Draw Ironman Helmet with Python Turtle

Draw Ironman Helmet with Python Turtle

In this tutorial, we will be learning to Draw Ironman Helmet with Python Turtle. We will first read the code and then read the explanation where we will fully understand the code.


import turtle

ankur1 = [[(-40, 120), (-70, 260), (-130, 230), (-170, 200), (-170, 100), (-160, 40), (-170, 10), (-150, -10), (-140, 10),
           (-40, -20), (0, -20)],
          [(0, -20), (40, -20), (140, 10), (150, -10), (170, 10), (160, 40), (170, 100), (170, 200), (130, 230), (70, 260),
           (40, 120), (0, 120)]]
ankur2 = [[(-40, -30), (-50, -40), (-100, -46), (-130, -40), (-176, 0), (-186, -30), (-186, -40), (-120, -170), (-110, -210),
           (-80, -230), (-64, -210), (0, -210)],
          [(0, -210), (64, -210), (80, -230), (110, -210), (120, -170), (186, -40), (186, -30), (176, 0), (130, -40),
           (100, -46), (50, -40), (40, -30), (0, -30)]]
ankur3 = [[(-60, -220), (-80, -240), (-110, -220), (-120, -250), (-90, -280), (-60, -260), (-30, -260), (-20, -250),
           (0, -250)],
          [(0, -250), (20, -250), (30, -260), (60, -260), (90, -280), (120, -250), (110, -220), (80, -240), (60, -220),
           (0, -220)]]

turtle.bgcolor('#ba161e')  # Dark Red
turtle.setup(500, 600)
turtle.title("I AM IRONMAN")
ankur1Goto = (0, 120)
ankur2Goto = (0, -30)
ankur3Goto = (0, -220)

def logo(a, b):
    turtle.color('#fab104')  # Light Yellow

    for i in range(len(a[0])):
        x, y = a[0][i]
        turtle.goto(x, y)

    for i in range(len(a[1])):
        x, y = a[1][i]
        turtle.goto(x, y)

logo(ankur1, ankur1Goto)
logo(ankur2, ankur2Goto)
logo(ankur3, ankur3Goto)


Draw Ironman Helmet Draw Ironman Helmet with Python Turtle In this tutorial, we will be learning to Draw Ironman Helmet with Python Turtle. We will first read the code and then read the explanation where we will fully understand the code.


First Part:

  • In the first part of the Draw Ironman Helmet, we will import the turtle module and set the variable ankur1,ankur2,ankur3, and its value as below code.
ankur1=[[(-40, 120), (-70, 260), (-130, 230), (-170, 200), (-170, 100), (-160, 40), (-170, 10), (-150, -10), (-140, 10), (-40, -20), (0, -20)],[(0, -20), (40, -20), (140, 10), (150, -10), (170, 10), (160, 40), (170, 100), (170, 200), (130, 230), (70, 260), (40, 120), (0, 120)]]
ankur2=[[(-40, -30), (-50, -40), (-100, -46), (-130, -40), (-176, 0), (-186, -30), (-186, -40), (-120, -170), (-110, -210), (-80, -230), (-64, -210), (0, -210)],[(0, -210), (64, -210), (80, -230), (110, -210), (120, -170), (186, -40), (186, -30), (176, 0), (130, -40), (100, -46), (50, -40), (40, -30), (0, -30)]]
ankur3=[[(-60, -220), (-80, -240), (-110, -220), (-120, -250),(-90, -280), (-60, -260), (-30, -260), (-20, -250), (0, -250)],[(0, -250), (20, -250), (30, -260), (60, -260), (90, -280), (120, -250),(110, -220), (80, -240), (60, -220), (0, -220)]]
  • Then we will hide the turtle and set the background color to #ba161e and set the size to 500 / 600.
  • Likewise, we will make the above turtle to move in the above codes. Set the speed to 2.

Second Part:

  • Create a function name logo() with the parameters “a” and “b”. Inside this function, call the penup(), goto(b),pendown() method and set the color to #fab104 and begin the fill.
  • After that inside the function itself, create a for loop with the range of { len(a[0]) }. Inside this loop, set x, y = a [0][i]. Then, goto (x, y).
  • Coming out of the loop, again create another for loop with the range of { len(a[1]) }. Inside this loop, set x, y = a[1][i]. Then, goto x,y and coming out of the loop, end the fill.

Last Part:

  • In this part just call the functions in the following order and hide the turtle.

Thank You for reading till the end. If you found something wrong in the post, please let us know using comments.

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Author: Ayush Purawr