In this article, we will build Bank Management System Project in C++ and MySQL with source code. This project has all the basic functionalities of a bank application and it’s a console-based application written in C++ language for the database, we have used the MySQL database with the help of Xampp software.
Project Overview: Bank Management System Project in C++
Project Name: | Bank Management System Project in C++ |
Abstract: | We will create a console-based project to help in bank management. |
Language Used: | C++ |
IDE: | Code::Blocks(16.01) |
Database: | MySQL |
Type: | Console Application |
Recommended for: | Beginners and Intermediates of C++ |
Features of Bank Management System in C++
- Users can register and login into the application to use it
- Users can deposit and withdraw money from their bank account
- Users can transfer the money from their account to another account
- Users can view all transaction history
Setup the Development Environment
To successfully develop and run the application you will need to install the following software and follow the below step.
- Dev C++
- Code::Blocks (16.01)
- Xampp(For MySQL Database)
Now you need to set up the Code::Blocks IDE to be able to connect your C++ application to the MySQL database. You can follow this tutorial.
MySQL setup for Bank Management System in C++
We will use Xampp software to easily manage and use MySql on the system.
- Open the Xampp software and run Apache and MySql.
- Go to your browser window and search for localhost/phpmyadmin/.
- Run the following SQL command. These commands will create a database with the name bankmanagement and some tables within this database.
Create Database bankmanagement; use bankmanagement; CREATE TABLE users ( account_no INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR (50), phoneno CHAR (10), address TEXT, balance INTEGER, email VARCHAR(128), password VARCHAR(128), PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (account_no) ); CREATE TABLE transfer ( sno INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, date VARCHAR (100), account_no INTEGER, balance INTEGER, transamt INTEGER, to_acc_no INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (sno) ); CREATE TABLE deposit ( sno INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, date VARCHAR (100), account_no INTEGER, balance INTEGER, transamt INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (sno) ); CREATE TABLE withdraw ( sno INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, date VARCHAR (100), account_no INTEGER, balance INTEGER, transamt INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (sno) ); CREATE TABLE mpin ( num INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, pin INTEGER, account_no INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (num) );
Code for Bank Management System Project in C++
Open Code::Blocks IDE and create a new project with the name BankManagement. Now paste the below code in the main.cpp file and run it.
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <mysql.h> #include <sstream> #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <string> #include <stdlib.h> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int account_generator(MYSQL* conn, string email) { stringstream ss; MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_RES* res; int qstate; ss << "SELECT account_no,email FROM users"; string query = ss.str(); const char* q = query.c_str(); qstate = mysql_query(conn, q); if(qstate == 0){ res = mysql_store_result(conn); while((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))){ if(row[1] == email) { char *ch = row[0]; return atoi(ch); } } } return 0; } int account_validator(MYSQL* conn, int acc) { stringstream ss; int qstate = 0; int flag = 0; MYSQL_RES* res; MYSQL_ROW row; int acc_num; ss<<"SELECT account_no FROM users"; string query = ss.str(); const char* q = query.c_str(); qstate = mysql_query(conn, q); if(qstate == 0) { res = mysql_store_result(conn); while((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))) { char *ch = row[0]; acc_num = atoi(ch); if(acc_num == acc){flag = 1;} } } else { cout<<"Query error: "<<mysql_error(conn)<<endl; } if(flag == 1) return 1; else return 0; } //Function to create an account void createaccount(MYSQL* conn) { stringstream ss; string namedb,address; string email,pass; char phonenum[20]; int qstate = 0,balance; cout<<"\nEnter Your Name: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin,namedb); cout<<"\nEnter Mobile Number: "<<endl; cin>>phonenum; cout<<"\nEnter Your Address: "; string text; cin>> text; cout<<"\nEnter Amount To Deposit: "<<endl; cin>>balance; if(balance < 0) balance *= -1; int flag_email = 0; cout<<"\nEnter Email Address: "<<endl; cin >> email; transform(email.begin(), email.end(), email.begin(), ::tolower); cout<<"\nEnter Password: "; cin>>pass; ss << "INSERT INTO users (name, phoneno, address, balance, email, password) VALUES ('" << namedb << "', '" << phonenum <<"', '" << address <<"', "<< balance <<", '"<< email <<"', '"<< pass <<"')"; string query = ss.str(); const char* q = query.c_str(); qstate = mysql_query(conn, q); if(qstate == 0) cout<<"Account Created Successfully"<<endl; } int loginaccount(MYSQL* conn, string emaildb, string passdb) { stringstream ss; MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_RES* res; int qstate = 0; int flag = 0; ss << "SELECT account_no,email,password FROM users"; string query = ss.str(); const char* q = query.c_str(); qstate = mysql_query(conn, q); if(qstate == 0){ res = mysql_store_result(conn); while((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))){ if((strcmp(row[1], emaildb.c_str()) == 0) && (strcmp(row[2], passdb.c_str()) == 0)) { flag = 1; cout<<"Login Successful"<<endl; char *ch = row[0]; return atoi(ch); } } if(flag == 0) { cout<<"Invalid Username/password"<<endl; return 0; } } return 0; } void display_details(MYSQL* conn,int acc) { stringstream ss; MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_RES* res; int qstate; ss << "SELECT account_no, name FROM users"; string query = ss.str(); const char* q = query.c_str(); qstate = mysql_query(conn, q); if(qstate == 0){ res = mysql_store_result(conn); while((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))){ char *ch = row[0]; if(atoi(ch) == acc) { cout<<"\t\t\t\t<<<-----------------WELCOME "<<row[1] <<"------------------>>>"<<endl; cout<<"\t \t \t \t \t \t Your ACCOUNT NUMBER: "<<atoi(ch)<<endl; cout<<"\t \t \t \tFirst create a new pin, If your account is new"<<endl; } } } } int pin_generate(MYSQL* conn, int acc, int pin) { stringstream ss; int qstate = 0; MYSQL_RES* res; MYSQL_ROW row; int p,p1,flag = 0; ss<<"SELECT pin,account_no FROM mpin"; string query = ss.str(); const char* q = query.c_str(); qstate = mysql_query(conn, q); int flag1 = 0; if(qstate == 0) { res = mysql_store_result(conn); while((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))) { char *ch = row[0]; p = atoi(ch); char *ch1 = row[1]; p1 = atoi(ch1); if(p1 == acc) { flag1 = 1; if(p == pin){flag = 1;return 1;} else {flag = 1;return 2;}; } } if(flag1 == 0) return 0; if(flag == 0) return 3; } return 0; } int create_pin(MYSQL* conn,int acc) { stringstream ss; int qstate = 0; int pin,flag = 0; int p; while(flag == 0) { cout<<"Enter a 4 digit pin: "; cin>>pin; if((pin >= 1000) && (pin <= 9999)) { flag = 1; continue; } else cout<<"\nEnter Valid Input"<<endl; } p = pin_generate(conn,acc,pin); if(p == 0) { ss<<"INSERT INTO mpin (pin, account_no) VALUES ("<< pin <<", "<< acc <<")"; string query = ss.str(); const char* q = query.c_str(); qstate = mysql_query(conn, q); if(qstate == 0 && flag == 1) { return 1; } } else cout<<"Pin already exists"<<acc<<endl; return 0; } int bal_validate(MYSQL* conn, int acc, int transfer) { stringstream ss; MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_RES* res; int qstate = 0; ss<<"select balance from users where account_no = "<< acc <<""; string query = ss.str(); const char* q = query.c_str(); qstate = mysql_query(conn, q); if(qstate == 0) { res = mysql_store_result(conn); row = mysql_fetch_row(res); const char* ch = row[0]; int bal = atoi(ch); if(bal >= transfer) return 1; else return 2; } else { cout<<"Balance query error: "<<mysql_error(conn)<<endl; return 0; } } void transfer_money(MYSQL* conn, int acc) { stringstream ss,ss1,ss2,ss3; MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_RES* res; int recipient_amt = 0,sender_amt = 0,transfer_amt,account_num; int qstate = 0,qstate1 = 0,qstate2 = 0,qstate3 = 0; int p = 0; cout<<"Enter Account Number of the recipient: "; cin>>account_num; int acc_val = account_validator(conn,account_num); if(acc_val == 0) { cout<<"Recipient account does not exist"<<endl; return; } cout<<"Enter Amount to transfer: "; cin>>transfer_amt; int bal_valid = bal_validate(conn,acc,transfer_amt); if(bal_valid == 2) { cout<<"Insufficient Balance"<<endl; return; } sender_amt = sender_amt - transfer_amt; recipient_amt = recipient_amt + transfer_amt; cout<<"enter pin: "<<endl; cin>>p; int spin = pin_generate(conn,acc,p); if(spin == 2){cout<<"Wrong PIN number"<<endl;return;} else if((spin == 3) || (spin == 0)){cout<<"PIN Not Exists for this account number."<<endl;return;} ss<<"SELECT account_no,balance FROM users"; string query = ss.str(); const char* q = query.c_str(); qstate = mysql_query(conn, q); if(spin == 1 && acc_val != 0) { if(qstate == 0){ res = mysql_store_result(conn); while((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))) { char *ch = row[0]; int ac = atoi(ch); char *ch1 = row[1]; int bala = atoi(ch1); if(acc == ac) { if(bala > transfer_amt) { sender_amt = bala - transfer_amt; ss1 << "UPDATE users SET balance = "<< sender_amt <<" WHERE account_no = "<< acc <<""; string query = ss1.str(); const char* q1 = query.c_str(); qstate1 = mysql_query(conn, q1); if(qstate1 == 0) { cout<<"Amount Of Rupees "<<transfer_amt<<" Transfered Successfully to Account Number: "<<account_num<<endl; } } else { cout<<"Insufficient Balance......"<<endl; } } char *ch2 = row[0]; int ac1 = atoi(ch2); char *ch3 = row[1]; int bala1 = atoi(ch3); if(account_num == ac1) { recipient_amt = bala1 + transfer_amt; ss2 << "UPDATE users SET balance = "<< recipient_amt <<" WHERE account_no = "<< account_num <<""; string query2 = ss2.str(); const char* q2 = query2.c_str(); qstate2 = mysql_query(conn, q2); if(qstate2 == 0) { cout<<"Amount Of Rupees "<<transfer_amt<<" Transfered Successfully From Account Number: "<<acc<<endl; } else { cout<<"Transfer Error at recipient: "<<mysql_error(conn); } } } time_t now = time(0); char* dt = ctime(&now); string d = dt; ss3<<"INSERT INTO transfer(date, account_no, balance, transamt, to_acc_no) VALUES ('"<< d <<"', "<< acc <<", "<< sender_amt <<", "<< transfer_amt <<", "<< account_num <<")"; string query3 = ss3.str(); const char* q3 = query3.c_str(); qstate3 = mysql_query(conn, q3); if(qstate3 == 0) { cout<<"\nTransaction Successful without any discrepancies....."<<endl; cout<<"Current balance in your account is: "<<sender_amt<<endl; } else cout<<"Transfer Error is: "<<mysql_error(conn)<<endl; } else cout<<"query Error is: "<<mysql_error(conn)<<endl; } else cout<<"Pin not created"<<endl; } void deposit(MYSQL* conn, int acc_no) { int qstate = 0,qstate1 = 0,qstate2 = 0; stringstream ss,ss1,ss2; int amount; MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_RES *res; int p = 0; cout<<"Enter Amount to deposit in your account: "; cin>>amount; cout<<"enter pin: "<<endl; cin>>p; int spin = pin_generate(conn,acc_no,p); if((spin == 3) || (spin == 0)) { cout<<"PIN Not Exists for this account number."<<endl; return; } if(spin == 1) { ss1<<"select balance FROM users WHERE account_no = "<< acc_no <<""; string query1 = ss1.str(); const char *q1 = query1.c_str(); qstate1 = mysql_query(conn,q1); if(qstate1 == 0) { res = mysql_store_result(conn); row = mysql_fetch_row(res); char *ch = row[0]; int bal = atoi(ch); bal = bal + amount; time_t now = time(0); char* dt = ctime(&now); string d = dt; ss2<<"UPDATE users SET balance = "<< bal <<" WHERE account_no = "<< acc_no <<""; string query2 = ss2.str(); const char *q2 = query2.c_str(); qstate2 = mysql_query(conn,q2); if(qstate2 == 0) { cout<<"Updated"<<endl; } ss<<"INSERT INTO deposit (date, account_no, balance, transamt) VALUES ('"<< d <<"', "<< acc_no <<", "<< bal <<","<< amount <<")"; string query = ss.str(); const char *q = query.c_str(); qstate = mysql_query(conn,q); if(qstate == 0) { cout<<"Amount of rupees "<<amount<<" has been deposited into account "<<acc_no<<endl; cout<<"Current balance in your account is: "<<bal<<endl; } } } else cout<<"Pin not created"<<endl; } void withdraw(MYSQL* conn, int acc_no) { int qstate = 0,qstate1 = 0,qstate2 = 0; stringstream ss,ss1,ss2; int amount; MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_RES *res; int p = 0; cout<<"Enter Amount to withdraw: "; cin>>amount; int bal_valid = bal_validate(conn,acc_no,amount); if(bal_valid == 2) { cout<<"Not enough balance"<<endl; return; } cout<<"enter pin: "<<endl; cin>>p; int spin = pin_generate(conn,acc_no,p); if(spin == 1) { ss1<<"select balance FROM users WHERE account_no = "<< acc_no <<""; string query1 = ss1.str(); const char *q1 = query1.c_str(); qstate1 = mysql_query(conn,q1); if(qstate1 == 0) { res = mysql_store_result(conn); row = mysql_fetch_row(res); char *ch = row[0]; int bal = atoi(ch); bal = bal - amount; time_t now = time(0); char* dt = ctime(&now); string d = dt; ss2<<"UPDATE users SET balance = "<< bal <<" WHERE account_no = "<< acc_no <<""; string query2 = ss2.str(); const char *q2 = query2.c_str(); qstate2 = mysql_query(conn,q2); if(qstate2 == 0) { cout<<"Balance Updated..."<<endl; } else cout<<"Balance Not Updated Error is : "<<mysql_error(conn)<<endl; ss<<"INSERT INTO withdraw (date, account_no, balance, transamt) VALUES ('"<< d <<"', "<< acc_no <<", "<< bal <<","<< amount <<")"; string query = ss.str(); const char *q = query.c_str(); qstate = mysql_query(conn,q); if(qstate == 0) { cout<<"Amount of rupees "<<amount<<" has been debited from account "<<acc_no<<" Successfully"<<endl; cout<<"Current balance in your account is: "<<bal<<endl; } else cout<<"Withdraw error occurred: "<<mysql_error(conn); } else{cout<<"Account Does not exist... error is: "<<mysql_error(conn)<<endl;return;} } else cout<<"Pin not created"<<endl; } void show_transaction(MYSQL* conn, int acc_no) { stringstream ss,ss1,ss2; MYSQL_ROW row,row1,row2; MYSQL_RES *res,*res1,*res2; int qstate = 0,qstate1 = 0,qstate2 = 0; ss<<"SELECT sno, date, account_no, transamt, to_acc_no FROM transfer WHERE account_no = "<< acc_no <<""; string query = ss.str(); const char *q = query.c_str(); qstate = mysql_query(conn,q); if(qstate == 0) { cout<<"\t\t\t\t-----------------TRANSACTION DETAILS------------------"<<endl; res = mysql_store_result(conn); while((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))) { char *ch = row[0]; char *ch1 = row[2]; char *ch2 = row[3]; char *ch3 = row[4]; cout<<"\nTransaction Number: "<< atoi(ch) << endl <<"Transaction Date and Time: " << row[1] <<"From Account Number: " << atoi(ch1) << endl; cout<<"To Account Number: "<< atoi(ch3) << endl <<"Transaction Amount: "<< atoi(ch2) << endl; } } else cout<<"Transaction details Error: "<<mysql_error(conn)<<endl; ss1<<"SELECT sno, date, account_no, transamt FROM deposit WHERE account_no = "<< acc_no <<""; string query1 = ss1.str(); const char *q1 = query1.c_str(); qstate1 = mysql_query(conn,q1); if(qstate1 == 0) { cout<<"\t\t\t\t-------------------DEPOSIT DETAILS---------------------"<<endl; res1 = mysql_store_result(conn); while((row1 = mysql_fetch_row(res1))) { char *ch = row1[0]; char *ch1 = row1[2]; char *ch2 = row1[3]; cout<<"\nTransaction Number: "<< atoi(ch) << endl <<"Transaction Date and Time: " << row1[1] << "Account Number: " << atoi(ch1) << endl; cout<<"Transaction Amount: "<< atoi(ch2) << endl; } } else cout<<"Deposit details Error: "<<mysql_error(conn)<<endl; ss2<<"SELECT sno, date, account_no, transamt FROM withdraw WHERE account_no = "<< acc_no <<""; string query2 = ss2.str(); const char *q2 = query2.c_str(); qstate2 = mysql_query(conn,q2); if(qstate2 == 0) { cout<<"\t\t\t\t-------------------WITHDRAW DETAILS--------------------"<<endl; res2 = mysql_store_result(conn); while((row2 = mysql_fetch_row(res2))) { char *ch = row2[0]; char *ch1 = row2[2]; char *ch2 = row2[3]; cout<<"\nTransaction Number: "<< atoi(ch) << endl <<"Transaction Date and Time: " << row2[1] << "Account Number: " << atoi(ch1) << endl; cout<<"Transaction Amount: "<< atoi(ch2) << endl; } } else cout<<"Deposit details Error: "<<mysql_error(conn)<<endl; } int main() { MYSQL* conn; conn = mysql_init(0); conn = mysql_real_connect(conn, "localhost", "root", "", "bankmanagement", 3306, NULL, 0); int acc_no = 0,pin = 0; string email,pass; system("Color E0"); cout<<"\t\t\t=================================================================="<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t WELCOME TO BANK "<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t=================================================================="<<endl; if(conn){ char ch; cout<<"Database Connected Successfully"<<endl; do { cout<<"Enter\n\n\t 1 - Create Account\n\t 2 - Login\n\t 3 - Transfer\n\t 4 - Deposit\n\t 5 - Withdraw\n\t 6 - create pin\n\t 7 - show Transaction Details\n\t 0 - exit"<<endl; cin>>ch; system("cls"); switch(ch) { case '1': createaccount(conn); break; case '2': cout<<"Enter email address: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin,email); transform(email.begin(), email.end(), email.begin(), ::tolower); cout<<"Enter password: "; getline(cin,pass); acc_no = loginaccount(conn,email,pass); if(acc_no != 0) display_details(conn,acc_no); else cout<<"Please Login..."<<endl; break; case '3': if(acc_no!=0) transfer_money(conn,acc_no); else cout<<"Please Login..."<<endl; break; case '4': if(acc_no!=0) deposit(conn,acc_no); else cout<<"Please Login..."<<endl; break; case '5': if(acc_no!=0) withdraw(conn,acc_no); else cout<<"Please Login..."<<endl; break; case '6': if(acc_no!=0){ pin = create_pin(conn,acc_no); if(!pin) cout<<"Pin Not created"<<endl; else if(pin == 1) cout<<"Pin Created Successfully"<<endl; else continue; } else cout<<"Please Login..."<<endl; break; case '7': if(acc_no!=0) show_transaction(conn,acc_no); else cout<<"Please Login..."<<endl; break; case '0': cout<<"Thank You!!!!!"<<endl; break; default: cout<<"Please Enter a valid input"<<endl; break; } }while(ch != '0'); } else { cout<<"Database Not Connected"<<endl; } return 0; }
Output for Bank Management System Project in C++
Image Output:

Video Output:
The Bank Management System Project in C++ can be very helpful for banks as this will automate all the tasks of a bank. In this project we have added most of the major operations of a bank like depositing, Withdrawing, Transferring, Creating a secure pin, and viewing all transaction details. I hope this project was helpful and you learned something valuable.
Thank you for visiting our website.
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