In this article, we will create the famous Chrome Dino Game in Java with Swing. We all have played the Dino game in the browser when the internet goes off. It’s a simple game where the player must keep the dinosaur safe from hitting obstacles by jumping over them.
- The dinosaur can jump by pressing the Enter key.
- When the game is over, the player can restart it by pressing the Space bar key.
Code for Dino Game in Java
Create a folder for the project with a name of your choice. Create a file within this folder with the name dino.java. Please copy and paste the below code and run it.
import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.ActionMap; import javax.swing.InputMap; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.Timer; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; class Game extends Frame implements KeyListener{ final int D_W = 1200; final int D_H = 550; static int unit = 10; Color colorDinosaur = Color.GRAY; Color colorGameOver1 = Color.black; Color colorGameOver2 = Color.yellow; Color colorCactus1 = Color.gray; Color colorCactus2 = Color.gray; int jump = 0; int jumpY = 0; int y = 0; boolean onEnterPresses = false; boolean down = false; List<MyGraph> myGraphs = new ArrayList<>(); int currentDinosaurX = 0; int currentDinosaurY = 0; boolean gameOver = false; DrawPanel drawPanel = new DrawPanel(); public static void main(String args[]) { new Game(); } public Game() { super("Run Dino Run"); setSize(1200, 550); // set the size of the window setVisible(true); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { dispose(); System.exit(0); } }); addKeyListener(this); initCactusG(); ActionListener listener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!gameOver) { if (jump >= D_W) { jump = 0; initCactusG(); drawPanel.repaint(); } else { jump += 10; drawPanel.repaint(); } } } }; Timer timer = new javax.swing.Timer(40, listener); timer.start(); ActionListener listenerD = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!gameOver) { if (onEnterPresses) { if (down) { jumpY -= 20; } else { jumpY += 20; } } if (jumpY >= 280) { down = true; } if (jumpY <= 0) { onEnterPresses = false; down = false; jumpY = 0; } } } }; Timer timerD = new javax.swing.Timer(80, listenerD); timerD.start(); add(drawPanel); pack(); // setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setLocationRelativeTo(null); setVisible(true); } // create the cactus on random positions private void initCactusG() { Random rr = new Random(); int nbr = 2;// rr.nextInt(2)+1 ;; int x_ = 10; int y_ = 100; int h_ = 60; int p_ = 10; myGraphs = new ArrayList<Game.MyGraph>(); for (int it = 0; it < nbr; it++) { Random r = new Random(); int step = r.nextInt(10) + 1; MyGraph myGraph = new MyGraph(); myGraph.x_ = x_ * 30 + step * 10 + 600; myGraph.h_ = 10 + (6 * step) + 2; myGraph.y_ = 300 - h_; myGraph.p_ = 8 + step / 2; myGraphs.add(myGraph); } } // draw the cactus private void drawCactus(Graphics g) { int x = 0; int y = 0; int h = 0; int p = 0; for (MyGraph myGraph : myGraphs) { x = myGraph.x_; h = myGraph.h_; y = myGraph.y_; p = myGraph.p_; int maxH = 180; int i = p * 2 + 40; int j = p * 2 + 40; int y1 = y + 40; int y2 = y + 60; if (x + j - jump < 0) { jump = 0; } draw(g, x - i - jump, y1, h, p); draw(g, x - jump, y, maxH, p * 2); draw(g, x + j - jump, y2, h, p); drow2(g, x - jump, h, p, i, j, y1, y2); } } // on game over draw the game over text private void gameOver(Graphics g) { Graphics2D graph = (Graphics2D) g; graph.setPaint(colorGameOver1); graph.setFont(new Font("MV Boli", 20, 50)); graph.drawString("Game Over", 550, 150); //restart Graphics2D graph1 = (Graphics2D) g; graph1.setPaint(colorGameOver1); graph1.setFont(new Font("MV Boli", 20, 50)); graph1.drawString("Press Space key to restart!!", 350, 250); } // restart the game private void restartGame(Graphics g) { new Game(); } // draw the sun on the sky private void drawSun(Graphics g) { Graphics2D sun1 = (Graphics2D) g; sun1.setPaint(new Color(255, 255, 0)); sun1.fillArc(900, 70, 80, 80, 90, 180); Graphics2D sun2 = (Graphics2D) g; sun2.setPaint(new Color(255, 255, 153)); sun2.fillArc(900, 70, 80, 80, 270, 180); } // draw the cactus private void drow2(Graphics g, int x, int h, int p, int i, int j, int y1, int y2) { Graphics2D gsds = (Graphics2D) g; gsds.setPaint(colorCactus1); gsds.fillRect(x - i + p, y1 + h, i, p); Graphics2D gsdds = (Graphics2D) g; gsdds.setPaint(colorCactus2); gsdds.fillRect(x - i + 2 * p, y1 + h - p, i - 2 * p, p); Graphics2D gsd2 = (Graphics2D) g; gsd2.setPaint(colorCactus2); gsd2.fillRect(x + p * 2, y2 + h, j - p, p); Graphics2D gsd3 = (Graphics2D) g; gsd3.setPaint(colorCactus1); gsd3.fillRect(x + p * 4, y2 + h - p, j - 4 * p, p); } // draw the surface private void drawSol(Graphics g, int x, int y, int maxH) { Graphics2D sol = (Graphics2D) g; sol.setPaint(Color.orange); sol.fillRect(0, y + maxH - 20, 1700, 100); } // draw the dinausor private void drawDinausor(Graphics g, int y) { int xDinausor = 180; int step = 1; g.setColor(colorDinosaur); currentDinosaurX = xDinausor; currentDinosaurY = y; drawRaw(g, xDinausor, y, 2, 1); drawRaw(g, xDinausor + 4 * unit, y, 2, 1); drawRaw(g, xDinausor, y - step * unit, 1, 1); drawRaw(g, xDinausor + 4 * unit, y - step * unit, 1, 1); step++; drawRaw(g, xDinausor, y - step * unit, 2, 1); drawRaw(g, xDinausor + 3 * unit, y - step * unit, 2, 1); step++; drawRaw(g, xDinausor, y - step * unit, 5, 1); step++; drawRaw(g, xDinausor - unit, y - step * unit, 6, 1); step++; drawRaw(g, xDinausor - 2 * unit, y - step * unit, 8, 1); step++; drawRaw(g, xDinausor - 3 * unit, y - step * unit, 10, 1); step++; drawRaw(g, xDinausor - 4 * unit, y - step * unit, 11, 1); drawRaw(g, xDinausor + (11 + 1 - 4) * unit, y - step * unit, 1, 1); step++; drawRaw(g, xDinausor - 4 * unit, y - step * unit, 3, 1); drawRaw(g, xDinausor + (5 - 4) * unit, y - step * unit, 8, 1); step++; drawRaw(g, xDinausor - 4 * unit, y - step * unit, 2, 1); drawRaw(g, xDinausor + (6 - 4) * unit, y - step * unit, 5, 1); step++; drawRaw(g, xDinausor - 4 * unit, y - step * unit, 1, 1); drawRaw(g, xDinausor + (7 - 4) * unit, y - step * unit, 4, 1); step++; drawRaw(g, xDinausor - 4 * unit, y - step * unit, 1, 1); drawRaw(g, xDinausor + (8 - 4) * unit, y - step * unit, 7, 1); step++; drawRaw(g, xDinausor + (8 - 4) * unit, y - step * unit, 4, 1); step++; drawRaw(g, xDinausor + (8 - 4) * unit, y - step * unit, 8, 1); step++; drawRaw(g, xDinausor + (8 - 4) * unit, y - step * unit, 2, 1); drawRaw(g, xDinausor + (11 - 4) * unit, y - step * unit, 5, 1); step++; drawRaw(g, xDinausor + (8 - 4) * unit, y - step * unit, 8, 1); step++; drawRaw(g, xDinausor + (9 - 4) * unit, y - step * unit, 6, 1); step++; } private void drawRaw(Graphics g, int Dinausor, int y, int w, int h) { Graphics2D sun16 = (Graphics2D) g; sun16.fillRect(Dinausor, y, w * unit, h * unit); } private void draw(Graphics g, int x, int y, int h, int p) { if (x <= currentDinosaurX && x + p >= currentDinosaurX && y <= currentDinosaurY) { gameOver(g); gameOver = true; return; } Graphics2D gcd = (Graphics2D) g; // Green 0 -204- 0 gcd.setPaint(colorCactus1); gcd.fillRect(x, y, p, h); Graphics2D gsd = (Graphics2D) g; // Very dark green 0 -102- 0 gsd.setPaint(colorCactus2); gsd.fillRect(x + p, y, p, h); Graphics2D gssd = (Graphics2D) g; // Very dark green 0 -102- 0 gssd.setPaint(colorCactus2); gssd.fillArc(x, y - p, p * 2, p * 2, 1, 90); Graphics2D gzssd = (Graphics2D) g; gzssd.setPaint(colorCactus1); gzssd.fillArc(x, y - p, p * 2, p * 2, 90, 90); Graphics2D ghssd = (Graphics2D) g; ghssd.setPaint(colorCactus1); ghssd.fillArc(x, y + h - p, p * 2, p * 2, 180, 90); Graphics2D ghzssd = (Graphics2D) g; ghzssd.setPaint(colorCactus2); ghzssd.fillArc(x, y + h - p, p * 2, p * 2, 270, 90); } private class DrawPanel extends JPanel { public DrawPanel() { MoveAction action = new MoveAction("onEnter"); String ACTION_KEY = "onEnter"; KeyStroke W = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0); InputMap inputMap = getInputMap(WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); inputMap.put(W, ACTION_KEY); ActionMap actionMap = getActionMap(); actionMap.put(ACTION_KEY, action); } protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); drawCactus(g); drawSun(g); drawSol(g, 100, 250, 180); drawDinausor(g, 400 - jumpY); if (gameOver) { gameOver(g); } } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(D_W, D_H); } } private class MyGraph { int x_ = 10; int y_ = 100; int h_ = 60; int p_ = 10; } class MoveAction extends AbstractAction { public MoveAction(String name) { putValue(NAME, name); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { onEnterPresses = true; drawPanel.repaint(); } } @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) { if(gameOver){ gameOver = false; restartGame(getGraphics()); } } } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }
Output for Dino Game in Java
Image Output:

Video Output:
This ends our article on Dino Game in Java. I hope this was helpful and easy to follow. You must also check these projects to get a good hold of building applications in Java.
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