Today, we are going to build Loan Management System Project in Python. A loan management system is a software that helps organizations efficiently manage and track loans. It can be used by banks, lending institutions, and other organizations that offer loans to individuals or businesses.
Project overview: Loan Management System Project in Python
Project Name: | Loan Management System Project in Python |
Abstract: | A GUI-based program in python that basically includes the use of the Tkinter and Sqlite3 database for the execution. |
Language/Technologies Used: | Python, Tkinter, Sqlite3 |
IDE | VSCode(Recommended) |
Database | SQLite3 |
Python version (Recommended): | 3.x |
Type/Category: | All kinds of Python learners |
- Adding Entries to the Record
- Updating the records
- Persisting the data with the sqllite3 database
- Delete a record
- Auto calculate the total amount and EMI
The default username and password are “root” and “root”, you can always change that later in the code.
Complete code for Loan Management System Project in Python
Essentially we will just need a single main.py file and the code for the same is written down, the code is well commented so as to assist you with better learning.
import sqlite3 from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk, messagebox class LoanManager: def __init__(self, root): # Initialize the class with the root window passed as an argument self.root = root # Set the title and size of the root window self.root.title("Loan Management System") self.root.geometry("1350x720+0+0") # Create a label with the title text and style it title = Label(self.root, text="Loan Management System", font=( "Comic Sans MS", 20, ), bd=8, bg='black', fg='white') title.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) # Create StringVar variables to store the loan details self.LoanId = StringVar() self.name = StringVar() self.mob = StringVar() self.aadhar = StringVar() self.add = StringVar() self.pin = StringVar() self.amount = StringVar() self.year = StringVar() self.rate = StringVar() self.mpay = StringVar() self.tpay = StringVar() # Create a frame to hold the loan details Detail_F = Frame(self.root, bd=4, relief=RIDGE, bg='white') Detail_F.place(x=10, y=90, width=520, height=620) # Create a label and entry field for the loan ID lbl_id = Label(Detail_F, text="Loan Id", font=("Comic Sans MS", 12, )) lbl_id.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=10, padx=20, sticky="w") txt_id = Entry(Detail_F, font=("Comic Sans MS", 10, ), bd=3, textvariable=self.LoanId) txt_id.grid(row=0, column=1, pady=10, sticky="w") # Create a label and entry field for the name lbl_name = Label(Detail_F, text="Full Name", font=("Comic Sans MS", 12, )) lbl_name.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=10, padx=20, sticky="w") txt_name = Entry(Detail_F, font=("Comic Sans MS", 10, ), bd=3, textvariable=self.name) txt_name.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=10, sticky="w") # Create a label and entry field for the mobile number lbl_mob = Label(Detail_F, text="Mobile No.", font=("Comic Sans MS", 12, )) lbl_mob.grid(row=2, column=0, pady=10, padx=20, sticky="w") txt_mob = Entry(Detail_F, font=("Comic Sans MS", 10, ), bd=3, textvariable=self.mob) txt_mob.grid(row=2, column=1, pady=10, sticky="w") # Create a label and entry field for the Aadhar number lbl_aa = Label(Detail_F, text="Aadhar No.", font=("Comic Sans MS", 12, )) lbl_aa.grid(row=3, column=0, pady=10, padx=20, sticky="w") txt_aa = Entry(Detail_F, font=("Comic Sans MS", 10, ), bd=3, textvariable=self.aadhar) txt_aa.grid(row=3, column=1, pady=10, sticky="w") # Create a label and entry field for the address lbl_add = Label(Detail_F, text="Address", font=("Comic Sans MS", 12, )) lbl_add.grid(row=4, column=0, pady=10, padx=20, sticky="w") txt_add = Entry(Detail_F, font=("Comic Sans MS", 10, ), bd=3, textvariable=self.add) txt_add.grid(row=4, column=1, pady=10, sticky="w") # Create a label and entry field for the pincode lbl_pin = Label(Detail_F, text="PinCode", font=("Comic Sans MS", 12, )) lbl_pin.grid(row=5, column=0, pady=10, padx=20, sticky="w") txt_pin = Entry(Detail_F, font=("Comic Sans MS", 10, ), bd=3, textvariable=self.pin) txt_pin.grid(row=5, column=1, pady=10, sticky="w") # Create a label and entry field for the loan amount lbl_amount = Label(Detail_F, text="Amount of Loan", font=("Comic Sans MS", 12, )) lbl_amount.grid(row=6, column=0, pady=10, padx=20, sticky="w") txt_amount = Entry(Detail_F, font=( "Comic Sans MS", 10, ), bd=3, textvariable=self.amount) txt_amount.grid(row=6, column=1, pady=10, sticky="w") # Create a label and entry field for the number of years lbl_time = Label(Detail_F, text="Number of years", font=("Comic Sans MS", 12, )) lbl_time.grid(row=7, column=0, pady=10, padx=20, sticky="w") txt_time = Entry(Detail_F, font=("Comic Sans MS", 10, ), bd=3, textvariable=self.year) txt_time.grid(row=7, column=1, pady=10, sticky="w") # Create a label and entry field for the interest rate lbl_rate = Label(Detail_F, text="Interest Rate", font=("Comic Sans MS", 12, )) lbl_rate.grid(row=8, column=0, pady=10, padx=20, sticky="w") txt_rate = Entry(Detail_F, font=("Comic Sans MS", 10, ), bd=3, textvariable=self.rate) txt_rate.grid(row=8, column=1, pady=10, sticky="w") # Create a label and entry field for the monthly payment lbl_Mp = Label(Detail_F, text="Monthly Payment", font=("Comic Sans MS", 12, )) lbl_Mp.grid(row=9, column=0, pady=10, padx=20, sticky="w") txt_Mp = Label(Detail_F, font=("Comic Sans MS", 10, ), bd=3, state=DISABLED, textvariable=self.mpay) txt_Mp.grid(row=9, column=1, pady=10, sticky="w") # Create a label and entry field for the total payment lbl_tp = Label(Detail_F, text="Total Payment", font=("Comic Sans MS", 12, )) lbl_tp.grid(row=10, column=0, pady=10, padx=20, sticky="w") txt_tp = Label(Detail_F, font=("Comic Sans MS", 10, ), bd=3, state=DISABLED, textvariable=self.tpay) txt_tp.grid(row=10, column=1, pady=10, sticky="w") recordFrame = Frame(self.root, bd=5, relief=RIDGE) recordFrame.place(x=535, y=100, width=810, height=530) yscroll = Scrollbar(recordFrame, orient=VERTICAL) # Create a treeview to display the records self.employee_table = ttk.Treeview(recordFrame, columns=( "empId", "name", "years", "rate", "Mpayment", "Tpayment", "mobile"), yscrollcommand=yscroll.set) yscroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) yscroll.config(command=self.employee_table.yview) self.employee_table.heading("empId", text="customer Id") self.employee_table.heading("name", text="Name") self.employee_table.heading("years", text="Number of Years") self.employee_table.heading("rate", text="Interest Rate") self.employee_table.heading("Mpayment", text="Monthly Payment") self.employee_table.heading("Tpayment", text="Total Payment") self.employee_table.heading("mobile", text="Mobile No.") self.employee_table['show'] = 'headings' self.employee_table.column("empId", width=100) self.employee_table.column("name", width=100) self.employee_table.column("years", width=100) self.employee_table.column("rate", width=100) self.employee_table.column("Mpayment", width=110) self.employee_table.column("Tpayment", width=100) self.employee_table.column("mobile", width=100) self.employee_table.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.fetch_data() self.employee_table.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.get_cursor) btnFrame = Frame(self.root, bd=5, relief=RIDGE) btnFrame.place(x=700, y=630, width=480, height=60) # Create a button to calculate the Details btn1 = Button(btnFrame, text='Add record', font='arial 12 bold', bg='black', fg='white', width=9, command=self.addrecord) btn1.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10) # Create a button to update the Details btn2 = Button(btnFrame, text='Update', font='arial 12 bold', bg='black', fg='white', width=9, command=self.update) btn2.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=8, pady=10) # Create a button to delete the entr btn3 = Button(btnFrame, text='Delete', font='arial 12 bold', bg='black', fg='white', width=9, command=self.delete) btn3.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=8, pady=10) # Create a button to reset the fields btn4 = Button(btnFrame, text='Reset', font='arial 12 bold', bg='black', fg='white', width=9, command=self.reset) btn4.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=8, pady=10) def total(self): # Get the loan amount, interest rate, and number of years as integers p = int(self.amount.get()) r = int(self.rate.get()) n = int(self.year.get()) # Calculate the total interest to be paid t = (p*r*n*10)/100 # Calculate the monthly payment amount m = (p+t)/(n*10) # Set the monthly payment and total payment amounts in the corresponding StringVar objects self.mpay.set(str(round(m, 2))) self.tpay.set(str(t+p)) def addrecord(self): if self.LoanId.get() == '' or self.name.get() == '' or self.mob.get() == '' or self.aadhar.get() == '' or self.add.get() == '' or self.pin.get() == '': messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Please enter details ?') else: self.total() con = sqlite3.connect('loanDetails.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("Select * from customer") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: if row[0] == self.LoanId.get(): messagebox.showerror( 'Error', 'Duplicates not allowed') return cur.execute("insert into customer values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", ( self.LoanId.get(), self.name.get(), self.mob.get(), self.aadhar.get(), self.add.get(), self.pin.get(), self.amount.get(), self.year.get(), self.rate.get(), self.mpay.get(), self.tpay.get(), )) con.commit() self.fetch_data() con.close() def fetch_data(self): con = sqlite3.connect('loanDetails.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select Loan_Id , Name , Year , Rate , Monthly_Payment , Total_Payment , MobileNumber , AadharNumber , Address , Pincode , Amount from customer") rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) != 0: self.employee_table.delete(*self.employee_table.get_children()) for row in rows: self.employee_table.insert('', END, values=row) con.commit() con.close() def update(self): if self.LoanId.get() == '': messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Select a record to update !') else: self.total() con = sqlite3.connect('loanDetails.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("update customer set Name = ?, MobileNumber = ?, AadharNumber = ?, Address = ?, Pincode = ?, Amount = ?, Year = ?, Rate = ?, Total_Payment = ?, Monthly_Payment = ? where Loan_Id = ?", ( self.name.get(), self.mob.get(), self.aadhar.get(), self.add.get(), self.pin.get(), self.amount.get(), self.year.get(), self.rate.get(), self.tpay.get(), self.mpay.get(), self.LoanId.get() )) messagebox.showinfo( 'Info', f'Record {self.LoanId.get()} Updated Successfully') con.commit() con.close() self.fetch_data() self.reset() def delete(self): if self.LoanId.get() == '': messagebox.showerror( 'Error', 'Enter customer ID to delete the records') else: con = sqlite3.connect('loanDetails.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("delete from customer where Loan_Id = ?", (self.LoanId.get(),)) con.commit() con.close() self.fetch_data() self.reset() def reset(self): self.LoanId.set('') self.name.set('') self.mob.set('') self.aadhar.set('') self.add.set('') self.pin.set('') self.amount.set('') self.year.set('') self.rate.set('') self.mpay.set('') self.tpay.set('') def get_cursor(self, ev): cursor_row = self.employee_table.focus() content = self.employee_table.item(cursor_row) row = content['values'] self.LoanId.set(row[0]) self.name.set(row[1]) self.year.set(row[2]) self.rate.set(row[3]) self.mpay.set(row[4]) self.tpay.set(row[5]) self.mob.set(row[6]) self.aadhar.set(row[7]) self.add.set(row[8]) self.pin.set(row[9]) self.amount.set(row[10]) class Login(): def __init__(self, root): # Initialize the class with the root window passed as an argument self.root = root # Set the title of the root window self.root.title("Loan Management System") # Create StringVar variables to store the username and password self.username = StringVar() self.password = StringVar() # Create a label and entry field for the username Label(self.root, text="Username:").grid( row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10) Entry(self.root, textvariable=self.username).grid( row=0, column=1, padx=10, pady=10) # Create a label and entry field for the password Label(self.root, text="Password:").grid( row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=10) Entry(self.root, textvariable=self.password, show="*").grid(row=1, column=1, padx=10, pady=10) # Create a login button that calls the login method when clicked Button(self.root, text="Login", command=self.login).grid( row=2, column=1, padx=10, pady=10) def login(self): # Check if the entered username and password are correct if self.username.get() == "root" and self.password.get() == "root": # If the login is successful, destroy the current window and open a new window root.destroy() nroot = Tk() LoanManager(nroot) else: # If the login is unsuccessful, show an error message messagebox.showerror("Error", "Invalid username or password") # Connect to the 'loanDetails.db' database con = sqlite3.connect('loanDetails.db') # Create a cursor to perform operations on the database cur = con.cursor() # Execute a SQL query to create a table named 'customer' if it doesn't already exist # The table has 10 columns: Loan_Id, Name, MobileNumber, AadharNumber, Address, Pincode, Amount, Year, Rate, and Monthly_Payment, Total_Payment # The Loan_Id column is set as the primary key cur.execute('create table if not exists customer(Loan_Id varchar(20) primary key,Name varchar(20),MobileNumber varchar(20),AadharNumber varchar(20),Address varchar(20),Pincode varchar(20),Amount varchar(20),Year varchar(20),Rate varchar(20),Monthly_Payment varchar(20),Total_Payment varchar(20))') # Create a Tkinter root window root = Tk() # Create a Login object and pass the root window as an argument obj = Login(root) # if u want to skip the login proess then uncomment the below line and comment the above line # obj = LoanManager(root) # Start the main loop of the Tkinter program root.mainloop()
Note a DB file will create in you directory where you run this app, the DB files store all the records for the entries, don’t delete it if not intended to delete the records.
Output for Loan Management System Project in Python
The default password is root and the user name is also root.
Image output:
Login Screen:
Main Screen:
Video output:
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