In this article, we will see Hotel Management System Project Using Python. This will be a console-based system, not GUI, if you want GUI then don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. I have used sqlite3, tkinter, random and string libraries of Python. This is a database-based Hotel Management System Project Using Python.
Project Overview: Hotel Management System Project Using Python
Project Name: | Hotel Management System Project Using Python |
Abstract: | We will create a console-based project to help in hotel management. |
Language Used: | Python |
IDE: | VS code |
Database: | SQLite |
Type: | Console Application |
Recommended for: | Beginners and Intermediates of Python |
Features of Hotel Management System Project Using Python
- All common features like new booking, adding a new room, check out, checking available rooms, exit program, etc
- Simple and easy to use
- Database
- Exception handling with try and except block.
Complete source code for hotel management project in python for class 12
import sqlite3 import random import string from tkinter import messagebox def CheckPassword(password): return True if len(password) > 6 else False def show_message(title, message): messagebox.showinfo(title, message) def random_id(): letters = string.ascii_lowercase return ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(8)) def RoomsDetails(): conn = sqlite3.connect('hotel_booking_management.db') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS roomsdetails (room_number TEXT PRIMARY KEY, price TEXT, booking_status TEXT, booking_id TEXT)") cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM roomsdetails') roomsdetails = cursor.fetchall() booked_rooms, non_booked_rooms = [], [] for i in roomsdetails: if i[2]: booked_rooms.append(i) else: non_booked_rooms.append(i) conn.close() return booked_rooms, non_booked_rooms, roomsdetails def CustomersDetails(): conn = sqlite3.connect('hotel_booking_management.db') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customerdetails (booking_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY,customer_name TEXT, no_of_people TEXT, mobile_number TEXT, address Text)") cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM customerdetails') customer_details = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() return customer_details def AddRoom(room_number, price): try: conn = sqlite3.connect("hotel_booking_management.db") cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("INSERT INTO roomsdetails (room_number, price, booking_status, booking_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (room_number, price, '', '')) conn.commit() conn.close() print('Room added') except sqlite3.Error as e: print('Error', e) finally: conn.close() def BookRooms(booking_id, room_number): try: conn = sqlite3.connect('hotel_booking_management.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("UPDATE roomsdetails SET booking_status=?, booking_id=? WHERE room_number=?", ('booked', booking_id, room_number)) conn.commit() print('Room booked') conn.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: print('Sqlite error', e) finally: conn.close() def AddNewCustomer(booking_id, customer_name, no_of_people, mobile_number, address): CustomersDetails() try: conn = sqlite3.connect("hotel_booking_management.db") cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("INSERT INTO customerdetails (booking_id, customer_name, no_of_people, mobile_number, address) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (booking_id, customer_name, no_of_people, mobile_number, address)) conn.commit() conn.close() print('\nCustomer Added\n') except sqlite3.Error as e: print('Error ', e) finally: conn.close() def UnBookRoom(room_number): try: conn = sqlite3.connect('hotel_booking_management.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("UPDATE roomsdetails SET booking_status=?, booking_id=? WHERE room_number=?", ('', '', room_number)) conn.commit() print('Checkout successful') conn.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: print('Sqlite error', e) finally: conn.close() password = input(""" Hi admin\n please enter password """) while True: if CheckPassword(password): try: operation = int(input("""\n 1. New booking 2. Check out 3. Add room 4. Check all rooms available in CopyAssignment Hotel 5. Check available rooms 6. Exit\n""")) except Exception as e: print('\nEnter integer values only') else: print('Enter correct password!😤') password = input("Enter password again: ") continue if 1 <= operation <= 6: if operation == 1: allRooms = RoomsDetails()[2] print('Room No. Price Availability') for i in allRooms: print(' ', i[0], ' ', ' ', i[1], ' ', ' available' if len(i[2]) == 0 else 'not available') customer_answer = input('Do you want to proceed?\n') if 'y' in customer_answer: from GenerateRandomID import random_id booking_id = random_id() customer_name = input('Enter your name: ') no_of_people = input('Number of people: ') mobile_number = input('Mobile number: ') address = input('Address: ') room_no_selected = input('Enter room no: ') available_rooms = [i[0] for i in RoomsDetails()[1]] if room_no_selected not in available_rooms: print('Please select from available rooms only') continue AddNewCustomer(booking_id, customer_name, no_of_people, mobile_number, address) BookRooms(booking_id, room_no_selected) else: continue elif operation == 2: booked_rooms = RoomsDetails()[0] print('Booked Rooms') if len(booked_rooms) == 0: print('No booked rooms') continue for i in booked_rooms: print(i[0]) room_no = input('Enter room no: ') booking_id = '' price = '1000' for i in booked_rooms: if i[0] == room_no: price = i[1] booking_id = i[3] allCustomers = CustomersDetails() no_of_people = 2 for i in allCustomers: if i[0] == booking_id: no_of_people = i[2] print('Thank you for visiting us!') print('Your total payable amount is:', int(no_of_people)*int(price)) wwwww = input('Enter upi id: ') print('Please accept payment request from your UPI app and pay', int( no_of_people)*int(price)) print('Thank you, your payment is completed') UnBookRoom(room_no) elif operation == 3: print('\nSelected options is', operation) room_no = input('Enter room no: ') price = input('Enter room price: ') AddRoom(room_no, price) elif operation == 4: allRooms = RoomsDetails()[2] print('Room No. Price Availability') for i in allRooms: print(' ', i[0], ' ', ' ', i[1], ' ', ' available' if len(i[2]) == 0 else 'not available') elif operation == 5: allRooms = RoomsDetails()[1] print('Room No. Price Availability') for i in allRooms: print(' ', i[0], ' ', ' ', i[1], ' ', ' available' if len(i[2]) == 0 else 'not available') elif operation == 6: print('\n Thank you! Exiting...') break else: print("\nPlease enter values between 1 and 6 only")
Thank you for reading our article, this project is perfect for you especially when you are in 12 class or the equivalent of the 12th class.
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