Category: python projects
Get weather forecast using Python
Introduction Hello friends, this is the article that gives an idea of how to get weather forecast using Python and the code of how to…
Hangman Game using Python
Introduction In our previous articles, we developed a chessboard, multiple logos, and some basic games using the Turtle library. And today, in this article Hangman…
Balloon Shooter Game using Python PyGame
We all know the importance of the pygame library in terms of game development. We know that Pygame is a collection of Python modules for…
Complete PyGame Tutorial and Projects
Without a doubt, we can say that Python is a multi-purpose language. Ranging from basic programming to its application in Data Science, from Machine Learning…
Library Management System Project in Python
Introduction Concatenating GUI with a database into a solid management project is currently the most popular project idea when it comes to an interview project…
Tic Tac Toe in Python
Hey folks, as we all are now aware that Python supports thousands of modules and packages to crack any logic behind the idea! And here…
8 Steps to Build a Machine Learning Model
In this article, we will see the steps in machine learning model formation. Let us first understand what is Machine Learning. It is a field…
User Authentication System in Django Python
In this part of our series we will create a user authentication system which will give our website the functionality to register, login and logout our users.
Django Framework | Developing a Blog website in Django (Tutorial) Part 2
Moving onto our next part in our Django web development series, we will begin devolping our django application.
Customer Segmentation using Python in Machine Learning
MAIN PROJECT Customer Segmentation is an unsupervised method of targeting the customers in order to increase sales and market goods in a better way This…
Titanic Survival Prediction – Machine Learning Project (Part-2)
In Part-1, we’ve covered how to get started with your first machine learning project on Kaggle. Firstly, we saw how to import necessary libraries, then…
Download Instagram Reels using Python
Introduction We will learn how to Download Instagram Reels using Python. You all are now aware that there is a number of python libraries to…
3D animation in Python: vpython
Yes, apart from a Graphical User Interface i.e. GUI, python can also play with 3D animations! 3D animations make easier in python with the help…
Complete Racing Game In Python Using PyGame
So far we have learned a lot but there is not anything to end our game and now we are now going to see part…
Currency Converter Desktop Application in Python
One of the uses of Python is to create desktop-based applications, isn’t it?Python supports thousands of modules and packages to crack any logic behind the…
Send OTP Using Python
In this tutorial are going to make a real-time GUI to Send OTP Using Python. For this project, we are going to use four modules…
Desktop Battery Notifier using Python
As a laptop user, you must take caution about your battery percentage as the battery is also the most important component, that’s why today we…
Pendulum Library Python|Current time stamps
You’ve heard about the ‘time’ library in Python which allows us to manage with time and dates, right? Python has a vast set of libraries…
Star Wars Game with Python Turtle
In this turtle tutorial, we will be learning how to build a simple star wars game with python turtle. For this game, we will use…
Analog Clock in Python using Turtle
In this tutorial, we will learn how to Create Analog Clock in Python using Turtle module. Analog clocks are also called wall clock. Before we…