Make money with Python in 2022

Make money with Python in 2022

Hello friends, do you know there are many ways to can make money with Python? Yes, I am not joking, this is absolutely real, anyone…

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Top 15 Python Libraries For Data Science

Top 15 Python Libraries For Data Science in 2022

Introduction In this informative article, we look at the most important Python Libraries For Data Science and explain how their distinct features may help you…

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Top 15 Python Libraries For Machine Learning in 2022

Top 15 Python Libraries For Machine Learning in 2022

Introduction  In today’s digital environment, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are getting more and more popular. Because of their growing popularity, machine learning…

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File Explorer in Python using Tkinter

File Explorer in Python using Tkinter

Introduction Welcome to In this tutorial, we are going to learn File Explorer in Python using the Tkinter module. What is basically a file…

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Drawing Application in Python Tkinter

Drawing Application in Python Tkinter

Introduction In this article, we will design and construct a basic Drawing Application in Python Tkinter GUI, where we can simply draw something on the…

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Sequel Programming Languages(SQL)

Sequel Programming Languages(SQL)

In this article, we are going to learn about Sequel Programming Languages(SQL). Big enterprises like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, use SQL for storing the data…

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Run Python Code, Install Libraries, Create a Virtual Environment | VS Code

Run Python Code, Install Libraries, Create a Virtual Environment | VS Code

Visual Studio Code is one of the most efficient code compilers/interpreters. It is very promising because of the vast and widely available go-to extensions that…

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Top 32 Python Interview Questions For Experienced

Top 32 Python Interview Questions For Experienced

Introduction Being an expert in a programming language may guarantee you a good salary and a rewarding job. Among the hundreds of programming languages presently…

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Top 10 Final Year Projects for Computer Science Students

Top 10 Final Year Projects for Computer Science Students

Introduction In this tutorial, we are going to cover the Final Year Projects for Computer Science Students. Well, in the CSE or Computer Science Engineering…

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Student Management System Project in Java

Student Management System Project in Java

Schools and universities serve as the basis of knowledge as well as an educational body on which students rely. As a result, they must maintain…

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Setup and Run Machine Learning in Visual Studio Code

Setup and Run Machine Learning in Visual Studio Code

In this article, we are going to discuss how we can really run our machine learning in Visual Studio Code. Generally, most machine learning projects…

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Item Price Generator Hackerrank Solution

Introduction In this tutorial, we will provide an item price generator hackerrank solution to split a bill evenly. I’ll guide you through the process step…

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Diabetes prediction using Machine Learning

Diabetes prediction using Machine Learning

In this article, we are going to build a project on Diabetes Prediction using Machine Learning. Machine Learning is very useful in the medical field…

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Tkinter GUI Calendar in Python

Tkinter GUI Calendar in Python

In this article, we are going to build a GUI Calendar in Python. This project helps to get you familiar with Python and Tkinter. Let’s…

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Library Management System Project in Java

Library Management System Project in Java

Introduction In this article, we will build Library Management System Project in Java and MySQL with source code. This project is great for those at an…

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Microsoft Giving Free Python Course: Enroll Now

Microsoft Giving Free Python Course: Enroll Now

Introduction Hello friends, do you know that big organizations like Microsoft provide free educational content? On their website, they have 4,284 small to medium size…

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Loan Management System Project in Java

Loan Management System Project in Java

Introduction Welcome to another helpful project. Today we are going to develop a Loan Management System Project in Java. I think that this project can…

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Top 5 Free Python Courses on YouTube in 2022

Top 5 Free Python Courses on YouTube in 2022

We all know the YouTube is the best platform where you can find many tutorial series to learn anything. But, do you know that there…

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Calendar using Java with best examples

Calendar using Java with best examples

In this article, we are going to learn how to code Calendar using Java. The calendar application is occasionally asked in interviews to be built…

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Insertion Sort Part 2 Hackerrank Solution in C

In Insertion Sort Part 2 Hackerrank Solution in C, we are given an array, we need to sort it using insertion sort and print all…

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