Hello, in this article we will see how to Write Happy Halloween in Python Turtle which is a library of python. Turtle lets us handle graphics very easily and smoothly. We will initially make the background color black, then we will write Happy Halloween and at last, we will draw some colored circles to make our design beautiful. We will understand the code line-by-line with the help of comments and in the end, the output is shown for the code. Click here to know about Halloween.
Code to Write Happy Halloween in Python Turtle
# importing libraries import turtle # initalizing a variable for turtle t = turtle.Turtle() # creating turtle screen screen = turtle.Screen() # setting up the screen size of canvas screen.setup(1200, 600) # changing the color of background to black screen.bgcolor('black') t.pencolor("red") t.penup() t.goto(-500, -20) # defining font size, color and type t.write('Happy Halloween', font=("Courier", 80, "italic")) # from here we are adding colourful circles on our canvas # deciding the color for circle t.fillcolor("blue") # start the filling color t.begin_fill() # radius of circle r = 10 t.goto(100, 100) t.circle(r) # end filling the colour t.end_fill() # making different circles and different positions for different colours t.fillcolor("white") t.begin_fill() t.goto(-100, -100) t.circle(r) t.end_fill() t.fillcolor("green") t.begin_fill() t.goto(-200, -200) t.circle(r) t.end_fill() t.fillcolor("orange") t.begin_fill() t.goto(100, -100) t.circle(r) t.end_fill() t.fillcolor("yellow") t.begin_fill() t.goto(-100, 100) t.circle(r) t.end_fill() t.fillcolor("pink") t.begin_fill() t.goto(-250, -150) t.circle(r) t.end_fill() t.fillcolor("white") t.begin_fill() t.goto(-250, 150) t.circle(r) t.end_fill() t.fillcolor("blue") t.begin_fill() t.goto(250, -150) t.circle(r) t.end_fill() t.fillcolor("yellow") t.begin_fill() t.goto(-300, -200) t.circle(r) t.end_fill() # holding the screen screen.mainloop()

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