Spell Checker in Python

Spell Checker in Python

Today, we will be creating a GUI application of spell checker in Python. We will use two famous libraries in Python that can be used to check the spelling of a word and can also suggest the correct word that should be used in place of that wrong word. Two libraries are pyspellchecker and Textblob.

1. pyspellchecker

pyspellchecker is based on Peter Norvig’s blog post on setting up a simple spell-checking algorithm. You can google it if you want to understand it in depth.

In short, it uses a Levenshtein Distance algorithm to find permutations within an edit distance of 2 from the original word and then compares all permutations to known words in a word frequency list. The more frequent words are the more likely the correct results.

It can be used to check the spelling of the following languages English, Spanish, German, French, and Portuguese.

Use the command below to install pyspellchecker:

pip install pyspellchecker

Code for Spell checker in Python using pyspellchecker

# Importing tkinter module
from spellchecker import SpellChecker
from tkinter import *

# Initializing tkinter here
root = Tk()
root.geometry("400x300")  # width and height of GUI
root.title(" Spelling Checker ")

# Using pyspellchecker library
class Spell:
    # Constructor that will be called from main.py with word entered by user as its parameter
    def __init__(self, text):
        self.text = text
        # Object creation for SpellChecker class
        self.spell = SpellChecker()

    # This method returns a formatted string of all likely correct spelling of the word entered by user
    def correctSpelling(self):
        # correction() takes the word as parameter and returns it's most likely correct spelling
        correct = self.spell.correction(self.text)
        # candidates() takes the word as parameter and returns a list of all likely correct spellings of the word
        candidates = self.spell.candidates(self.text)
        for i in candidates:
            if (i != correct):
                correct = correct+'\n'+i
        return correct

    # Returns True, if spelling is correct else False
    def check(self):
        # the method unknown() takes a list of words as parameter and returns the list of misspelled words
        # So, if spelling is correct, it returns an empty list
        misspelled = self.spell.unknown([self.text])
        for i in misspelled:
        if (len(misspelled) == 0):
            return True
            return False

# This method will get triggered when the Check button (Initialized below) gets clicked

def takeInput():
    # This method, first clears the output screen, in case any text is already present on output screen
    Output.delete("1.0", "end")
    # Then store the text entered on input screen in Input variable.
    Input = inputText.get("1.0", "end-1c")
    # As of now, it is programmed for only single word at once.
    # So, if user enters multiple words we are considering the first word
    Input = Input.split()[0]
    # Creating an object of type Spell, more explanation about this class is present in another files.
    # We can refer to spell1.py and spell2.py files respectively, depending on which one we have imported
    s = Spell(Input)
    # This method takes Input as parameter and return True if spelling is correct else false
    if (s.check()):
        Output.insert(END, 'Correct!')
        # In case spelling is incorrect, the below method returns the likely correct spellings in the form of formatted string
        correctSpellings = s.correctSpelling()
            END, 'Incorrect!, Do you mean any of these: '+correctSpellings)

# Label is a widget provided by tkinter to display text/image on screen, it can take different parameters as you can see below.
# Try changing few and see how the GUI changes
l = Label(text="Type the word here: ", bg='#759D98',
          bd='4', font=("Times", "23", "bold"), width='40')

# Here, Text widget is initialized and assigned to the variable inputText.
# inputText is being used above, to take the word entered by user, store it in a variable and pass on to methods to check its spelling
inputText = Text(root, height=2,
                 width=40, bd='3', font=("Times", "18", "bold"))

# The button widget is initialized here, this will add a button with name Check, on cliking which the method takeInput will get triggered
Check = Button(root, height=2,
               command=lambda: takeInput(), bg='#375F5A', fg='white', font=("Times", "14"))

# Here, the text box is initialized, where the final result after checking spelling will be displayed
Output = Text(root, height=5,
              width=40, bd='3', bg='#8C9F9D', font=("Times", "18", "bold"))

# the pack() method declares the position of widgets in relation to each other, instead of declaring the precise location of a widget
l.pack(padx=2, pady=2)
inputText.pack(padx=5, pady=5)
Check.pack(padx=2, pady=2)

# This is to call an endless loop so that the GUI window stays open until the user closes it

2. Textblob

Textblob is mainly used for common natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase extraction, sentiment analysis, classification, translation, etc.

But it also provides methods for checking to spell and getting the list of likely correct spellings of misspelled words.

Use the command below to install Textblob:

pip install textblob

Code for Spell checker in Python using Textblob

from textblob import Word
from tkinter import *

# Initializing tkinter here
root = Tk()
root.geometry("400x300")  # width and height of GUI
root.title(" Spelling Checker ")

# Using textblob
# This class will be imported in main.py if we import from spell1.py
class Spell:
    # contructor, In main.py, while object creation we'll pass the word entered by user as parameter
    def __init__(self, text):
        self.word = Word(text)

    # This method is getting list of likely correct spellings of the word using method provided by textblob and returning it as a string
    def correctSpelling(self):
        # returns list of likely correct spellings of the word
        tempList = self.word.spellcheck()
        temp = ''
        for i in tempList:
            temp = temp+i[0]+'\n'
        return temp

    # The method spellcheck provided with textblob returns a list of likely correct spellings of the word, along with their accuracy
    # If the spelling is correct, then it returns the same word with accuracy as 1
    # This check method is using the spellcheck method and returning true if spelling of word entered is correct, else false

    def check(self):
        correct = self.word.spellcheck()[0][0]
        if (self.word == correct):
            return True
            return False

# This method will get triggered when the Check button (Initialized below) gets clicked

def takeInput():
    # This method, first clears the output screen, in case any text is already present on output screen
    Output.delete("1.0", "end")
    # Then store the text entered on input screen in Input variable.
    Input = inputText.get("1.0", "end-1c")
    # As of now, it is programmed for only single word at once.
    # So, if user enters multiple words we are considering the first word
    Input = Input.split()[0]
    # Creating an object of type Spell, more explanation about this class is present in another files.
    # We can refer to spell1.py and spell2.py files respectively, depending on which one we have imported
    s = Spell(Input)
    # This method takes Input as parameter and return True if spelling is correct else false
    if (s.check()):
        Output.insert(END, 'Correct!')
        # In case spelling is incorrect, the below method returns the likely correct spellings in the form of formatted string
        correctSpellings = s.correctSpelling()
            END, 'Incorrect!, Do you mean any of these: '+correctSpellings)

# Label is a widget provided by tkinter to display text/image on screen, it can take different parameters as you can see below.
# Try changing few and see how the GUI changes
l = Label(text="Type the word here: ", bg='#759D98',
          bd='4', font=("Times", "23", "bold"), width='40')

# Here, Text widget is initialized and assigned to the variable inputText.
# inputText is being used above, to take the word entered by user, store it in a variable and pass on to methods to check its spelling
inputText = Text(root, height=2,
                 width=40, bd='3', font=("Times", "18", "bold"))

# The button widget is initialized here, this will add a button with name Check, on cliking which the method takeInput will get triggered
Check = Button(root, height=2,
               command=lambda: takeInput(), bg='#375F5A', fg='white', font=("Times", "14"))

# Here, the text box is initialized, where the final result after checking spelling will be displayed
Output = Text(root, height=5,
              width=40, bd='3', bg='#8C9F9D', font=("Times", "18", "bold"))

# the pack() method declares the position of widgets in relation to each other, instead of declaring the precise location of a widget
l.pack(padx=2, pady=2)
inputText.pack(padx=5, pady=5)
Check.pack(padx=2, pady=2)

# This is to call an endless loop so that the GUI window stays open until the user closes it

Output for Spell Checker in Python:

Image output:

output 1
output 1
output 2
output 2

Video output:


So, we created a GUI application of Spell Checker in Python from scratch. We have used 2 different libraries to create this spell checker. You can use this app to check and correct your spelling. This app works much like Grammarly as we all know is a tool used mostly to check to spell while doing any writing work. Hope you enjoyed this article.

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Author: Ayush Purawr