Hello friends, welcome to In this tutorial, we are going to Create a Vehicle Parking Management in Python. This project helps maintain the details of the vehicle owner, number, type, date, and the amount of time the vehicle is parked in the area. Accordingly, the bill generates for the particular vehicle parked in the area. This information is useful for all those who want to maintain a database of the individual who has parked their vehicles in the surroundings.
We are providing the complete code and detailed information about this project in this article.
Let us understand this project
1. Import Function and Initializing the variables
#Import Time
import time
In this code block, we are importing the time module to implement its methods and function in the project. We have initialized the variables vehicle number, vehicle type, vehicle name, owner name date, and time to some default value. As well as bikes, cars, and bicycles with some initial value.
2. Create a while loop block to display the options in Vehicle Parking Management Project
def main():
global bikes,cars,bicycles
while True:
print("\t\tParking Management System")
print("1.Vehicle Entry")
print("2.Remove Entry" )
print("3.View Parked Vehicle ")
print("4.View Left Parking Space ")
print("5.Amount Details ")
print("7.Close Programme ")
ch=int(input("\tSelect option:"))
In this code block, we have initialized the bikes, cars, and bicycles as global variables. They are accessible through the entire main block. Here we are providing the options to choose the service options from the list, for the vehicle parking management system.
Now we will understand each service option in detail.
Code for vehicle number entry
if ch==1:
while no==True:
Vno=input("\tEnter vehicle number (XXXX-XX-XXXX) - ").upper()
if Vno=="":
print("###### Enter Vehicle No. ######")
elif Vno in Vehicle_Number:
print("###### Vehicle Number Already Exists")
elif len(Vno)==12:
no=not True
print("###### Enter Valid Vehicle Number ######")
Ch is for choice, Once we select the ch option as 1 which is for vehicle entry number, then we provide the while loop. while the number(no is True). We will store the vehicle number in Vno. If the vno is empty i.e vno==“”.The user asks to enter the vehicle number, else If the vno entered is already present in the vehicle number then it prints the vehicle number already exists. Else if len(vno)==12, It will ask to append the info to the vehicle number variable.
Code to enter the vehicle type
while typee==True:
Vtype=str(input("\tEnter vehicle type(Bicycle=A/Bike=B/Car=C):")).lower()
if Vtype=="":
print("###### Enter Vehicle Type ######")
elif Vtype=="a":
typee=not True
elif Vtype=="b":
typee=not True
elif Vtype=="c":
typee=not True
print("###### Please Enter Valid Option ######")
Here we have to initialize the typee variable to true. While the condition is True, the system asks to enter the vehicle type i.e a,b, or c which will accept the input in the lower case. Here A is for bicycle, B is for Bike and C is for Car. Any vehicle type you enter is stored in the variable Vtype. If the Vtype==””(empty). It will ask to enter the vehicle type. According to the type of variable you enter the vehicle type will be stored in the variable and typee variable is set to not True.
Code to enter the vehicle name
while name==True:
vname=input("\tEnter vehicle name - ")
if vname=="":
print("########Please Enter Vehicle Name ########")
name=not True
Here we have set the name== True. While the name == True i.e until we enter the name.vname store the value i.e. vehicle name. if the vname is empty system asks to enter the vehicle name, else it will store the name using the append function to the vehicle name variable The name variable is initialized to not True.
Code to enter the owners name
while o==True:
OName=input("\tEnter owner name - ")
if OName=="":
print("###### Please Enter Owner Name ######")
o=not True
O is initialized to True. While the condition satisfies the Owner’s name is stored in the OName variable. If the OName is empty it system asks to enter the owner name else it will store the Owner name in the owner name variable. O is now initialized to Not True.
Code enter the date and time
while d==True:
date=input("\tEnter Date (DD-MM-YYYY) - ")
if date=="":
print("###### Enter Date ######")
elif len(date)!=10:
print("###### Enter Valid Date ######")
d=not True
while t==True:
time=input("\tEnter Time (HH:MM:SS) - ")
if t=="":
print("###### Enter Time ######")
elif len(time)!=8:
print("###### Please Enter Valid Time ######")
t=not True
Similarly, we have to create a while loop to enter the date and time initializing d and t to 0. Date variable stores the date and the time-variable stores time. The date and time variable checks the condition and accordingly execute further.
Code to remove the entry from the register
elif ch==2:
while no==True:
Vno=input("\tEnter vehicle number to Delete(XXXX-XX-XXXX) - ").upper()
if Vno=="":
print("###### Enter Vehicle No. ######")
elif len(Vno)==12:
if Vno in Vehicle_Number:
no=not True
print("\n............................................................Removed Sucessfully..................................................................")
elif Vno not in Vehicle_Number:
print("###### No Such Entry ######")
print("###### Enter Valid Vehicle Number ######")
In this code block, we are writing the code to remove the particular entry of a vehicle from the database. Users have entered a valid vehicle number to Create a Vehicle Parking Management in Python. If the vehicle number is present in our database and if the length of the vehicle number is 12 then it uses a pop function to remove the particular entry. Else if the vehicle number is not present in the database it will print “No such Entry” and asks to enter a valid vehicle number.
Code to display the vehicles present in the parking area
elif ch==3:
print("\t\t\t\tParked Vehicle")
print("Vehicle No.\tVehicle Type Vehicle Name\t Owner Name\t Date\t\tTime")
for i in range(len(Vehicle_Number)):
print(Vehicle_Number[i],"\t ",Vehicle_Type[i],"\t ",vehicle_Name[i],"\t ",Owner_Name[i]," " ,Date[i]," ",Time[i])
print("------------------------------------------ Total Records - ",count,"-------------------------------------------------------")
Here ch==3 is for displaying the parked vehicles in the parking area. For this, we have to use the for loop function. It counts the length of the vehicle number. This will display the whole information of the vehicles.
Code for spaces left in the parking area
elif ch==4:
print("\t\t\t\tSpaces Left For Parking")
print("\tSpaces Available for Bicycle - ",bicycles)
print("\tSpaces Available for Bike - ",bikes)
print("\tSpaces Available for Car - ",cars)
This block of code displays the spaces left for parking in the parking area.
Code for displaying the parking rate
elif ch==5:
print("\t\t\t\tParking Rate")
print("*1.Bicycle Rs20 / Hour")
print("*2.Bike Rs40/ Hour")
print("*3.Car Rs60/ Hour")
It displays the parking rate of different types of vehicles.
Code to generate bills for different types of vehicles parked
elif ch==6:
print(".............................................................. Generating Bill ..........................................................................")
while no==True:
Vno=input("\tEnter vehicle number to Delete(XXXX-XX-XXXX) - ").upper()
if Vno=="":
print("###### Enter Vehicle No. ######")
elif len(Vno)==12:
if Vno in Vehicle_Number:
no=not True
elif Vno not in Vehicle_Number:
print("###### No Such Entry ######")
print("###### Enter Valid Vehicle Number ######")
print("\tVehicle Check in time - ",Time[i])
print("\tVehicle Check in Date - ",Date[i])
print("\tVehicle Type - ",Vehicle_Type[i])
while inp==True:
hr=input("\tEnter No. of Hours Vehicle Parked - ").lower()
if hr=="":
print("###### Please Enter Hours ######")
elif int(hr)==0 and Vehicle_Type[i]=="Bicycle":
inp=not True
elif int(hr)==0 and Vehicle_Type[i]=="Bike":
inp=not True
elif int(hr)==0 and Vehicle_Type[i]=="Car":
inp=not True
elif int(hr)>=1:
if Vehicle_Type[i]=="Bicycle":
inp=not True
elif Vehicle_Type[i]=="Bike":
inp=not True
elif Vehicle_Type[i]=="Car":
inp=not True
print("\t Parking Charge - ",amt)
print("\tAdd. charge 18 % - ",ac)
print("\tTotal Charge - ",int(amt)+int(ac))
print("..............................................................Thank you for using our service...........................................................................")
a=input("\tPress Any Key to Proceed - ")
elif ch==7:
print("..............................................................Thank you for using our service...........................................................................")
print(" **********(: Bye Bye :)**********")
The billing section generates the bill for the vehicle parked. We have to enter the correct vehicle number and check the length of the vehicle number and the vehicle number present in the database. After this check the time and the type of vehicle. Depending upon the vehicle type the system calculates the charges. The last choice ch==7 is to come out of the service options and quit the program.
Complete Code to Create a Vehicle Parking Management Project in Python
#Import Time import time Vehicle_Number=['XXXX-XX-XXXX'] Vehicle_Type=['Bike'] vehicle_Name=['Intruder'] Owner_Name=['Unknown'] Date=['22-22-3636'] Time=['22:22:22'] bikes=100 cars=250 bicycles=78 def main(): global bikes,cars,bicycles try: while True: print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("\t\tParking Management System") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("1.Vehicle Entry") print("2.Remove Entry" ) print("3.View Parked Vehicle ") print("4.View Left Parking Space ") print("5.Amount Details ") print("6.Bill") print("7.Close Programme ") print("+---------------------------------------------+") ch=int(input("\tSelect option:")) if ch==1: no=True while no==True: Vno=input("\tEnter vehicle number (XXXX-XX-XXXX) - ").upper() if Vno=="": print("###### Enter Vehicle No. ######") elif Vno in Vehicle_Number: print("###### Vehicle Number Already Exists") elif len(Vno)==12: no=not True Vehicle_Number.append(Vno) else: print("###### Enter Valid Vehicle Number ######") typee=True while typee==True: Vtype=str(input("\tEnter vehicle type(Bicycle=A/Bike=B/Car=C):")).lower() if Vtype=="": print("###### Enter Vehicle Type ######") elif Vtype=="a": Vehicle_Type.append("Bicycle") bicycles-=1 typee=not True elif Vtype=="b": Vehicle_Type.append("Bike") bikes-=1 typee=not True elif Vtype=="c": Vehicle_Type.append("Car") cars-=1 typee=not True else: print("###### Please Enter Valid Option ######") name=True while name==True: vname=input("\tEnter vehicle name - ") if vname=="": print("########Please Enter Vehicle Name ########") else: vehicle_Name.append(vname) name=not True o=True while o==True: OName=input("\tEnter owner name - ") if OName=="": print("###### Please Enter Owner Name ######") else: Owner_Name.append(OName) o=not True d=True while d==True: date=input("\tEnter Date (DD-MM-YYYY) - ") if date=="": print("###### Enter Date ######") elif len(date)!=10: print("###### Enter Valid Date ######") else: Date.append(date) d=not True t=True while t==True: time=input("\tEnter Time (HH:MM:SS) - ") if t=="": print("###### Enter Time ######") elif len(time)!=8: print("###### Please Enter Valid Date ######") else: Time.append(time) t=not True print("\n............................................................Record detail saved..................................................................") elif ch==2: no=True while no==True: Vno=input("\tEnter vehicle number to Delete(XXXX-XX-XXXX) - ").upper() if Vno=="": print("###### Enter Vehicle No. ######") elif len(Vno)==12: if Vno in Vehicle_Number: i=Vehicle_Number.index(Vno) Vehicle_Number.pop(i) Vehicle_Type.pop(i) vehicle_Name.pop(i) Owner_Name.pop(i) Date.pop(i) Time.pop(i) no=not True print("\n............................................................Removed Sucessfully..................................................................") elif Vno not in Vehicle_Number: print("###### No Such Entry ######") else: print("Error") else: print("###### Enter Valid Vehicle Number ######") elif ch==3: count=0 print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("\t\t\t\tParked Vehicle") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("Vehicle No.\tVehicle Type Vehicle Name\t Owner Name\t Date\t\tTime") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") for i in range(len(Vehicle_Number)): count+=1 print(Vehicle_Number[i],"\t ",Vehicle_Type[i],"\t ",vehicle_Name[i],"\t ",Owner_Name[i]," " ,Date[i]," ",Time[i]) print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("------------------------------------------ Total Records - ",count,"-------------------------------------------------------") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") elif ch==4: print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("\t\t\t\tSpaces Left For Parking") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("\tSpaces Available for Bicycle - ",bicycles) print("\tSpaces Available for Bike - ",bikes) print("\tSpaces Available for Car - ",cars) print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") elif ch==5: print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("\t\t\t\tParking Rate") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("*1.Bicycle Rs20 / Hour") print("*2.Bike Rs40/ Hour") print("*3.Car Rs60/ Hour") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") elif ch==6: print(".............................................................. Generating Bill ..........................................................................") no=True while no==True: Vno=input("\tEnter vehicle number to Delete(XXXX-XX-XXXX) - ").upper() if Vno=="": print("###### Enter Vehicle No. ######") elif len(Vno)==12: if Vno in Vehicle_Number: i=Vehicle_Number.index(Vno) no=not True elif Vno not in Vehicle_Number: print("###### No Such Entry ######") else: print("Error") else: print("###### Enter Valid Vehicle Number ######") print("\tVehicle Check in time - ",Time[i]) print("\tVehicle Check in Date - ",Date[i]) print("\tVehicle Type - ",Vehicle_Type[i]) inp=True amt=0 while inp==True: hr=input("\tEnter No. of Hours Vehicle Parked - ").lower() if hr=="": print("###### Please Enter Hours ######") elif int(hr)==0 and Vehicle_Type[i]=="Bicycle": amt=20 inp=not True elif int(hr)==0 and Vehicle_Type[i]=="Bike": amt=40 inp=not True elif int(hr)==0 and Vehicle_Type[i]=="Car": amt=60 inp=not True elif int(hr)>=1: if Vehicle_Type[i]=="Bicycle": amt=int(hr)*int(20) inp=not True elif Vehicle_Type[i]=="Bike": amt=int(hr)*int(40) inp=not True elif Vehicle_Type[i]=="Car": amt=int(hr)*int(60) inp=not True print("\t Parking Charge - ",amt) ac=18/100*int(amt) print("\tAdd. charge 18 % - ",ac) print("\tTotal Charge - ",int(amt)+int(ac)) print("..............................................................Thank you for using our service...........................................................................") a=input("\tPress Any Key to Proceed - ") elif ch==7: print("..............................................................Thank you for using our service...........................................................................") print(" **********(: Bye Bye :)**********") break quit except: main() main()
Here we have successfully created the vehicle Parking Management system. For more articles on python, keep visiting the website.
Thank you for reading this article.
Vehicle Parking Management System Python
In this post, we talked about the vehicle parking management system python with complete source code and output, some people were also demanding the report for this project as they want this project to submit in their college project but to be honest if you will copy this you will be caught and your professor will fail you for plagiarism. So if you want a unique code with a report then WhatApp me at +919760648231
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