Desktop Battery Notifier using Python

Desktop Battery Notifier using Python

As a laptop user, you must take caution about your battery percentage as the battery is also the most important component, that’s why today we will see Desktop Battery Notifier using Python.

So, what if your laptop reminds you about the battery percentage using notification. Yes, you read it correctly using a desktop notifier.

In this article, we are going to see the Psutil library in Python using which we can check battery percentage and send the battery percentage desktop notification using another module Plyer.

Psutil Library in Python

Psutil in python is a cross-platform library for retrieving information on running processes and system utilization(CPU, memory, disks, networks, sensors) in Python.

You will need to install two modules one is ‘psutil’ and the other one is ‘plyer’ which will be used to get the notification.

To install ‘psutil’ in your pip. Here’s the command:

pip install psutil

The main function from the psutil module is psutil.sensors_battery() which returns a named tuple consisting of the following values. If no battery is installed or metrics can’t be determined None is returned in Desktop Battery Notifier using Python.

percent: It gives the Power left in your laptop in percentage.



52 #giving battery percentage

Now, if we want to check if the charger is plugged or not, we will have to use:


This will return either True or False. True if power is plugged in, False if it isn’t charging. Here, in my case it is not plugged hence the output will be:


Now, install ‘plyer’ in your pip. Here’s the simple command:

pip install plyer

As we have the package, we’re ready to import it into our python script.

from plyer import notification

Now, let’s specify the parameters. Let’s define the title and message.

title = ‘Battery Reminder’

message = ‘Battery is 52’

Let’s look at what the parameters mean:

title: Title of the notification

description: Message of the notification

timeout: duration to display the message say 10secs as default time used.

Now, let’s pass the parameters using the notify method.

notification.notify( “title”, “message”, timeout)

For eg I’m passing:

the title is ‘Battery Reminder’

message as ‘Battery is 52’

and timeout as 2 secs

That’s it!! We are done and now we are using these functions in our code. So, here goes the complete code for Desktop Battery Notifier using Python.

Desktop Battery Notifier using Python: Complete Code

#import modules

from plyer import notification 
import psutil

#returns a tuple
battery = psutil.sensors_battery()

plugged = battery.power_plugged

#description of code
if __name__=="__main__": 
    if plugged:
        percent = battery.percent
        if percent <= 80:
            #title of notification
            title = "Plugged In", 

            #message of notification
            message=" For better battery life, charge upto 80%" , 
            # displaying time 
        elif percent == 100: 
            title = "Plugged In", 
            message=" Please plugged out the charger. Battery is charged" , 
        else :
            title = "Plugged In", 
            message=" Remove the charger please. For better battery life charge up to 80%" , 

        percent = battery.percent
        if percent <=20:
            title = "Battery Reminder", 
            message="Your battery is running low. You might want to plug in your PC " , 
        elif percent <=50:
            title = "Battery Reminder", 
            message=f" Battery is {percent}." ,
        elif percent == 100:
            title = "Battery Reminder", 
            message="Fully charged" , 

            title = "Battery Reminder", 
            message=f"Battery is {percent}" , 

Now, you know how easy it is to get reminded about your battery percentage. But we will make this more interesting with the help of the output.


desktop battery notifier using python
desktop battery notifier in python

So, here is our desktop notification. Simple isn’t it?? This is how we have successfully done with the ‘Desktop Battery Notifier using Python’. I hope the ‘Psutil’ library is clear to you and don’t forget to try this code once!!

You can play around with the library, explore more features and even customize it further.

Thank You Pythoners!!!

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Author: Ayush Purawr