Restaurant management system project in Python

Restaurant management system project in Python

About Restaurant Management System Project in Python

In the Restaurant management system project in Python, we will be having a GUI using which we will be able to do complete billing for any customer. Like we will be able to add items and their price to the bill and also calculate their total price using the total button. Also, the data can be stored in our inbuilt SQLite database.

We will be having many buttons like the Exit button to exit the GUI, the Add button to store the data in the database, the Delete record button to delete the selected data from the SQLite database, and the Feedback button to take the feedback from the customer, the Menu button to show all the items available in the restaurant, the Reset button to reset the data, etc

In this article, we going to learn to develop the Restaurant management system project in Python using the Tkinter library step by step.

If you don’t like reading the articles, you can scroll down and copy and paste the code using the copy button in the PyCharm IDE and run it, you will see that the program runs very smoothly without any errors.

Project Overview: Restaurant management system project in Python

Project Name:Restaurant management system project in Python
Abstract:This is a straightforward GUI-based program that is simple to grasp and utilize. The GUI is created with the Tkinter package.
Language/Technologies Used:Python, Tkinter, SQLite
Python version (Recommended):3.8 or 3.9
Type/Category:Final Year Project using Python

Features and Benefits:

  • Fill in the order the customer wants
  • Complete bill management
  • Add tax and services
  • Calculate the total in 1 click
  • Reset the data
  • Feedback form
  • Orders and the total is stored in the inbuilt database of Pycharm IDE i.e DB SQLite.

Use of Pycharm IDE for Project creation of Restaurant Billing System Project in python

Setting Pycharm for Restaurant management system project in python
  • Right-click on the project name you have created and  Create a New Python File as “
Creating a file for project report on restaurant management system in python inside pycharm

Once you create the python file, write the entire code which includes all the modules for restaurant management.

  • Execute the Python Program
Running the restaurant management system project in python class 12 program

Code flow:

Import the modules required for the project

from tkinter import *
import random
import time
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import messagebox
import sqlite3

These are the main modules required for the project including Tkinter, random, time, and SQLite.

Defining the database connectivity for restaurant management system project in python with source code

   def Database():
        global connectn, cursor
        connectn = sqlite3.connect("Restaurant.db")
        cursor = connectn.cursor()

We are using the inbuilt database present in Pycharm IDE i.e SQLite and created the database “restaurant.db”. Connection with the database is done with the connect() function.

Defining the total function

 def tottal():
        # fetching the values from entry box
        order = (orderno.get())
        pi = float(pizza.get())
        bu = float(burger.get())
        ice = float(icecream.get())
        dr = float(drinks.get())

        # computing the cost of items

        costpi = pi * 240
        costbu = bu * 125
        costice = ice * 80
        costdr = dr * 60

        # computing the charges
        costofmeal = (costpi + costbu + costice + costdr)
        ptax = ((costpi + costbu + costice + costdr) * 0.18)
        sub = (costpi + costbu + costice + costdr)
        ser = ((costpi + costbu + costice + costdr) / 99)
        paidtax = str(ptax)
        Service = str(ser)
        overall = str(ptax + ser + sub)

The function fetches the values from the entry box and stores them in the variable, computes the cost of the item, charges, and displays the total.


Output1 of Restaurant Management System in Python
Output1 of Restaurant Management System in Python

Defining the Add function and the display function

def add():

    ord1 = orderno.get()
    french1 = french.get()

def DisplayData():
    cursor = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM RECORD")
    fetch = cursor.fetchall()

The def add gets the data from the fields and fill it into the records database and displays the data making use of for loop function


Output2 of Restaurant Management System in Python

Defining Deleting the record from the database

    def Delete():
        # open database
        if not my_tree.selection():
            messagebox.showwarning("Warning", "Select data to delete")
            result = messagebox.askquestion('Confirm', 'Are you sure you want to delete this record?',
        if result == 'yes':
            curItem = my_tree.focus()
            contents = (my_tree.item(curItem))
            selecteditem = contents['values']
            cursor = connectn.execute("DELETE FROM Restaurantrecords WHERE ordno= %d" % selecteditem[0])

This function deletes the record from the database record in the Restaurant management system project in Python.


Output3 of Restaurant Management System Project in Python
Output3 of Restaurant Management System Project in Python

Complete Source code of Restaurant management system project in Python

### Importing required libraries ###
from tkinter import *
import random
import time
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import messagebox
import sqlite3
from tkinter import *

#It is definition of System
def system():
    root = Tk()
    root.title("Restaurant Management System")

    def Database():
        global connectn, cursor
        connectn = sqlite3.connect("Restaurant.db")
        cursor = connectn.cursor()
        # creating bill table
            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Restaurantrecords(ordno text,piz text,bur text,ice text, dr text, ct text,sb text,tax text,sr text,tot text)")

    # variable datatype assignment
    orderno = StringVar()
    pizza = StringVar()
    burger = StringVar()
    icecream = StringVar()
    drinks = StringVar()
    cost = StringVar()
    subtotal = StringVar()
    tax = StringVar()
    service = StringVar()
    total = StringVar()

    # defining total function
    def tottal():
        # fetching the values from entry box
        order = (orderno.get())
        pi = float(pizza.get())
        bu = float(burger.get())
        ice = float(icecream.get())
        dr = float(drinks.get())

        # computing the cost of items

        costpi = pi * 240
        costbu = bu * 125
        costice = ice * 80
        costdr = dr * 60

        # computing the charges
        costofmeal = (costpi + costbu + costice + costdr)
        ptax = ((costpi + costbu + costice + costdr) * 0.18)
        sub = (costpi + costbu + costice + costdr)
        ser = ((costpi + costbu + costice + costdr) / 99)
        paidtax = str(ptax)
        Service = str(ser)
        overall = str(ptax + ser + sub)

        # Displaying the values

    # defining reset function
    def reset():

    # defining exit function
    def exit():

    # Topframe
    topframe = Frame(root, bg="white", width=1600, height=50)

    # Leftframe
    leftframe = Frame(root, width=900, height=700)

    # rightframe
    rightframe = Frame(root, width=400, height=700)

    ################## display data ####################
    def DisplayData():
        cursor = connectn.execute("SELECT * FROM Restaurantrecords")
        fetch = cursor.fetchall()
        for data in fetch:
            my_tree.insert('', 'end', values=(data))

    style = ttk.Style()
              background=[('selected', 'lightblue')])

    ###########  Creating table #############
    my_tree = ttk.Treeview(rightframe)
    my_tree['columns'] = ("ordno", "piz", "bur", "ice", "dr", "ct", "sb", "tax", "sr", "tot")

    ############ creating  for table ################
    horizontal_bar = ttk.Scrollbar(rightframe, orient="horizontal")
    horizontal_bar.pack(fill=X, side=BOTTOM)

    vertical_bar = ttk.Scrollbar(rightframe, orient="vertical")
    vertical_bar.pack(fill=Y, side=RIGHT)

    # defining column for table
    my_tree.column("#0", width=0, minwidth=0)
    my_tree.column("ordno", anchor=CENTER, width=80, minwidth=25)
    my_tree.column("piz", anchor=CENTER, width=60, minwidth=25)
    my_tree.column("bur", anchor=CENTER, width=50, minwidth=25)
    my_tree.column("ice", anchor=CENTER, width=80, minwidth=25)
    my_tree.column("dr", anchor=CENTER, width=50, minwidth=25)
    my_tree.column("ct", anchor=CENTER, width=50, minwidth=25)
    my_tree.column("sb", anchor=CENTER, width=100, minwidth=25)
    my_tree.column("tax", anchor=CENTER, width=50, minwidth=25)
    my_tree.column("sr", anchor=CENTER, width=100, minwidth=25)
    my_tree.column("tot", anchor=CENTER, width=50, minwidth=25)

    # defining  headings for table
    my_tree.heading("ordno", text="Order No", anchor=CENTER)
    my_tree.heading("piz", text="Pizza", anchor=CENTER)
    my_tree.heading("bur", text="Burger", anchor=CENTER)
    my_tree.heading("ice", text="Ice cream", anchor=CENTER)
    my_tree.heading("dr", text="Drinks", anchor=CENTER)
    my_tree.heading("ct", text="Cost", anchor=CENTER)
    my_tree.heading("sb", text="Subtotal", anchor=CENTER)
    my_tree.heading("tax", text="Tax", anchor=CENTER)
    my_tree.heading("sr", text="Service", anchor=CENTER)
    my_tree.heading("tot", text="Total", anchor=CENTER)


    # defining add function to add record
    def add():
        # getting  data
        orders = orderno.get()
        pizzas = pizza.get()
        burgers = burger.get()
        ices = icecream.get()
        drinkss = drinks.get()
        costs = cost.get()
        subtotals = subtotal.get()
        taxs = tax.get()
        services = service.get()
        totals = total.get()
        if orders == "" or pizzas == "" or burgers == "" or ices == "" or drinkss == "" or costs == "" or subtotals == "" or taxs == "" or services == "" or totals == "":
            messagebox.showinfo("Warning", "Please fill the empty field!!!")
                'INSERT INTO Restaurantrecords (ordno, piz, bur , ice ,dr ,ct ,sb ,tax, sr, tot) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',
                (orders, pizzas, burgers, ices, drinkss, costs, subtotals, taxs, services, totals));
            messagebox.showinfo("Message", "Stored successfully")
        # refresh table data

    # defining function to access data from sqlite datrabase
    def DisplayData():
        cursor = connectn.execute("SELECT * FROM Restaurantrecords")
        fetch = cursor.fetchall()
        for data in fetch:
            my_tree.insert('', 'end', values=(data))

    # defining function to delete record
    def Delete():
        # open database
        if not my_tree.selection():
            messagebox.showwarning("Warning", "Select data to delete")
            result = messagebox.askquestion('Confirm', 'Are you sure you want to delete this record?',
        if result == 'yes':
            curItem = my_tree.focus()
            contents = (my_tree.item(curItem))
            selecteditem = contents['values']
            cursor = connectn.execute("DELETE FROM Restaurantrecords WHERE ordno= %d" % selecteditem[0])

    # Time
    localtime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
    # Top part
    main_lbl = Label(topframe, font=('Calibri', 25, 'bold'), text="Restaurant Management System", fg="Blue",
    main_lbl.grid(row=0, column=0)
    main_lbl = Label(topframe, font=('Calibri', 15,), text=localtime, fg="lightgreen", anchor=W)
    main_lbl.grid(row=1, column=0)

    ### Labels
    # items
    ordlbl = Label(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Order No.", fg="black", bd=5, anchor=W).grid(row=1,
    ordtxt = Entry(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), bd=6, insertwidth=4, justify='right',
                   textvariable=orderno).grid(row=1, column=1)
    # Pizza
    pizlbl = Label(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Pizza", fg="black", bd=5, anchor=W).grid(row=2,
    piztxt = Entry(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), bd=6, insertwidth=4, justify='right',
                   textvariable=pizza).grid(row=2, column=1)
    # burger
    burlbl = Label(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Burger", fg="black", bd=5, anchor=W).grid(row=3,
    burtxt = Entry(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), bd=6, insertwidth=4, justify='right',
                   textvariable=burger).grid(row=3, column=1)

    # icecream
    icelbl = Label(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Ice Cream", fg="black", bd=5, anchor=W).grid(row=4,
    icetxt = Entry(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), bd=6, insertwidth=4, justify='right',
                   textvariable=icecream).grid(row=4, column=1)
    # drinks
    drinklbl = Label(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Drinks", fg="black", bd=5, anchor=W).grid(row=5,
    drinktxt = Entry(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), bd=6, insertwidth=4, justify='right',
                     textvariable=drinks).grid(row=5, column=1)
    # cost
    costlbl = Label(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Cost", bd=5, anchor=W).grid(row=6, column=0)
    costtxt = Entry(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), bd=6, insertwidth=4, justify='right',
                    textvariable=cost).grid(row=6, column=1)
    # subtotal
    sublbl = Label(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Subtotal", bd=5, anchor=W).grid(row=7, column=0)
    subtxt = Entry(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), bd=6, insertwidth=4, justify='right',
                   textvariable=subtotal).grid(row=7, column=1)
    # tax
    taxlbl = Label(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Tax", bd=5, anchor=W).grid(row=8, column=0)
    taxtxt = Entry(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), bd=6, insertwidth=4, justify='right',
                   textvariable=tax).grid(row=8, column=1)
    # service
    servicelbl = Label(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Service", bd=5, anchor=W).grid(row=9,
    servicetxt = Entry(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), bd=6, insertwidth=4, justify='right',
                       textvariable=service).grid(row=9, column=1)
    # total
    totallbl = Label(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Total", bd=5, anchor=W).grid(row=10,
    totaltxt = Entry(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), bd=6, insertwidth=4, justify='right',
                     textvariable=total).grid(row=10, column=1)
    # ---button--

    totbtn = Button(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Total", bg="Lightgrey", fg="black", bd=3, padx=5, pady=5,
                    width=6, command=tottal).grid(row=6, column=3)

    resetbtn = Button(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Reset", bg="lightgrey", fg="black", bd=3, padx=5,
                      pady=5, width=6, command=reset).grid(row=4, column=3)

    exitbtn = Button(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Exit The System", bg="lightgrey", fg="black", bd=3, padx=5,
                     pady=5, width=12, command=exit).grid(row=6, column=2)

    addbtn = Button(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Add", bg="lightgrey", fg="black", bd=3, padx=5, pady=5,
                    width=6, command=add).grid(row=2, column=3)

    deletebtn = Button(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Delete Record", bg="lightgrey", fg="black", bd=3,
                       padx=5, pady=5, width=12, command=Delete).grid(row=4, column=2)

    ########################### feedback form ################################

    def feedbackk():
        feed = Tk()
        feed.title("Submit Feedback form")
        # database #
        connectn = sqlite3.connect("Restaurant.db")
        cursor = connectn.cursor()
        cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS FEEDBACK(n text,eid text,feedback5 text,com text)")
        # variable datatype asssignment #
        name = StringVar()
        email = StringVar()
        comments = StringVar()

        # defiing submit function
        def submit():
            n = name.get()
            eid = email.get()
            com = txt.get('1.0', END)
            feedback1 = ""
            feedback2 = ""
            feedback3 = ""
            feedback4 = ""
            if (checkvar1.get() == "1"):
                feedback1 = "Excellent"
            if (checkvar2.get() == "1"):
                feedback2 = "Good"
            if (checkvar3.get() == "1"):
                feedback2 = "Average"
            if (checkvar4.get() == "1"):
                feedback2 = "Poor"
            feedback5 = feedback1 + " " + feedback2 + " " + feedback3 + " " + feedback4
            conn = sqlite3.connect("Restaurant.db")
            cursor = conn.cursor()
            cursor.execute("INSERT INTO FEEDBACK VALUES ('" + n + "','" + eid + "','" + com + "','" + feedback5 + "')")
            messagebox.showinfo("message", "data inserted !")

        # defining cancel button
        def cancel():

        # label#
        lb1 = Label(feed, font=("Calisto MT", 15, "bold"), text="Thanks for Visiting!", fg="black").pack(side=TOP)
        lbl2 = Label(feed, font=("calisto MT", 15), text="We're glad you chose us ! Please tell us how it was!",
        # name
        namelbl = Label(feed, font=('vardana', 15), text="Name:-", fg="black", bd=10, anchor=W).place(x=10, y=150)
        nametxt = Entry(feed, font=('vardana', 15), bd=6, insertwidth=2, bg="white", justify='right',
                        textvariable=name).place(x=15, y=185)
        # email
        emaillbl = Label(feed, font=('vardana', 15), text="Email:-", fg="black", bd=10, anchor=W).place(x=280, y=150)
        emailtxt = Entry(feed, font=('vardana', 15), bd=6, insertwidth=2, bg="white", justify='right',
                         textvariable=email).place(x=285, y=185)
        ratelbl = Label(feed, font=('vardana', 15), text="How would you rate us?", fg="black", bd=10, anchor=W).place(
            x=10, y=215)
        checkvar1 = StringVar()
        checkvar2 = StringVar()
        checkvar3 = StringVar()
        checkvar4 = StringVar()
        c1 = Checkbutton(feed, font=('Calibri', 10, "bold"), text="Excellent", bg="white", variable=checkvar1)
        c1.deselect(), y=265)
        c2 = Checkbutton(feed, font=('Calibri', 10, "bold"), text="Good", bg="white", variable=checkvar2, )
        c2.deselect(), y=265)
        c3 = Checkbutton(feed, font=('Calibri', 10, "bold"), text=" Average", bg="white", variable=checkvar3, )
        c3.deselect(), y=265)
        c4 = Checkbutton(feed, font=('Calibri', 10, "bold"), text="   Poor  ", bg="white", variable=checkvar4, )
        c4.deselect(), y=265)
        # comments"
        commentslbl = Label(feed, font=('Calibri', 15), text="Comments", fg="black", bd=10, anchor=W).place(x=10, y=300)
        txt = Text(feed, width=50, height=5), y=335)
        # button
        submit = Button(feed, font=("Calibri", 15), text="Submit", fg="black", bg="green", bd=2, command=submit).place(
            x=145, y=430)
        cancel = Button(feed, font=("Calibri", 15), text="Cancel", fg="black", bg="red", bd=2, command=cancel).place(
            x=245, y=430)

    # Feedbackbutton
    feedbtn = Button(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Feedback Form", fg="black", bg="lightgrey", bd=3, padx=10,
                     pady=10, width=10, command=feedbackk).grid(row=8, column=2, columnspan=1)

    ##################### Menu card ################################
    def menu():
        roott = Tk()
        roott.title("Price Menu")
        lblinfo = Label(roott, font=("Calibri", 20, "bold"), text="ITEM LIST", fg="black", bd=10)
        lblinfo.grid(row=0, column=0)
        lblprice = Label(roott, font=("Calibri", 20, "bold"), text="Prices", fg="black", bd=10)
        lblprice.grid(row=0, column=3)
        lblpizza = Label(roott, font=("Calibri", 20, "bold"), text="Pizza", fg="Blue", bd=10)
        lblpizza.grid(row=1, column=0)
        lblpricep = Label(roott, font=("Calibri", 20, "bold"), text="240/-", fg="blue", bd=10)
        lblpricep.grid(row=1, column=3)
        lblburger = Label(roott, font=("Calibri", 20, "bold"), text="Burger", fg="Blue", bd=10)
        lblburger.grid(row=3, column=0)
        lblpriceb = Label(roott, font=("Calibri", 20, "bold"), text="125/-", fg="blue", bd=10)
        lblpriceb.grid(row=3, column=3)
        lblicecream = Label(roott, font=("Calibri", 20, "bold"), text="Ice-Cream", fg="Blue", bd=10)
        lblicecream.grid(row=4, column=0)
        lblpricei = Label(roott, font=("Calibri", 20, "bold"), text="80/-", fg="blue", bd=10)
        lblpricei.grid(row=4, column=3)
        lbldrinks = Label(roott, font=("Calibri", 20, "bold"), text="Drinks", fg="Blue", bd=10)
        lbldrinks.grid(row=5, column=0)
        lblpriced = Label(roott, font=("Calibri", 20, "bold"), text="60/-", fg="blue", bd=10)
        lblpriced.grid(row=5, column=3)

    # menubutton
    menubtn = Button(leftframe, font=('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), text="Menu Card", bg="lightgrey", fg="black", bd=3, padx=6,
                     pady=6, width=12, command=menu).grid(row=2, column=2)




Listing of the menu card prices

Final Output of Restaurant Management System in Python using tkinter


In this article, we have successfully completed our python project on the Restaurant management system with the database connectivity of DB SQLite where we performed all the operations of billing, adding, deleting, resetting, feedback, exiting the program, displaying records, etc

You can make this project more interesting by adding more functionalities to it.

Thank you for reading the article.

Visit our website for similar projects.

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Author: Ayush Purawr