Visualize flight tracks on a map with Python framework (geo/moving/pandas, contextually…)
Flight data are stored as pandas / GeoPandas data frames
The trajectory is built with movingpandas and interpolation and projection are realized with movingpandas functions
The map background is built contextually
The final animated gif is built with PIL and matplotlib
Example: one flight from Marrakesh to Rome

Running the tests
Run the demo-flight-tracking notebook to see how to build the Marrakesh-Rome example
Built With
- pandas – Python Data Analysis Library
- GeoPandas – GeoPandas is an open-source project which extends the datatypes used by pandas to allow spatial operations on geometric types.
- movingpandas – Implementation of Trajectory classes and functions built on top of GeoPandas
- contextually– Context geo-tiles in Python
- Thomas Dubot
This project is licensed under the MIT License – see the LICENSE.md file for details
Thanks to Anita Graser for her tutorials and videos on movingpandas
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