When it comes to building gaming applications, we always think of racing games as we loved playing these types of games in our childhood. So today in this article we will develop a Car Race Game in Java with Swing.
This game needs no explanation, but still has a bit of context for the game. The player’s car needs to race with the opponent’s cars without hitting any one of them and maintaining a high speed.
Project Overview: Car Race Game in Java
Project Name: | Car Race Game in Java |
Abstract: | It’s a GUI-based project used with the swing library to organize all the elements that work under the Car Race Game. |
Language Used: | Java |
IDE: | VS Code |
Java version (Recommended): | Java SE 18.0. 2.1 |
Database: | None |
Type: | Desktop Application |
Recommended for: | Beginners of Java |
Time to build: | 1-2 hours |
What will you learn?
- Building the logic of the game with the help of conditionals and loops
- Learn the OOPs paradigm with the help of classes, objects, and inheritance
- Creating an attractive User Interface with the help of Java Swing and Java AWT
- The player will be able to move the car left and right by pressing the left and right key
- The Score and Speed of the car are updated continuously as the car moves ahead
- If the car hits another car then the game is over and the player can restart the game by pressing Enter Key
Complete Code for Car Race Game in Java
First of all download the images for the project from here. Now, create a folder for the project and add all the images to this folder. Create a file named CarRace.java and copy the below line of code in that. Comments are provided for explanation.
import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.Timer; // this class is used to build the graphics and the game logic class CarGame extends JFrame implements KeyListener,ActionListener { private int xpos=300; // x position of the car private int ypos=700; // y position of the car private ImageIcon car; // car image private Timer timer; // timer to update the screen Random random=new Random(); // random number generator private int num1=400,num2=0,num3=0; // x position of the obstacles private int tree1ypos=400,tree2ypos=-200,tree3ypos=-500,tree4ypos=100,tree5ypos=-300,tree6ypos=500; // y position of the obstacles private int roadmove=0; // y position of the road private int carxpos[]={100,200,300,400,500}; // x position of the car private int carypos[]= {-240,-480,-720,-960,-1200}; // y position of the car private int cxpos1=0,cxpos2=2,cxpos3=4; // x position of the car private int cypos1=random.nextInt(5),cypos2=random.nextInt(5),cypos3=random.nextInt(5); // y position of the car int y1pos=carypos[cypos1],y2pos=carypos[cypos2],y3pos=carypos[cypos3]; // y position of the car private ImageIcon car1,car2,car3; // car image private int score=0,delay=100,speed=90; // score,delay and speed of the game private ImageIcon tree1,tree2,tree3; // tree image private boolean rightrotate=false,gameover=false,paint=false; // boolean variables to control the game logic and the graphics // constructor to initialize the game public CarGame(String title) { super(title); // call the constructor of the parent class JFrame setBounds(300,10,700,700); // set the position and size of the frame setVisible(true); // make the frame visible setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // close the frame when the close button is clicked setLayout(null); // set the layout of the frame to null addKeyListener(this); // add the key listener to the frame setFocusable(true); // set the focus to the frame setResizable(false); // set the frame to be non resizable } // this method is used to paint the graphics on the screen public void paint(Graphics g) { g.setColor(new Color(0X82CD47)); // set the color of the grass g.fillRect(0, 0, 700, 700); // draw the grass g.setColor(new Color(0X9F8772)); // set the color of the road g.fillRect(90,0,10,700); // draw the road g.fillRect(600, 0, 10, 700); g.fillRect(100, 0, 500, 700); // draw the road lines if(roadmove==0) { for(int i=0; i<=700; i+=100) { // draw the road lines g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(350, i,10, 70); // } roadmove=1; // set the roadmove to 1 } else if(roadmove==1) { // draw the road lines again for the next frame for(int i=50; i<=700; i+=100) { g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(350, i,10, 70); } roadmove=0; // set the roadmove to 0 } try { tree1=new ImageIcon(ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource("tree.png"))); // load the tree image } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { tree2=new ImageIcon(ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource("tree.png"))); // load the tree image } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { tree3=new ImageIcon(ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource("tree.png"))); // load the tree image } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } tree1.paintIcon(this, g, 0, tree1ypos); // draw the tree image on the screen num1=random.nextInt(500); // generate a random number tree1ypos+=50; // increment the y position of the tree tree2.paintIcon(this, g, 0,tree2ypos ); // draw the tree image on the screen tree2ypos+=50; // increment the y position of the tree tree3.paintIcon(this,g,0,tree3ypos); // draw the tree image on the screen tree3ypos+=50; // increment the y position of the tree tree1.paintIcon(this,g,600,tree4ypos); tree4ypos+=50; tree3.paintIcon(this, g,600,tree5ypos); tree5ypos+=50; tree2.paintIcon(this, g,600,tree6ypos); tree6ypos+=50; if(tree1ypos>700) { // if the tree goes out of the screen then reset the tree num1=random.nextInt(500); // generate a random number tree1ypos=-num1; // reset the y position of the tree } if(tree2ypos>700) { num1=random.nextInt(500); tree2ypos=-num1; } if(tree3ypos>700) { num1=random.nextInt(500); tree3ypos=-num1; } if(tree4ypos>700) { // if the tree goes out of the screen then reset the tree num1=random.nextInt(500); tree4ypos=-num1; } if(tree5ypos>700) { num1=random.nextInt(500); tree5ypos=-num1; } if(tree6ypos>700) { // if the tree goes out of the screen then reset the tree num1=random.nextInt(500); tree6ypos=-num1; } // load image for car try { car=new ImageIcon(ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource("gamecar3.png"))); // load the car image } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // car=new ImageIcon("gamecar1.png"); car.paintIcon(this,g,xpos,ypos); // draw the car image on the screen ypos-=40; if(ypos<500) { ypos=500; } // load the opponent image for car try { car1=new ImageIcon(ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource("gamecar1.png"))); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // load the opponent image for car try { car2=new ImageIcon(ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource("gamecar2.png"))); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // load the opponent image for car try { car3=new ImageIcon(ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource("gamecar4.png"))); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } car1.paintIcon(this, g, carxpos[cxpos1], y1pos); // draw the opponent car image on the screen car2.paintIcon(this, g, carxpos[cxpos2], y2pos); car3.paintIcon(this, g, carxpos[cxpos3], y3pos); y1pos+=50; // increment the y position of the opponent car y2pos+=50; y3pos+=50; if(y1pos>700) { // if the opponent car goes out of the screen then reset the opponent car cxpos1=random.nextInt(5); // generate a random number cypos1=random.nextInt(5); y1pos=carypos[cypos1]; // reset the y position of the opponent car } if(y2pos>700) { // if the opponent car goes out of the screen then reset the opponent car cxpos2++; if(cxpos2>4) { cxpos2=0; } cxpos2=random.nextInt(5); cypos2=random.nextInt(5); y2pos=carypos[cypos2]; } if(y3pos>700) { cxpos3++; if(cxpos3>4) { cxpos3=0; } cxpos3=random.nextInt(5); cypos3=random.nextInt(5); y3pos=carypos[cypos3]; } if(cxpos1==cxpos2 && cypos1>-100 && cypos2>-100) { cxpos1-=1; if(cxpos1<0) { cxpos1+=2; } } if(cxpos1==cxpos3&& cypos1>-100 && cypos3>-100) { cxpos3-=1; if(cxpos3<0) { cxpos3+=2; } } if(cxpos2==cxpos3&& cypos3>-100 && cypos2>-100) { cxpos2-=1; if(cxpos2<0) { cxpos2+=2; } } if(cxpos1<2 && cxpos2<2 && cxpos3<2) { if(cxpos1==0 && cxpos2==0 && cxpos3==1) { cxpos3++; cxpos2++; } else if(cxpos1==0 && cxpos2==1 && cxpos3==0) { cxpos3++; cxpos2++; } else if(cxpos1==1 && cxpos2==0 && cxpos3==0) { cxpos1++; cxpos2++; } } // if the opponent car hits the player car then reset the game if(y1pos<ypos && y1pos+175>ypos && carxpos[cxpos1]==xpos) { gameover=true; } if(y2pos<ypos && y2pos+175>ypos && carxpos[cxpos2]==xpos) { gameover=true; } if(y3pos<ypos && y3pos+175>ypos && carxpos[cxpos3]==xpos) { gameover=true; } if(ypos<y1pos && ypos+175>y1pos && carxpos[cxpos1]==xpos) { gameover=true; } if(ypos<y2pos && ypos+175>y2pos && carxpos[cxpos2]==xpos) { gameover=true; } if(ypos<y3pos && ypos+175>y3pos && carxpos[cxpos3]==xpos) { gameover=true; } //score g.setColor(Color.red); g.fillRect(120,35,220,50); g.setColor(Color.black); g.fillRect(125,40, 210, 40); g.setColor(Color.red); g.fillRect(385,35,180,50); g.setColor(Color.black); g.fillRect(390,40, 170, 40); g.setColor(Color.white); g.setFont(new Font("MV Boli",Font.BOLD,30)); g.drawString("Score : "+score, 130, 67); g.drawString(speed+" Km/h", 400, 67); score++; // increment the score speed++; // increment the speed if(speed>140) { // if the speed is greater than 140 then reset the speed speed=240-delay; } if(score%50==0) { // if the score is divisible by 50 then increase the delay delay-=10; if(delay<60) { delay=60; // set the delay to 60 } } //delay try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(delay); // delay the game } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(y1pos<ypos && y1pos+175>ypos && carxpos[cxpos1]==xpos) { gameover=true; } if(y2pos<ypos && y2pos+175>ypos && carxpos[cxpos2]==xpos) { gameover=true; } if(y3pos<ypos && y3pos+175>ypos && carxpos[cxpos3]==xpos) { gameover=true; } if(gameover) { g.setColor(Color.gray); g.fillRect(120, 210, 460, 200); g.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); g.fillRect(130, 220, 440, 180); g.setFont(new Font("MV Boli",Font.BOLD,50)); g.setColor(Color.red); g.drawString("Game Over !",210, 270); g.setColor(Color.white); g.setFont(new Font("MV Boli",Font.BOLD,30)); g.drawString("Press Enter to Restart", 190, 340); if(!paint) { repaint(); paint=true; } } else { repaint(); } } public static void main(String args[]) { CarGame c=new CarGame("Car Racing Game"); } @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_LEFT && !gameover) { // if the left key is pressed then move the car to the left xpos-=100; if(xpos<100) { xpos=100; // set the car to the left most position } } if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT&&!gameover) { // if the right key is pressed then move the car to the right xpos+=100; if(xpos>500) { xpos=500; // if the car is at the right most position then don't move it } } if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_ENTER && gameover) { // if the game is over and the enter key is pressed then restart the game gameover=false; paint=false; cxpos1=0; cxpos2=2; cxpos3=4; cypos1=random.nextInt(5); // randomize the position of the opponent cars cypos2=random.nextInt(5); cypos3=random.nextInt(5); y1pos=carypos[cypos1]; // set the position of the opponent cars y2pos=carypos[cypos2]; y3pos=carypos[cypos3]; speed=90; // set the speed to 90 score=0; // set the score to 0 delay=100; // set the delay to 100 xpos=300; // set the position of the player car to the center ypos=700; // set the position of the player car to the bottom } } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { if(e.getKeyChar()=='a'&&!gameover) { // if the key pressed is 'a' then move the car left xpos-=100; // decrement the xpos by 100 } if(e.getKeyChar()=='s'&&!gameover) { // if the key pressed is 's' then move the car right xpos+=100; // increment the xpos by 100 } repaint(); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {} }
Output for Car Race Game in Java:
Image Output:

Video Output:
Hope you enjoyed building the Car Race Game in Java as much as I enjoyed creating it for you!! We learned how to deal with collisions between different objects and re-rendering the object as they go out of view. You can try adding more functionalities like creating more obstacles in the way or to increase the difficulty of the game you can try increasing the speed of the car after each level.
Thank you for visiting our website.
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