what is web development for beginners?

What is web development for beginners?

Introduction In web development, we refer to website so web development refers to website development. “Web” word has been taken from the spider’s web because…

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What does if "__name__" == "__main__" do in Python?

What does if __name__ == __main__ do in Python?

Introduction Most of us have come across the if __name__ == “__main__” in Python while doing a program or we specifically write this function while…

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Python | CRUD operations in MongoDB

Today in this article, we will talk about some operations that can be performed on the database using the queries of MongoDB. In this article…

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CRUD in Django

CRUD operations in Django

Today, we will learn how to perform CRUD operations in Django Python. We will perform CRUD operations using a form and without a form. We…

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Install and setup Python in Windows 11

Microsoft has released its latest version of the Windows Operating System. This blog will discuss how to Install Python in Windows 11 along with testing…

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Python Tkinter Button: Tutorial for Beginners

In this tutorial, we will explore everything about how to create a Tkinter Button in python, everything will be beginner friendly. Tkinter is one of…

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Sequel Programming Languages(SQL)

Sequel Programming Languages(SQL)

In this article, we are going to learn about Sequel Programming Languages(SQL). Big enterprises like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, use SQL for storing the data…

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Run Python Code, Install Libraries, Create a Virtual Environment | VS Code

Run Python Code, Install Libraries, Create a Virtual Environment | VS Code

Visual Studio Code is one of the most efficient code compilers/interpreters. It is very promising because of the vast and widely available go-to extensions that…

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Calendar using Java with best examples

Calendar using Java with best examples

In this article, we are going to learn how to code Calendar using Java. The calendar application is occasionally asked in interviews to be built…

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How to make a Process Monitor in Python?

In this article, we will build an application, Process Monitor in python using psutil. Python has a wide range of libraries and packages, which makes…

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C++ Array Assignment

Today, we will learn C++ Array Assignment. We can assign multiple values to C++ Arrays. There are many ways you can initialize a C++ array….

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Employee Management System Project in Java

Employee Management System Project in Java

Introduction We are going to develop an Employee Management System Project in Java. This project is great for those who are at an intermediate level…

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NxNxN Matrix in Python 3

NxNxN Matrix in Python 3

A 3d matrix(NxNxN) can be created in Python using lists or NumPy. Numpy provides us with an easier and more efficient way of creating and…

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Calculator Program in Python On Different IDEs

Calculator Program in Python | On Different IDEs

Welcome to violet-cat-415996.hostingersite.com. In this tutorial, we are going to write a simple Calculator Program in Python and run it on different IDEs of python…

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Naive Bayes in Machine Learning

Naive Bayes in Machine Learning

In the Machine Learning series, following a bunch of articles, in this article, we are going to learn about the Naive Bayes Algorithm in detail….

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Lee Algorithm in Python | Solution to Maze Routing Problem in Python

Lee Algorithm in Python | Solution to Maze Routing Problem in Python

Introduction Definition: The Lee algorithm is one feasible solution for maze routing problems based on a breadth-first search. It always gives an optimal solution, if…

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Automate Data Mining With Python

Introduction Data mining is one of the most crucial steps in Data Science. To drive meaningful insights from data to take business decisions, it is…

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Support Vector Machine(SVM) in Machine Learning

Support Vector Machine(SVM) in Machine Learning

Introduction to Support vector machine In the Machine Learning series, following a bunch of articles, in this article, we are going to learn about Support…

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How to Python Increment By 1?

Python Increment By 1

Introduction In this post, we are going to learn all the methods for Python Increment By 1. We will see how to increase any variable…

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Vending Machine with Python Code

Vending Machine with Python Code

This blog will discuss how we can build a Vending Machine with Python Code (console app). The Vending Machine with Python code is a small…

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