Ludo Game in Python

Ludo Game in Python

Today we are back with one another fantastic article on game development articles in Python. In this article, we will talk about and learn about Ludo Game in Python. We will provide you with the complete source code along with a brief explanation of each function, method, or class that we use to develop this program.

Well, talking about the game, each and every person might have played this Ludo game in their life. Just imagine, nowadays, if you want to play this game then you need to install an application for it. Now, what if today we develop our own Ludo Game in Python with source code? So that whenever you want to play, you just need to open the GUI and simply start the game. So let us begin with the development of the Ludo Game in Python.

Basic Idea

In this game, basically, there will be 4 players. Each player will have to choose their color and play along till the end. Each player will get a chance to roll the dice and on getting 6 dice the player will take his or her token out of the house. Each player will have to his/her all four tokens to the destination which on the center of the playing board of the Ludo Game in Python. The winner will be the player who manages to take all his or her tokens to the destination in the first place.


Before starting with the actual coding for the game let us take a look at all the basic features that we will add to this game and then we will move on to the coding part.

  • A list of rules
  • A dedicated window for users to add their name as per the color
  • Instruction panel to inform the user about whose turn it is
  • A display of numbers on dice

Complete Code for the Ludo game in Python

We have divided our code into three different files. This is done in order to handle many variables in a proper manner.

#basic library imports
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.messagebox
from time import sleep
from random import choice
from PIL import ImageTk, Image

from settings import *
from board import *

class Coin:

    def __init__(self, master, x, y, color, path_list, flag):
        self.canvas = master
        self.curr_x = x
        self.curr_y = y
        self.home_x = x
        self.home_y = y
        self.color = color
        self.curr_index = -1
        #A picture that works with Tkinter. Anywhere that Tkinter expects an image object can use this. 
        #When an image is an RGBA picture, pixels with an alpha value of 0 are considered translucent.
        self.coin = ImageTk.PhotoImage('./assets/{}.png'.format(color)))
        self.img =  self.canvas.create_image(x, y, anchor=tk.NW, image=self.coin)
        self.canvas.tag_bind(self.img, '<1>', self.moveCoin)
        self.disable = True
        self.path_list = path_list
        self.flag = flag = 0
        self.pad_x = 0
    #this function is responsible for handling the movement of tokens of each player
    def moveCoin(self, event):

        if self.disable:
        #this conditional will handle the rollinf of dice
        roll = Dice.roll
        if len(roll) == 0:
        if roll[-1] == 6:
            tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Error', 'You got 6, Please Roll Again')

        if len(roll) != 0 :
            n = len(self.path_list)
            max_moves = n - self.curr_index - 1
            if max_moves < roll[0]:
        #this is to handle the movement of tokens in Ludo Game in Python
        check = (False, 0, 0)
        congrats = False
        if self.is_at_home():
            #this conditional is for the number 6 on dice.
            if 6 in roll:
                check = self.can_attack(0)
                self.canvas.coords(self.img, self.path_list[0][0] + 4 + self.pad_x, self.path_list[0][1] + 4)
                self.curr_x = self.path_list[0][0]
                self.curr_y = self.path_list[0][1]
                self.curr_index = 0
        #this elif block will check if the token is able to attack on any other token or not
            check = self.can_attack(self.curr_index + roll[0])
            for i in range(roll[0] - 1):
                self.curr_index += 1
                self.canvas.coords(self.img, self.path_list[self.curr_index][0] + 4, self.path_list[self.curr_index][1] + 4)
                self.curr_x = self.path_list[self.curr_index][0]
                self.curr_y = self.path_list[self.curr_index][1]

            self.curr_index += 1
            self.canvas.coords(self.img, self.path_list[self.curr_index][0] + 4 + self.pad_x, self.path_list[self.curr_index][1] + 4)
            self.curr_x = self.path_list[self.curr_index][0]
            self.curr_y = self.path_list[self.curr_index][1]
            if check[0]:

            if self.curr_index == len(self.path_list) - 1:
       = 1
                tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('INFO','!! Congratulations !!\nPlease Roll Dice Again')
                congrats = self.congratulations()
             #now that if a user is able to kill a token , then another chance will be given to the players
            if check[0]:
                tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('INFO','You killed another coin! Now you get another chance.\nPlease Roll Dice Again')
                congrats = self.congratulations()

        if self.is_player_won():
            tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('INFO','{} Wins'.format(self.color.title()))
            Dice.roll = []

        if self.is_gameover():
        if not check[0] and not congrats:
            if len(Dice.roll):
    def congratulations(self):
        Dice.set(self.flag - 1)

        return True

    def change_state(self, flag):
        if flag == self.flag:
            self.disable = False
            self.disable = True
    #this is to check if the token is at home or not
    def is_at_home(self):
        return self.curr_x == self.home_x and self.curr_y == self.home_y

    def check_home(self):
        count = 0
        for goti in colors[self.flag]:
            if goti.is_at_home():
                count += 1

        return count
    #this is to check the status of player, whether he/she is a winnner or Not
    #this is done by using the conditionals 
    #here we will update the variable by 1 whenever the user's token reaches home
    #hen it is 4 the player will be declared as the winner of Ludo Game in Python
    def is_player_won(self):
        reached = 0
        for goti in colors[self.flag]:
                reached += 1

        return reached is 4
    #this is to check whether the Ludo Game in Python is over or not
    def is_gameover(self):
        color_reached = 0

        for i in range(4):
            game = 0
            for color in colors[i]:
                    game += 1
            if game is 4:
                color_reached += 1

        if color_reached is 3:
            tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('Game Over', '\n\n1. {}\n\n2. {}\n\n3. {}'.format(*position))
            return False
        return True
    #this below code will check whether the player will be able to attack other token or not
    def can_attack(self, idx):
        max_pad = 0
        count_a = 0
        x = self.path_list[idx][0]
        y = self.path_list[idx][1]
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(4):
                if colors[i][j].curr_x == x and colors[i][j].curr_y == y:
                        if colors[i][j].pad_x > max_pad:
                            max_pad = colors[i][j].pad_x
                        count_a += 1

        if not self.path_list[idx][2]:
            for i in range(4):
                count = 0
                jdx = 0
                for j in range(4):
                    if (colors[i][j].curr_x == x and colors[i][j].curr_y == y 
                        and colors[i][j].color != self.color):
                        count += 1
                        jdx = j
                if count is not 0 and count is not 2:
                    self.pad_x = max_pad + 4
                    return (True, i, jdx)

        if count_a is not 0:
            self.pad_x = max_pad + 4
            self.pad_x = 0
        return (False, 0, 0)
    #will handle the event when user will go to home
    def goto_home(self):
        self.canvas.coords(self.img, self.home_x, self.home_y)
        self.curr_x = self.home_x
        self.curr_y = self.home_y
        self.curr_index = -1
    #will be used to handle the next turn event 
    def next_turn(self):
        if len(Dice.roll) == 0:
    #will be used to set the player's name
    def set_playername(self, player):
        self.player = player

#this is to handle the outcomes of the dice
class Dice:

    chance = 0
    roll = []
    append_state = False

    def rolling(cls):
        temp = choice(range(1, 9))
        if temp > 6:
            temp = 6

        if len(cls.roll) == 0 or cls.roll[-1] == 6 or cls.append_state:
            cls.append_state = False
        #here we made a tuple of 6 images of dice and any one will be selected in a random manner
        dice = {
            1: 'de1.png',
            2: 'de2.png',
            3: 'de3.png',
            4: 'de4.png',
            5: 'de5.png',
            6: 'de6.png',
        }.get(cls.roll[-1], None)

        img = ImageTk.PhotoImage('./assets/{}'.format(dice)))
        image_label = tk.Label(ludo.get_frame(), width=100, height=100, image=img, bg=Color.CYAN)
        image_label.image = img, y=300)

        roll_label = tk.Label(ludo.get_frame(), text='{}'.format(' | '.join([str(x) for x in cls.roll])),
                                 font=(None, 20), width=30, height=3, borderwidth=3, relief=tk.RAISED), y=200)

    def start(cls):
        if cls.roll.count(6) >= 3:
            if [cls.roll[-1], cls.roll[-2], cls.roll[-3]] == [6, 6, 6]:
                for i in range(3):

            if cls.roll == []:

    def update_panel(cls):
        cls.roll = []

    def set(cls, flag):
        flag += 1
        cls.chance = flag
        if flag == 4:
            cls.chance = flag = 0
        if colors[cls.chance][0].is_player_won():
            for i in range(4):
                for j in range(4):

            next_label = tk.Label(ludo.get_frame(), text='{} turn'.format(turn[flag]), font=(None, 20), width=30, height=3,
                            borderwidth=3, relief=tk.SUNKEN)
  , y=100)

            roll_label = tk.Label(ludo.get_frame(), text='ROLL PLEASE', font=(None, 20), width=30, height=3, borderwidth=3, relief=tk.RAISED)
  , y=200)

            img = ImageTk.PhotoImage('./assets/trans.png'))
            image_label = tk.Label(ludo.get_frame(), width=100, height=100, image=img, bg=Color.CYAN)
            image_label.image = img
  , y=300)

    def remove(cls):

    def remove_by_index(cls, ex):
        del cls.roll[cls.roll.index(ex)]

    def update_state(cls):
        cls.append_state = True

    def check_move_possibility(cls):
        check_1 = 0
        check_2 = 0
        for goti in colors[cls.chance]:
            if goti.is_at_home():
                check_1 += 1
                max_moves = len(goti.path_list) - goti.curr_index - 1
                if max_moves < cls.roll[0]:
                    check_2 += 1

        if 6 not in cls.roll:
            if check_1 is 4 or check_1 + check_2 is 4:
            if check_2 is 4:

def align(x, y, color, path_list, flag):
    container = []
    for i in range(2):
        test = Coin(ludo.get_canvas(), x, y + i*2*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, color=color, path_list=path_list, flag=flag)
    for i in range(2):
        test = Coin(ludo.get_canvas(), x + 2*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, y + i*2*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, color=color, path_list=path_list, flag=flag)

    return container

#the functionality to begin the game is handled here
def startgame():
    for i in range(4):
        if players[i].get():
            turn[i] = players[i].get()
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):

    start_label = tk.Label(ludo.get_frame(), text='! START ! Let\'s Begin with {}'.format(turn[0]), font=(None, 20),
                         width=30, height=3, borderwidth=3, relief=tk.SUNKEN), y=100)
#this is to create the second window in our Ludo Game in Python.
#to add the functionality and design to our nickname window we used the label() function
def create_enterpage():
    #in order to set the font, width, height etc we used the varios parameters of label()
    enter_label = tk.Label(top, text='Enter Your Nickname!', font=(None, 20), width=30, height=3,
                            borderwidth=3, relief=tk.RAISED), y=20)

    enter_button = tk.Button(top, text='Enter', command=startgame, width=15, height=2), y=500)

    for i in range(2):
        temp = tk.Entry(top, width=15), y=220 + i*180)

    for i in range(2):
        temp = tk.Entry(top, width=15), y=400 - i*180)

    global greenimg, redimg, blueimg, yellowimg
    #this is the code to render the four different images of our dice
    greenimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage('./assets/green2.png'))
    green_label = tk.Label(top, image=greenimg)
    #in order to set the postion of various token on nickname window we used x and y, y=130)

    redimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage('./assets/red2.png'))
    red_label = tk.Label(top, image=redimg), y=310)

    blueimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage('./assets/blue2.png'))
    blue_label = tk.Label(top, image=blueimg), y=310)

    yellowimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage('./assets/yellow2.png'))
    yellow_label = tk.Label(top, image=yellowimg), y=130)

#now to handle the closing of the game, we have used the destroy() functionality
#this will basically destroy all the widgets in Ludo Game in Python
def on_closing():
    if tkinter.messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit the game? If you want to continue the game, press Enter in the Nickname window"):

def on_closingroot():
    if tkinter.messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit the game?"):

#this is where the set up of tkinter window is handled
players = []
root = tk.Tk()
width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
height = root.winfo_screenheight()
root.geometry('{}x{}'.format(width, height))

ludo = LudoBoard(root)

turn = ['Green', 'Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow']
position = []
colors = []
colors.append(align(2.1*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, 2.1*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, color='green', path_list=path.green_path, flag=0))
colors.append(align(2.1*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, 11.1*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, color='red', path_list=path.red_path, flag=1))
colors.append(align(11.1*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, 11.1*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, color='blue', path_list=path.blue_path, flag=2))
colors.append(align(11.1*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, 2.1*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, color='yellow', path_list=path.yellow_path, flag=3))

for i in range(4):
    for j in range(4):

button = tk.Button(ludo.get_frame(), text='ROLL', command=Dice.start, width=20, height=2), y=470)

#this is the message that will be displayed whenever the user will start the game
welcome_msg = ''' Welcome Champs let's get into the game of LUDO :-) \n
        Rules of the game:
- The players roll a six-sided die in turns and can advance any of their coins on the track by the number of steps as displayed by the dice.\n
- Once you get a six in a dice throw, you have to roll the dice again, and must use all scores while making the final selection of what coins to move where.\n
- If you get a six three times in a row, your throws are reset and you will lose that chance.\n
- The coin can advance in the home run only if it reaches exactly inside the home pocket, or moves closer to it through the home run. 
For example, if the coin is four squares away from the home pocket and the player rolls a five, he must apply the throw to some other coin. \
However, if you roll a two, you can advance the coin by two squares and then it rests there until the next move.\n 
    Enjoy the game and have fun.
        # Best of luck #
#we used the Tkinter's messagebox.showinfo() function to render the message stored in the above variable
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('Welcome', welcome_msg)

#once the rules window is displayed, a new window to set the names of the player will be opened
top = tk.Toplevel(root)
top.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing)
root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closingroot)

This file will handle the variables for various color schemes that are used in Ludo Game in Python and also top handle the board patterns, size, and movement of tokens

#this is the class that have all the colors that we are going to use in Ludo Game in Python
class Color:

    GREEN = '#0CED2C'
    RED = '#F71313'
    YELLOW = '#FFFF00'
    BLUE = '#3575EC'
    DEFAULT = '#E9E9E9'
    CYAN = '#4EB1BA'
    GRAY = '#A9A9A9'

#a dedicated class to handle all the mesaurements of the playing baord of Ludo Game in Python
class Board:

    SQUARE_SIZE = 40
    PANEL_WIDTH = 600
    PANEL_HEIGHT = 640
    BOARD_WIDTH = 640
    BOARD_HEIGHT = 600
    POINTS = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]
    POSITIVE_V = [(6, 2), (8, 1), (6, 13), (8, 12)]
    POSITIVE_H = [(1, 6), (2, 8), (13, 8), (12, 6)]

class Text:

    MADE_BY = 'CopyAssignment'
    HEADER =  'LUDO - CopyAssignment'

#this will handle the path for four different tokens
class Path:

    def __init__(self):

        self.green_path = []
        self.red_path = []
        self.blue_path = []
        self.yellow_path = []
        self.gx = None = None 
        self.ry = None = None
        self.count = None

    def update_coordinates(self, gx, gy, ry, by, count):

        self.gx = gx = gy
        self.ry = ry = by
        self.count = count
    #the movemet of each token is handle by the below function
    #for this purpose we made use of corodinates
    def start_populating(self):

        self.update_coordinates(60, 260, 540, 340, 5), direction='right')
        self.update_coordinates(260, 220, 340, 380, 5), direction='up')
        self.update_coordinates(260, 20, 340, 580, 3)'right') 
        self.update_coordinates(340, 60, 260, 540, 5), direction='down')
        self.update_coordinates(380, 260, 220, 340, 5), direction='right')
        self.update_coordinates(580, 260, 20, 340, 3)'down')
        self.update_coordinates(540, 340, 60, 260, 5), direction='left')
        self.update_coordinates(340, 380, 260, 220, 5), direction='down')
        self.update_coordinates(340, 580, 260, 20, 3)'left')
        self.update_coordinates(260, 540, 340, 60, 5), direction='up')
        self.update_coordinates(220, 340, 380, 260, 6), direction='left')
        self.update_coordinates(20, 300, 580, 300, 7)'right')
    #the horizontal movement is handled by the below function
    def direct_horizontal(self, k, pow_index = -1):

        for i in range(self.count):
            if i == pow_index:
                p = 1
                p = 0
            self.green_path.append((self.gx  +  k*i*Board.SQUARE_SIZE,, p))
            self.red_path.append((, self.ry  -  k*i*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, p))
            self.blue_path.append((self.ry - k*i*Board.SQUARE_SIZE,, p))
            self.yellow_path.append((, self.gx + k*i*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, p))
    #this is for vertical movement
    def direct_vertical(self, k, pow_index = -1):

        for i in range(self.count):
            if i == pow_index:
                p = 1
                p = 0
            self.green_path.append((self.gx, - k*i*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, p))
            self.red_path.append(( - k*i*Board.SQUARE_SIZE,self.ry, p))
            self.blue_path.append((self.ry, + k*i*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, p))
            self.yellow_path.append(( + k*i*Board.SQUARE_SIZE, self.gx, p))

    def direct(self, direction, pow_index = -1):
        if direction=='right':
            self.direct_horizontal(1, pow_index=pow_index)
        elif direction=='left':
            self.direct_horizontal(-1, pow_index=pow_index)
        elif direction=='down':
            self.direct_vertical(-1, pow_index=pow_index)
            self.direct_vertical(1, pow_index=pow_index)

path = Path()
#this will call the start_populating and thus the game will be able to handle the movements of tokens

This file is added in order to handle the overall logic of the board in the Ludo Game in Python.

import tkinter as tk
from random import randrange
from tkinter import font

from settings import *

class LudoBoard:

    def __init__(self, master):
        self.canvas = tk.Canvas(master, width=Board.BOARD_WIDTH, height=Board.BOARD_HEIGHT)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(master, width=Board.PANEL_WIDTH, height=Board.PANEL_HEIGHT, bg=Color.CYAN)
        self.Quit = tk.Button(master, text='QUIT', command=master.quit, relief=tk.RAISED, width=20, height=2)
        self.title_bar = tk.Label(master, text=Text.HEADER, fg=Color.DEFAULT, bg=Color.CYAN, font=(None, 40), relief=tk.RAISED)
        self.status_bar = tk.Label(master, text=Text.MADE_BY, bd=1, relief=tk.SUNKEN)
    #whenevr the ludo class will be called, all the functions in it will be called
    #he below is the one to draw the rectangles on board
    def draw_rectangle(self, lx, ly, bx, by, color, width):
            lx * Board.SQUARE_SIZE,
            ly * Board.SQUARE_SIZE,
            bx * Board.SQUARE_SIZE,
            by * Board.SQUARE_SIZE,
            width = width

    def draw_polygon(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, width):
            x1 * Board.SQUARE_SIZE,
            y1 * Board.SQUARE_SIZE,
            Board.BOARD_WIDTH // 2,
            Board.BOARD_HEIGHT // 2,
            x2 * Board.SQUARE_SIZE,
            y2 * Board.SQUARE_SIZE,
    #the four circle shaped tokens 
    def draw_circle(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, color):
            x1 * Board.SQUARE_SIZE,
            y1 * Board.SQUARE_SIZE,
            x2 * Board.SQUARE_SIZE,
            y2 * Board.SQUARE_SIZE,

    def path(self):, y=80)
    #this is to set the position of paths for 4 tokens namely red, yellow, green and blue
        for i in range(6, 9):
            for j in range(15):
                if (j not in range(6, 9) and 
                    i != 7 or j == 0 or j == 14
                    self.draw_rectangle(i + 0.5, j + 0.5, i + 1.5, j + 1.5, '', 1)
                    self.draw_rectangle(j + 0.5, i + 0.5, j + 1.5, i + 1.5, '', 1)
                    if j < 6:
                        self.draw_rectangle(i + 0.5, j + 0.5, i + 1.5, j + 1.5, Color.YELLOW, 1)
                        self.draw_rectangle(j + 0.5, i + 0.5, j + 1.5, i + 1.5, Color.GREEN, 1)
                    elif j > 8:
                        self.draw_rectangle(i + 0.5, j + 0.5, i + 1.5, j + 1.5, Color.RED, 1)
                        self.draw_rectangle(j + 0.5, i + 0.5, j + 1.5, i + 1.5, Color.BLUE, 1)

        for i, j in Board.POSITIVE_V:
            if i > j:
                self.draw_rectangle(i + 0.5, j + 0.5, i + 1.5, j + 1.5, Color.YELLOW, 1)
                self.draw_rectangle(i + 0.5, j + 0.5, i + 1.5, j + 1.5, Color.RED, 1)
            self.draw_circle(i + 0.7, j + 0.7, i + 1.3, j + 1.3, Color.GRAY)
        for j, i in Board.POSITIVE_H:
            if i > j:
                self.draw_rectangle(j + 0.5, i + 0.5, j + 1.5, i + 1.5, Color.GREEN, 1)
                self.draw_rectangle(j + 0.5, i + 0.5, j + 1.5, i + 1.5, Color.BLUE, 1)
            self.draw_circle(j + 0.7, i + 0.7, j + 1.3, i + 1.3, Color.GRAY)
    #this function will handle the desgin of home 
    def home(self):

        for i, j in Board.POINTS:
            #this is the rectangle that we drew using the function draw_rectangle()
            #we made four different rectangles for 4 tokens
            if i == 0 and j == 0:
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 0.5, j*9 + 0.5, i*9 + 6.5, j*9 + 6.5, Color.GREEN, 3)
            elif i == 0 and j == 1:
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 0.5, j*9 + 0.5, i*9 + 6.5, j*9 + 6.5, Color.RED, 3)
            elif i == 1 and j == 0:
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 0.5, j*9 + 0.5, i*9 + 6.5, j*9 + 6.5, Color.YELLOW, 3)
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 0.5, j*9 + 0.5, i*9 + 6.5, j*9 + 6.5, Color.BLUE, 3)
            self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 1.25, j*9 + 1.25, i*9 + 5.75, j*9 + 5.75, Color.DEFAULT, 0)
        #this is to set the postion of each rectangle that we made for home   
        for i, j in Board.POINTS:
            #for placement of green rectangle
            if i == 0 and j == 0:
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 1.65, j*9 + 1.65, i*9 + 3.3, j*9 + 3.3, Color.GREEN, 0)
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 3.65, j*9 + 3.65, i*9 + 5.3, j*9 + 5.3, Color.GREEN, 0)
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 1.65, j*9 + 3.65, i*9 + 3.3, j*9 + 5.3, Color.GREEN, 0)
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 3.65, j*9 + 1.65, i*9 + 5.3, j*9 + 3.3, Color.GREEN, 0)
            #for placement of green rectangle
            elif i == 0 and j == 1:
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 1.65, j*9 + 1.65, i*9 + 3.3, j*9 + 3.3, Color.RED, 0)
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 3.65, j*9 + 3.65, i*9 + 5.3, j*9 + 5.3, Color.RED, 0)
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 1.65, j*9 + 3.65, i*9 + 3.3, j*9 + 5.3, Color.RED, 0)
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 3.65, j*9 + 1.65, i*9 + 5.3, j*9 + 3.3, Color.RED, 0)
            #for placement of green rectangle
            elif i == 1 and j == 0:
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 1.65, j*9 + 1.65, i*9 + 3.3, j*9 + 3.3, Color.YELLOW, 0)
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 3.65, j*9 + 3.65, i*9 + 5.3, j*9 + 5.3, Color.YELLOW, 0)
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 1.65, j*9 + 3.65, i*9 + 3.3, j*9 + 5.3, Color.YELLOW, 0)
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 3.65, j*9 + 1.65, i*9 + 5.3, j*9 + 3.3, Color.YELLOW, 0)
            #for placement of green rectangle
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 1.65, j*9 + 1.65, i*9 + 3.3, j*9 + 3.3, Color.BLUE, 0)
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 3.65, j*9 + 3.65, i*9 + 5.3, j*9 + 5.3, Color.BLUE, 0)
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 1.65, j*9 + 3.65, i*9 + 3.3, j*9 + 5.3, Color.BLUE, 0)
                self.draw_rectangle(i*9 + 3.65, j*9 + 1.65, i*9 + 5.3, j*9 + 3.3, Color.BLUE, 0)

        self.draw_polygon(6.5, 6.5, 6.5, 9.5, Color.GREEN, 1)
        self.draw_polygon(6.5, 6.5, 9.5, 6.5, Color.YELLOW, 1)
        self.draw_polygon(9.5, 9.5, 6.5, 9.5, Color.RED, 1)
        self.draw_polygon(9.5, 9.5, 9.5, 6.5, Color.BLUE, 1)

    def create_panel(self):, y=80), y=620)
        self.title_bar.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X)
        self.status_bar.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.X)
    #this will call the above defined functions
    def create(self):

    def get_canvas(self):
        return self.canvas

    def get_frame(self):
        return self.frame

Reference Materials

NOTE: Make a folder named assets and in that folder add all the below-given images

Images for 4 Tokens

Images for Dice

Sound for Rolling Dice

Output for Ludo Game in Python:

Home window of Ludo Game in Python
Window to add nickname of players
Game start window of Ludo Game in Python


Here is the end of our article on the Ludo Game in Python with source code. All in all, we learned about the various functions and used various libraries. We hope this tutorial turns out to be a great source of learning for you and we staunchly believe that it will definitely help you to boost your resume. In this development of the Ludo Game in Python, we also learned about handling the movement of objects and also some designing part. We thank you for visiting our website.

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Author: Ayush Purawr