In this article, we will build the famous Brick Breaker Game in C++. The goal of this game is to smash all the bricks on the screen while keeping the ball safe from falling down the boundary. This will be a console-based game written entirely in C++. So, even if have some familiarity with the language, you will be able to follow this article and build the game easily.
- The player has to keep the ball safe by bouncing it back using the paddle.
- Five lives are given, after which the game is over.
- The player can restart the game.
Complete Code for Brick Breaker Game in C++
We will use Code::Blocks IDE to develop this program. Open the Code::Blocks IDE and create a new project with the name brickbreaker, now in the main.cpp file paste the following code and run it.
#include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <conio.h> #include <time.h> using namespace std; //used to move the cursor to a specific position on the screen void gotoxy(int x, int y){ COORD c; // a structure having two members which are the X and Y coordinates c.X = x; // Locating its x coordinate c.Y = y; // Locating its y coordinate SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), c); // Set the position for next thing to be printed } //used to hide the cursor void hideCursor(){ CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursor; // Create a CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO object cursor.dwSize = 100; // Assigning size of cursor cursor.bVisible = false; // Making cursor invisible SetConsoleCursorInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &cursor); // Set the cursor for next thing to be printed } //Some variables used in the game int life; int const screenHeight = 20; int const screenWidth = 30; int map[screenHeight][screenWidth]; char bricks[8][18] = {"##..##.##.######.", "##..##.##...##...", "##..##.##...##...", "######.##...##...", "##..##.##...##...", "##..##.##...##...", "##..##.##...##..."}; char temp[8][18] = {"##..##.##.######.", "##..##.##...##...", "##..##.##...##...", "######.##...##...", "##..##.##...##...", "##..##.##...##...", "##..##.##...##..."}; bool decre_life; //used to decrease the life of the player when the ball hits the bottom of the screen class Paddle{ public: int x; int y; int speed; char dir; int delay; int count_delay; void draw(){ for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) map[y][x+i] = 1; // 1 is the ASCII code the character to make the paddle } void move(){ if(count_delay == delay){ //used to make the paddle move slower if(dir == 'L' && x-speed > 0){ // used to make the paddle move left x -= speed; }else if(dir == 'R' && x+speed < screenWidth-9){ //used to make the paddle move right x += speed; } count_delay = 0; } count_delay++; if(decre_life){ dir = 'S'; x = screenWidth/2-5; y = screenHeight - screenHeight/7-1; decre_life = false; } } }; class Ball{ public: int x; int y; int speed; int dir; void draw(){ map[y][x] = 5; } void move(){ if(dir == 0 && !collision(x-speed, y-speed)){ //used to make the ball move in the top left direction x -= speed; y -= speed; }else if(dir == 1 && !collision(x+speed, y-speed)){ //top right direction x += speed; y -= speed; }else if(dir == 2 && !collision(x-speed, y+speed)){ //bottom left direction x -= speed; y += speed; }else if(dir == 3 && !collision(x+speed, y+speed)){ //bottom right direction x += speed; y += speed; } } //used to check if the ball collides with the paddle or the bricks bool collision(int fx, int fy){ if(map[fy][x] == 8){ //used to check if the ball collides with the paddle decre_life = true; x = screenWidth/2-1; y = screenHeight - screenHeight/7-3; dir = 4; life--; } //used to check if the ball collides with the bricks else if(map[fy][fx] != 0 || map[y][fx] != 0 || map[fy][x] != 0 || map[fy][fx] == 2 || map[y][fx] == 2 || map[fy][x] == 2){ if(map[fy][fx] == 2) bricks[fy-2][fx-6] = '.'; if(map[y][fx] == 2) bricks[y-2][fx-6] = '.'; if(map[fy][x] == 2) bricks[fy-2][x-6] = '.'; if(map[y][fx] != 0) bounce(fx,y); else if(map[fy][x] != 0) bounce(x,fy); else if(map[fy][fx] != 0) bounce(fx,fy); return true; } return false; } //used to change the direction of the ball when it collides with the paddle or wall void bounce(int fx, int fy){ if(dir == 0){ if(fx < x) dir = 1; else if(fy < y) dir = 2; else if(fx < x && fy < y) dir = 0; }else if(dir == 1){ if(fx > x) dir = 0; else if(fy < y) dir = 3; else if(fx > x && fy < y) dir = 1; }else if(dir == 2){ if(fx < x) dir = 3; else if(fy > y) dir = 0; else if(fx < x && fy > y) dir = 2; }else if(dir == 3){ if(fx > x) dir = 2; else if(fy > y) dir = 1; else if(fx > x && fy > y) dir = 3; } } }; //used to draw the bricks void brick(){ for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < 17; j++){ if(bricks[i][j] == '#') map[i+2][j+6] = 2; // 2 is the ASCII code the character to make the bricks } } } Paddle paddle; Ball ball; void setup(){ srand(time(NULL)); decre_life = false; life = 5; paddle.x = screenWidth/2-5; paddle.y = screenHeight - screenHeight/7-1; paddle.speed = 1; paddle.delay = 1; ball.x = screenWidth/2; ball.y = screenHeight - screenHeight/7-2; ball.speed = 1; ball.dir = rand()%4; } //used to make the wall void wall(){ for(int i = 0; i < screenHeight; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < screenWidth; j++){ if(j == 0 || j == screenWidth-1) map[i][j] = 9; // 9 is the ASCII code the character to make the wall else if(i == 0) map[i][j] = 7; else if(i == screenHeight-1) map[i][j] = 8; // 8 is the ASCII code the character to make the bottom wall else map[i][j] = 0; } } } void layout(){ wall(); paddle.draw(); ball.draw(); brick(); } void display(){ gotoxy(2,1); cout << " LIFE: " << life; for(int i = 0; i < screenHeight; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < screenWidth; j++){ gotoxy(j+2, i+3); if(map[i][j] == 9) cout << char(219); if(map[i][j] == 1) cout << char(219); if(map[i][j] == 2) cout << char(233); if(map[i][j] == 7) cout << char(219); if(map[i][j] == 8) cout << char(240); if(map[i][j] == 5) cout << char(254); if(map[i][j] == 0) cout << char(32); } } } void input(){ if(kbhit()){ switch(getch()){ case 75: paddle.dir = 'L'; break; case 77: paddle.dir = 'R'; break; } if(ball.dir == 4) ball.dir = rand()%2; } } void movements(){ paddle.move(); ball.move(); } void gameOver(){ system("cls"); cout << " GAMEOVER " << endl; cout << " Do you want to play again?y/n" <<endl; } int main(){ system("color E4"); system("title Brick Breaker Game"); hideCursor(); setup(); while(true){ while(life > 0){ display(); layout(); input(); movements(); } char ch; gameOver(); cin >> ch; if(ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') { system("cls"); for(int i=0; i<8; i++){ for(int j=0; j<18; j++){ bricks[i][j] = temp[i][j]; } } life = 5; } else{ return 0; } } }
Output for Brick Breaker Game in C++
Image Output:

Video Output:
This brings us to the end of this article on the Brick Breaker game source code in C++. Go ahead and customize the code according to your need and have fun with it. You can also try to add more features like win count or the number of rounds the player wants to play.
Thank you for visiting our website.
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