Hi everyone, welcome to violet-cat-415996.hostingersite.com. In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to make a KBC Quiz game in python using simple lines of code. We are going to use random and time modules. We are making the lines of code easy to understand as we provide a detailed explanation of the code.
Import function
import random import time
Here we are making use of the random and time modules. The random module helps in generating the random value i.e string, int, etc that we are using in our project. The time module provides a time-lapse function.
Writing the title of the quiz game in python
#print * 80 times for i in range(80): print("*",end="") time.sleep(0) print() print("\t\t\t Welcome to") print("\t\t\tKaun Banega Crorepati") for i in range(80): print("*",end="") time.sleep(0) print() a=input("\tEnter Your Name - ") for i in range(80): print("*",end="") time.sleep(0) print()
We are using the for loop function in this block which helps print the stars 80 times. The time.sleep(0) function helps to provide a time-lapse of 0 after each line of execution. We are printing the title of the quiz as “Welcome to Kaun Banega Crorepati”. As well as we are asking the user to enter the name, storing it in the variable a.
We are providing 15 questions that we are using in the quiz game. We are using the wronganswers and the answer variable for storing the incorrect answers and the correct answers.
Logic to select the questions randomly for the KBC Quiz game in python
Now, we are creating the logic to select the questions randomly from the list for the Kaun Banega Crorepati game
while True: while True: selectquestion=random.choice(questions) if selectquestion in attempquestion: pass elif selectquestion not in attempquestion: attempquestion.append(selectquestion) questionindex=questions.index(selectquestion) correctanswer=answer[questionindex] break
Here in this code block, we are performing the question selection while the condition satisfies, selectquestion is the variable that stores the question that is randomly selected from the list. If the question is in the attempt question then we will pass the if condition. Otherwise, if the select question is not in attemptquestion then we will append that question in the attemptquestion. The questionindex holds the selectquestion value. The correctanswer stores the answer to the question index and breaks the loop.
Logic to hold the answer and hold the count
optionslist=[] inoptionlist=[] optioncount=1 while optioncount<4: optionselection=random.choice(wronganswers[questionindex]) if optionselection in inoptionlist: pass elif optionselection not in inoptionlist: optionslist.append(optionselection) inoptionlist.append(optionselection) optioncount+=1 optionslist.append(correctanswer)
We are creating two empty lists optionslist,inoptionlist. Option count, we have initialized to 1. While the option count is less than 4 we perform the following operation. optionselection variable stores the value of the randomly selected value of the wronganswers.
- If the option that we selected is in the optionlist then do pass.
- Otherwise, if the option we select is not inoptionlist. Append the value in both the lists optionlist and inoptionlist. Increase the option count by 1. Append the correctanswer to the optionslist.
Code for displaying questions
alreadydisplay=[] optiontodisplay=[] a1=True while a1: a=random.choice(optionslist) if a in alreadydisplay: pass else: alreadydisplay.append(a) optiontodisplay.append(a) a1=not True a1=True while a1: b=random.choice(optionslist) if b in alreadydisplay: pass else: alreadydisplay.append(b) optiontodisplay.append(b) a1=not True a1=True while a1: c=random.choice(optionslist) if c in alreadydisplay: pass else: alreadydisplay.append(c) optiontodisplay.append(c) a1=not True a1=True while a1: d=random.choice(optionslist) if d in alreadydisplay: pass else: alreadydisplay.append(d) optiontodisplay.append(d) a1=not True
In this code block, we are creating 2 empty lists alreadydisplay and optiontodisplay . We have initialized a1== True. We are taking 4 variables i.e a,b,c, and d which store the random answers from the options list. If the variable’s value is in alreadydisplay list then it does nothing i.e pass.
Otherwise, it will append the values of the variables to alreadydisplay and optiontodisplay list and initialize a1==not True.
Code for checking the right answer
right_answer="" if correctanswer==a: right_answer="a" elif correctanswer==b: right_answer="b" elif correctanswer==c: right_answer="c" elif correctanswer==d: right_answer="d" print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("\t\t\tAmount Win - ",amount) print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") time.sleep(1) print("\n\t\tQuestion ",count," on your Screen") print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") time.sleep(1) print(" | Question - ",selectquestion) print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------") time.sleep(1) print("\t| A. ",a) print("\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------") time.sleep(1) print("\t| B. ",b) print("\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------") time.sleep(1) print("\t| C. ",c) print("\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------") time.sleep(1) print("\t| D. ",d) print("\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------")
This code block initializes an empty variable as the right answer=””. We are using an if-else block which checks which is the right option from the list of a,b,c and d. If any of these options is correct it gets initialized to the right answer variable.
If the answer is the right answer it will display the amount you won. Display the next question along with the count and options for that particular question.
Logic to display the amount for each right answer
useranswer=input("\t\tEnter Correct Option\t or \t press Q to quit.\n\t\t\t...").lower() if useranswer==right_answer: if count==1: amount=1000 elif count==2: amount=2000 elif count==3: amount=5000 elif count==4: amount=10000 elif count==5: amount=40000 elif count==6: amount=80000 elif count==7: amount=160000 elif count==8: amount=320000 elif count==9: amount=640000 elif count==10: amount=1500000 print("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n") print("*********************************************************************************") print("\t\t\t \\\\\\\\\\ Congratulations! //////////") print("\t\t\t|||||||||| You Won The Game ||||||||||") print("*********************************************************************************") print("\n\n\t\t You Won Rs. ",amount) print() break print("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n") print("*********************************************************************************") print("\t\t\t \\\\\\\\\\ Congratulations! //////////") print("\t\t\t|||||||||| Right Answer ||||||||||") print("*********************************************************************************") count+=1 elif useranswer=="q": print("\n\n\t\t You Won Rs. ",amount) break else: print("*********************************************************************************") print("\t\t\tWrong Answer") print("*********************************************************************************") print("\n\n\t\t \tYou Won Rs. ",amount) print("*********************************************************************************") break
We are creating the variable useranswer which stores option we select from the option list. If the useranswer is equal to the right answer, the count of the question is increased by 1 and the amount allotted to that question is displayed. Once all the answers in the game are correct it will print “you won the game” and break the loop.
If the useranswer == “q” that is for quit, it quits the game. The system displays the amount won and breaks the loop, otherwise, the system displays “wrong answer” and the last amount you won.
Complete code for KBC Quiz game in python
#import random and time module import random import time #print * 80 times for i in range(80): print("*",end="") time.sleep(0) print() print("\t\t\t Welcome to") print("\t\t\tKaun Banega Crorepati") for i in range(80): print("*",end="") time.sleep(0) print() a=input("\tEnter Your Name - ") for i in range(80): print("*",end="") time.sleep(0) print() print("\n\t\tOK ",a," Let's Start The Game") time.sleep(1) questions=["Who is The Prime Minister of India","In Which Country Area 51 is Located","Which one is the largest Continent in the world","What is the Latest Version of Windows Since 2019","Which One of These Is not a Software Company","How Many MB Makes 1 GB","Facebook Was Firstly Developed By","Founder of Apple is","_________ is one of The Founder of Google","BIGG BOSS season 13 Starts in ____ & ends in _____","Apple's Laptop is Also Known as","First Apple Computer is Known as","Joystick is used For","____________ is used to Encrypt Drives in Computer"] answer=["Narendra Modi","United States","Asia","Windows 10","Honda","1024","Mark Zuckenberg","Steve Jobs","Larry Page","2019 - 2020","Macbook","Mactonish","Playing Games","Bitlocker"] wronganswers=[["Amit Shah","Aditya Nath Yogi","Azhar Ansari"],["India","Africa","Iraq"],["South Africa","North America","Europe"],["Windows 7","Windows 8","Windows 11"],["Oracle","Microsoft","Google"],["10024","1004","2024"],["Bill Gates","Larry Page","Azhar Ansari"],["Azhar Ansari","Charles Babbage","Sundar Pichai"],["Larry Hensberg","Sunder Pichai","Bill Gates"],["2020 - 2021","Not Starts Now","2018 - 2019"],["ThinBook","Notebook","ChromeBook"],["Apple v.1","Apple Computer","Appbook"],["Giving output command","Shutting down Computer","Log off Computer"],["KeyGuard","Windows Secure","No Software like this"]] attempquestion=[] count=1 amount=0 while True: while True: selectquestion=random.choice(questions) if selectquestion in attempquestion: pass elif selectquestion not in attempquestion: attempquestion.append(selectquestion) questionindex=questions.index(selectquestion) correctanswer=answer[questionindex] break optionslist=[] inoptionlist=[] optioncount=1 while optioncount<4: optionselection=random.choice(wronganswers[questionindex]) if optionselection in inoptionlist: pass elif optionselection not in inoptionlist: optionslist.append(optionselection) inoptionlist.append(optionselection) optioncount+=1 optionslist.append(correctanswer) alreadydisplay=[] optiontodisplay=[] a1=True while a1: a=random.choice(optionslist) if a in alreadydisplay: pass else: alreadydisplay.append(a) optiontodisplay.append(a) a1=not True a1=True while a1: b=random.choice(optionslist) if b in alreadydisplay: pass else: alreadydisplay.append(b) optiontodisplay.append(b) a1=not True a1=True while a1: c=random.choice(optionslist) if c in alreadydisplay: pass else: alreadydisplay.append(c) optiontodisplay.append(c) a1=not True a1=True while a1: d=random.choice(optionslist) if d in alreadydisplay: pass else: alreadydisplay.append(d) optiontodisplay.append(d) a1=not True right_answer="" if correctanswer==a: right_answer="a" elif correctanswer==b: right_answer="b" elif correctanswer==c: right_answer="c" elif correctanswer==d: right_answer="d" print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("\t\t\tAmount Win - ",amount) print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") time.sleep(1) print("\n\t\tQuestion ",count," on your Screen") print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") time.sleep(1) print(" | Question - ",selectquestion) print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------") time.sleep(1) print("\t| A. ",a) print("\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------") time.sleep(1) print("\t| B. ",b) print("\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------") time.sleep(1) print("\t| C. ",c) print("\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------") time.sleep(1) print("\t| D. ",d) print("\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------") useranswer=input("\t\tEnter Correct Option\t or \t press Q to quit.\n\t\t\t...").lower() if useranswer==right_answer: if count==1: amount=1000 elif count==2: amount=2000 elif count==3: amount=5000 elif count==4: amount=10000 elif count==5: amount=40000 elif count==6: amount=80000 elif count==7: amount=160000 elif count==8: amount=320000 elif count==9: amount=640000 elif count==10: amount=1500000 print("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n") print("*********************************************************************************") print("\t\t\t \\\\\\\\\\ Congratulations! //////////") print("\t\t\t|||||||||| You Won The Game ||||||||||") print("*********************************************************************************") print("\n\n\t\t You Won Rs. ",amount) print() break print("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n") print("*********************************************************************************") print("\t\t\t \\\\\\\\\\ Congratulations! //////////") print("\t\t\t|||||||||| Right Answer ||||||||||") print("*********************************************************************************") count+=1 elif useranswer=="q": print("\n\n\t\t You Won Rs. ",amount) break else: print("*********************************************************************************") print("\t\t\tWrong Answer") print("*********************************************************************************") print("\n\n\t\t \tYou Won Rs. ",amount) print("*********************************************************************************") break

Hence, we have successfully created the KBC Quiz game in python.
For more articles and projects on python, keep vising our website www.violet-cat-415996.hostingersite.com
Thank you for reading this article.
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