Today, we will learn how to Draw Halloween in Python Turtle. Halloween is celebrated in western countries and is dedicated to ones who have died like saints, martyrs, etc. We will draw a pumpkin which is used in celebrating Halloween. Click here to know about Halloween.
Code to Draw Halloween in Python Turtle
# importing libraries from turtle import * import turtle # initalizing a variable for turtle t = turtle.Turtle() # creating turtle screen screen = turtle.Screen() # setting up the screen size of canvas screen.setup(900, 650) # changing the color of background to black screen.bgcolor('black') # defining speed of turtle t.speed(50) t.hideturtle() # deciding the color for circle t.fillcolor("#DC5F00") # start the filling color t.begin_fill() t.up() # radius of circle r = 180 t.goto(0, -240) # end filling the colour t.end_fill() # drawing triangle for eyes # left eye t.up() t.setpos(-140, -45) t.fillcolor("gold") t.begin_fill() t.forward(100) # draw base t.left(120) t.forward(100) # draw second side t.left(120) t.forward(100) # draw third side t.end_fill() # right eye t.up() t.setpos(90, 40) t.fillcolor("gold") t.begin_fill() t.forward(100) # draw base t.left(120) t.forward(100) # draw second side t.left(120) t.forward(100) # draw third side t.end_fill() # drawing inverted triangle for nose t.up() t.setpos(0, -110) t.fillcolor("gold") t.begin_fill() t.forward(40) t.right(120) t.forward(40) t.right(120) t.forward(40) t.end_fill() # drawing triangle for tooth of pumpkin🎃 # triangle 1 t.up() t.setpos(-60, -120) t.fillcolor("gold") t.begin_fill() t.forward(50) t.right(120) t.forward(50) t.right(120) t.forward(50) t.end_fill() # triangle 2 t.up() t.setpos(-60, -120) t.fillcolor("gold") t.begin_fill() t.forward(50) # draw base t.right(120) t.forward(50) t.right(120) t.forward(50) t.end_fill() # trinagle 3 t.up() t.setpos(14, -163) t.fillcolor("gold") t.begin_fill() t.forward(50) # draw base t.right(120) t.forward(50) t.right(120) t.forward(50) t.end_fill() # trinagle 4 t.up() t.setpos(90, -120) t.fillcolor("gold") t.begin_fill() t.forward(50) # draw base t.right(120) t.forward(50) t.right(120) t.forward(50) t.end_fill() # drawing green part of pumpkin t.fillcolor("green") t.begin_fill() t.goto(-20, 110) # drawing first side t.forward(40) # Forward turtle by 40 units t.left(90) # Turn turtle by 90 degree # drawing second side t.forward(60) # Forward turtle by 60 units t.left(90) # Turn turtle by 90 degree # drawing third side t.forward(40) # Forward turtle by 40 units t.left(90) # Turn turtle by 90 degree # drawing fourth side t.forward(60) # Forward turtle by 60 units t.left(90) # Turn turtle by 90 degree t.end_fill() # writing happy halloween on canvas t.goto(-250, -290) t.pencolor("red") t.write('Happy Halloween', font=("Courier", 40, "italic")) # holding the screen to display screen.mainloop()
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