mainloop(self): while 1: if self.running == True: for sprite in self.sprites: sprite.move() self.tk.update_idletasks() self.tk.update() time.sleep(0.01) class Coords: def __init__(self, x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0): self.x1 = x1 self.y1 = y1 self.x2 = x2 self.y2 = y2 def within_x(co1, co2): if (co1.x1 > co2.x1 and co1.x1 < co2.x2) \ or (co1.x2 > co2.x1 and co1.x2 < co2.x2) \ or (co2.x1 > co1.x1 and co2.x1 < co1.x2) \ or (co2.x2 > co1.x1 and co2.x2 < co1.x2): return True else: return False def within_y(co1, co2): if (co1.y1 > co2.y1 and co1.y1 < co2.y2) \ or (co1.y2 > co2.y1 and co1.y2 < co2.y2) \ or (co2.y1 > co1.y1 and co2.y1 < co1.y2) \ or (co2.y2 > co1.y1 and co2.y2 < co1.y2): return True else: return False def collided_left(co1, co2): if within_y(co1, co2): if co1.x1 <= co2.x2 and co1.x1 >= co2.x1: return True return False def collided_right(co1, co2): if within_y(co1, co2): if co1.x2 >= co2.x1 and co1.x2 <= co2.x2: return True return False def collided_top(co1, co2): if within_x(co1, co2): if co1.y1 <= co2.y2 and co1.y1 >= co2.y1: return True return False def collided_bottom(y, co1, co2): if within_x(co1, co2): y_calc = co1.y2 + y if y_calc >= co2.y1 and y_calc <= co2.y2: return True return False class Sprite: def __init__(self, game): self.game = game self.endgame = False self.coordinates = None def move(self): pass def coords(self): return self.coordinates class PlatformSprite(Sprite): def __init__(self, game, photo_image, x, y, width, height): Sprite.__init__(self, game) self.photo_image = photo_image self.image = game.canvas.create_image(x, y, \ image=self.photo_image, anchor='nw') self.coordinates = Coords(x, y, x + width, y + height) class DoorSprite(Sprite): def __init__(self, game, photo_image, x, y, width, height): Sprite.__init__(self, game) self.photo_image = photo_image self.image = game.canvas.create_image(x, y, \ image=self.photo_image, anchor='nw') self.coordinates = Coords(x, y, x + (width / 2), y + height) self.endgame = True class StickFigureSprite(Sprite): def __init__(self, game): Sprite.__init__(self, game) self.images_left = [ PhotoImage(file="figure-L1.gif"), PhotoImage(file="figure-L2.gif"), PhotoImage(file="figure-L3.gif") ] self.images_right = [ PhotoImage(file="figure-R1.gif"), PhotoImage(file="figure-R2.gif"), PhotoImage(file="figure-R3.gif") ] self.image = game.canvas.create_image(200, 470, \ image=self.images_left[0], anchor='nw') self.x = -2 self.y = 0 self.current_image = 0 self.current_image_add = 1 self.jump_count = 0 self.last_time = time.time() self.coordinates = Coords() game.canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-Left>', self.turn_left) game.canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-Right>', self.turn_right) game.canvas.bind_all('<space>', self.jump) def turn_left(self, evt): if self.y == 0: self.x = -2 def turn_right(self, evt): if self.y == 0: self.x = 2 # remember that y coord. 0 is at top of screen, so neg. #s move sprite down def jump(self, evt): if self.y == 0: self.y = -4 self.jump_count = 0 def animate(self): # if moving right or left, set last time and current image index position if self.x != 0 and self.y == 0: if time.time() - self.last_time > 0.1: self.last_time = time.time() self.current_image += self.current_image_add # go down image index if at last image if self.current_image >= 2: self.current_image_add = -1 # go up image index if at first image if self.current_image <= 0: self.current_image_add = 1 # if going left if self.x < 0: # if jumping, use left striding image if self.y != 0: self.game.canvas.itemconfig(self.image, \ image=self.images_left[2]) # otherwise display current left image in the index sequence else: self.game.canvas.itemconfig(self.image, \ image=self.images_left[self.current_image]) # if going right if self.x > 0: # if jumping, use right striding image if self.y != 0: self.game.canvas.itemconfig(self.image, \ image=self.images_right[2]) # otherwise display current right image in the index sequence else: self.game.canvas.itemconfig(self.image, \ image=self.images_right[self.current_image]) def coords(self): xy = self.game.canvas.coords(self.image) self.coordinates.x1 = xy[0] self.coordinates.y1 = xy[1] self.coordinates.x2 = xy[0] + 27 self.coordinates.y2 = xy[1] + 30 return self.coordinates def move(self): self.animate() # stick figure is jumping because -y means moving up screen (zero at top) if self.y < 0: # keep track of how many up movements self.jump_count += 1 if self.jump_count > 20: # start falling after 20 up movements self.y = 4 # stick figure is falling because +y means moving down screen (500 at bottom) if self.y > 0: # keep track of how many down movements self.jump_count -= 1 co = self.coords() left = True right = True top = True bottom = True falling = True # check if touching bottom if self.y > 0 and co.y2 >= self.game.canvas_height: self.y = 0 bottom = False elif self.y < 0 and co.y1 <= 0: self.y = 0 top = False if self.x > 0 and co.x2 >= self.game.canvas_width: self.x = 0 right = False elif self.x < 0 and co.x1 <= 0: self.x = 0 left = False for sprite in self.game.sprites: if sprite == self: continue sprite_co = sprite.coords() if top and self.y < 0 and collided_top(co, sprite_co): self.y = -self.y top = False if bottom and self.y > 0 and collided_bottom(self.y, co, sprite_co): self.y = sprite_co.y1 - co.y2 if self.y < 0: self.y = 0 bottom = False top = False if bottom and falling and self.y == 0 and co.y2 < self.game.canvas_height and collided_bottom(1, co, sprite_co): falling = False if left and self.x < 0 and collided_left(co, sprite_co): self.x = 0 left = False if sprite.endgame: self.end(sprite) if right and self.x > 0 and collided_right(co, sprite_co): self.x = 0 right = False if sprite.endgame: self.end(sprite) if falling and bottom and self.y == 0 \ and co.y2 < self.game.canvas_height: self.y = 4 self.game.canvas.move(self.image, self.x, self.y) g = Game() # Define platform images/positions for game platform1 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform1.gif"), \ 0, 480, 100, 10) platform2 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform1.gif"), \ 150, 440, 100, 10) platform3 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform1.gif"), \ 300, 400, 100, 10) platform4 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform1.gif"), \ 300, 160, 100, 10) platform5 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform1.gif"), \ 175, 350, 66, 10) platform6 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform2.gif"), \ 50, 300, 66, 10) platform7 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform2.gif"), \ 170, 120, 66, 10) platform8 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform2.gif"), \ 45, 60, 66, 10) platform9 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform2.gif"), \ 170, 250, 32, 10) platform10 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform3.gif"), \ 230, 200, 32, 10) g.sprites.append(platform1) g.sprites.append(platform2) g.sprites.append(platform3) g.sprites.append(platform4) g.sprites.append(platform5) g.sprites.append(platform6) g.sprites.append(platform7) g.sprites.append(platform8) g.sprites.append(platform9) g.sprites.append(platform10) # Define door image/position for game door = DoorSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="door1.gif"), 45, 30, 40, 35) g.sprites.append(door) # Define stick figure sprite sf = StickFigureSprite(g) g.sprites.append(sf) # Run game g.mainloop()
Output for Stickman Game in Python
Image Output:

Video Output:
In this article, we have created a simple Stickman game in python with the help of the Tkinter library. You can try to make the game more interesting and challenging by adding obstacles on the way or decreasing the health of the Stickman Game in Python whenever it falls down on the ground. Hope this article will help you.
Thank you for visiting us.
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