Employee Management System Project in Python

Employee Management System Project in Python


The Employee Management System Project in Python will be a beginner-friendly Python project that will educate students on how to construct console-based Python applications. We will provide you with the whole source code for the Python project so that you can immediately install it on your PC and begin learning.

Employee Management System Python project assists in the automation of manual operations, saving both time and money. This system protects the professional and personal information of employees and the company. This project can be very helpful if you are creating a final-year project in Python.

This Employee Management System in Python with MySQL database is constructed using the Anaconda Spider in the Python Programming Language. This Simple Project was developed using console-based programming and is linked to a MySQL database as the system’s back-end.

To build an Employee Management System in Python with source code we have to connect the MySQL database to our program, for that, we need to install some Packages

Project Overview: Employee Management System Project in Python

Project Name:Employee Management System Project in Python
Abstract:This is a straightforward GUI-based program that is simple to grasp and utilize. The GUI is created with the Tkinter package.
Language/Technologies Used:Python, Tkinter, mysql
Python version (Recommended):3.8 or 3.9
Type/Category:Final Year Project using Python
Developer:Vatsal Rakholiya

Installing Packages

To install the MySQL client package, type the following command:

pip install mysqlclient

To install the mysql-connector-python package, type the following command:

pip install mysql-connector-python

To install the pymysql package, type the following command:

pip install pymysql

Note: If any error comes up like(Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost:3306’ (10061))

Install MYSQL Community Software(mysql-installer-community)

After you install a MySQL package, you are ready to work with actual databases.

In order to develop an Employee Management System in Python with source code that uses MySQL database, we must connect Python to MySQL.

Code Flow:

Creating a database in MySQL “employee”

import mysql.connector
#making Connection
con = mysql.connector.connect (
host = " localhost " , user = " root " , password = "root")
mycursor= con.cursor() #allows row-by-row processing of the result sets.
mycursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE "employee")

Here we import the connector module from the MySQL library, then create a variable called “con” for the host, user, and password.

Creating a Table in MySQL

import mysql.connector
#making Connection
con = mysql.connector.connect (
host = " localhost " , user = " root " , password = "root" , database = " employee " )
mycursor= con.cursor()
mycursor.execute("CREATE TABLE empdata ( Id INT(11) PRIMARY KEY , Name VARCHAR(1800), Emial_Id TEXT(1800),Phone_no BIGINT( 11 ), Address TEXT(1000), Post TEXT(1000), Salary BIGINT(20))")

Create a table called “empdata” with the following table fields: “Id”, “Name”, “Email Id”, “Phone No. “, “Address”, “Post”, and “Salary”.

Add Employee to employee management system project python

# Function to Add_Employee
def Add_Employ():
    print("{:>60}".format("-->>Add Employee Record<<--"))
    Id = input("Enter Employee Id: ")
    # checking If Employee Id is Exit Or Not
    if (check_employee(Id) == True):
        print("Employee ID Already Exists\nTry Again..")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
    Name = input("Enter Employee Name: ")
    # checking If Employee Name is Exit Or Not
    if (check_employee_name(Name) == True):
        print("Employee Name Already Exists\nTry Again..")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
    Email_Id = input("Enter Employee Email ID: ")
    if(re.fullmatch(regex, Email_Id)):
        print("Valid Email")
        print("Invalid Email")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
    Phone_no = input("Enter Employee Phone No.: ")
        print("Valid Phone Number")
        print("Invalid Phone Number")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
    Address = input("Enter Employee Address: ")
    Post = input("Enter Employee Post: ")
    Salary = input("Enter Employee Salary: ")
    data = (Id, Name, Email_Id, Phone_no, Address, Post, Salary)
    # Instering Employee Details in
    # the Employee (empdata) Table
    sql = 'insert into empdata values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)'
    c = con.cursor()

    # Executing the sql Query
    c.execute(sql, data)

    # Commit() method to make changes in the table
    print("Successfully Added Employee Record")
    press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")

The Add Employee function will request the Employee Id before using the check employee function to see whether or not the employee to be added already exists in our MYSQL database. If the employee’s details do not exist, then Add Employee function will prompt you for them. After obtaining all of these details from the system’s user, the data is simply entered into our Employee details table in our Employee Management System Project in Python.

Check Employee in employee management system project python

# Function To Check if Employee With
# given Name Exist or not
def check_employee_name(employee_name):
    # query to select all Rows from
    # employee(empdata) table
    sql = 'select * from empdata where Name=%s'

    # making cursor buffered to make
    # rowcount method work properly
    c = con.cursor(buffered=True)
    data = (employee_name,)

    # Execute the sql query
    c.execute(sql, data)

    # rowcount method to find number
    # of rowa with given values
    r = c.rowcount
    if r == 1:
        return True
        return False

# Function To Check if Employee With
# given Id Exist or not
def check_employee(employee_id):
    # query to select all Rows from
    # employee(empdata) table
    sql = 'select * from empdata where Id=%s'

    # making cursor buffered to make
    # rowcount method work properly
    c = con.cursor(buffered=True)
    data = (employee_id,)

    # Execute the sql query
    c.execute(sql, data)

    # rowcount method to find number
    # of rowa with given values
    r = c.rowcount
    if r == 1:
        return True
        return False

The check employee function in the Employee Management System Project in Python takes an employee id as input and checks to see whether there are any employees with that id in the employee details record. It checks this using the cursor.rowcount() function, which counts the number of rows that meet the supplied details. It is a utility function that will be used in subsequent operations like the Add employee function, among others.

Adding Display Employee function to python employee management system

def Display_Employ():
    print("{:>60}".format("-->> Display Employee Record <<--"))
    # query to select all rows from Employee (empdata) Table
    sql = 'select * from empdata'
    c = con.cursor()

    # Executing the sql query

    # Fetching all details of all the Employees
    r = c.fetchall()
    for i in r:
        print("Employee Id: ", i[0])
        print("Employee Name: ", i[1])
        print("Employee Email Id: ", i[2])
        print("Employee Phone No.: ", i[3])
        print("Employee Address: ", i[4])
        print("Employee Post: ", i[5])
        print("Employee Salary: ", i[6])
    press = input("Press Any key To Continue..")

The Display Employees function is essentially a SQL select query that retrieves and prints all of the employee information table records line by line.

Add Update Employee function in employee management system python

def Update_Employ():
    print("{:>60}".format("-->> Update Employee Record <<--\n"))
    Id = input("Enter Employee Id: ")
    # checking If Employee Id is Exit Or Not
    if(check_employee(Id) == False):
        print("Employee Record Not exists\nTry Again")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
        Email_Id = input("Enter Employee Email ID: ")
        if(re.fullmatch(regex, Email_Id)):
            print("Valid Email")
            print("Invalid Email")
            press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
        Phone_no = input("Enter Employee Phone No.: ")
            print("Valid Phone Number")
            print("Invalid Phone Number")
            press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
        Address = input("Enter Employee Address: ")
        # Updating Employee details in empdata Table
        sql = 'UPDATE empdata set Email_Id = %s, Phone_no = %s, Address = %s where Id = %s'
        data = (Email_Id, Phone_no, Address, Id)
        c = con.cursor()

        # Executing the sql query
        c.execute(sql, data)

        # commit() method to make changes in the table
        print("Updated Employee Record")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")

To change a record in the employee table, use the Update function. Where it determines whether or not the record is available. If it is possible, change the details and update the employee’s record in our simple employee management system project in python with source code.

To Promote Employees in python project on employee management system

# Function to Promote_Employ
def Promote_Employ():
    print("{:>60}".format("-->> Promote Employee Record <<--\n"))
    Id = input("Enter Employee Id: ")
    # checking If Employee Id is Exit Or Not
    if(check_employee(Id) == False):
        print("Employee Record Not exists\nTry Again")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
        Amount  = int(input("Enter Increase Salary: "))
        #query to fetch salary of Employee with given data
        sql = 'select Salary from empdata where Id=%s'
        data = (Id,)
        c = con.cursor()
        #executing the sql query
        c.execute(sql, data)
        #fetching salary of Employee with given Id
        r = c.fetchone()
        t = r[0]+Amount
        #query to update salary of Employee with given id
        sql = 'update empdata set Salary = %s where Id = %s'
        d = (t, Id)

        #executing the sql query
        c.execute(sql, d)

        #commit() method to make changes in the table 
        print("Employee Promoted")
        press = input("Press Any key To Continue..")

The Promote Employee function will request the employee’s id and then use the check employee function to determine whether or not the employee to be promoted already exists in our database. If this is the case, it will request the amount by which his compensation will be enhanced. After gathering the necessary information, it raises the salary of the employee with the supplied id by the specified amount.

The Promote Employee function will request the employee’s id and then use the check employee function to determine whether or not the employee to be promoted already exists in our database. If this is the case, it will request the amount by which his compensation will be enhanced. After gathering the necessary information, it raises the salary of the employee with the supplied id by the specified amount.

Remove Employee from employee management system in python with database

# Function to Remove_Employee
def Remove_Employ():
    print("{:>60}".format("-->> Remove Employee Record <<--\n"))
    Id = input("Enter Employee Id: ")
    # checking If Employee Id is Exit Or Not
    if(check_employee(Id) == False):
        print("Employee Record Not exists\nTry Again")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
        #query to delete Employee from empdata table
        sql = 'delete from empdata where Id = %s'
        data = (Id,)
        c = con.cursor()

        #executing the sql query
        c.execute(sql, data)

        #commit() method to make changes in the empdata table
        print("Employee Removed")
        press = input("Press Any key To Continue..")

Because the primary key in our Employee Details Record is Id, the Remove Employee Function will simply request the employee’s Id to be destroyed. Two employees with the same name are permitted, but each must have a distinct id. The Remove Employee function checks to see if the employee to be eliminated is existing in our database using the check employee function. If they are, the Remove Employee function obtains a valid employee id and deletes the record associated with that id.

Search for Employee

# Function to Search_Employ
def Search_Employ():
    print("{:>60}".format("-->> Search Employee Record <<--\n"))
    Id = input("Enter Employee Id: ")
    # checking If Employee Id is Exit Or Not
    if(check_employee(Id) == False):
        print("Employee Record Not exists\nTry Again")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
        #query to search Employee from empdata table
        sql = 'select * from empdata where Id = %s'
        data = (Id,)
        c = con.cursor()
        #executing the sql query
        c.execute(sql, data)

        #fetching all details of all the employee
        r = c.fetchall()
        for i in r:
            print("Employee Id: ", i[0])
            print("Employee Name: ", i[1])
            print("Employee Email Id: ", i[2])
            print("Employee Phone No.: ", i[3])
            print("Employee Address: ", i[4])
            print("Employee Post: ", i[5])
            print("Employee Salary: ", i[6])
        press = input("Press Any key To Continue..")

A more effective method of searching the record To find a specific record, we created a search function. It makes searching very simple. To accomplish this, we run the query, which searches the database table for the record.

Menu Function of employee management system using python

# Menu function to display menu
def menu():
    print("{:>60}".format("-->> Employee Management System <<--"))
    print("1. Add Employee")
    print("2. Display Employee Record")
    print("3. Update Employee Record")
    print("4. Promote Employee Record")
    print("5. Remove Employee Record")
    print("6. Search Employee Record")
    print("7. Exit\n")
    print("{:>60}".format("-->> Choice Options: [1/2/3/4/5/6/7] <<--"))

    ch = int(input("Enter your Choice: "))
    if ch == 1:
    elif ch == 2:
    elif ch == 3:
    elif ch == 4:
    elif ch == 5:
    elif ch == 6:
    elif ch == 7:
        print("{:>60}7".format("Have A NIce Day :)"))
        print("Invalid Choice!")
        press = input("Press Any key To Continue..")

# Calling menu function

The Menu function displays a menu and prompts the user to choose an option for activities such as Add employee, Remove employee, and so on.

Complete Source Code for Employee Management System Project in Python

# Employee Management System Using Python – violet-cat-415996.hostingersite.com
from os import system
import re
# importing mysql connector
import mysql.connector

# making Connection
con = mysql.connector.connect(
    host="localhost", user="username", password="yourpassword")

# preparing a cursor object
cursorObject = con.cursor()
# creating database
cursorObject.execute("CREATE DATABASE employee")

# make a regular expression
# for validating an Email
regex = r'\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,}\b'
# for validating an Phone Number
Pattern = re.compile("(0|91)?[7-9][0-9]{9}")

# Function to Add_Employ
def Add_Employ():
    print("{:>60}".format("-->>Add Employee Record<<--"))
    Id = input("Enter Employee Id: ")
    # checking If Employee Id is Exit Or Not
    if (check_employee(Id) == True):
        print("Employee ID Already Exists\nTry Again..")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
    Name = input("Enter Employee Name: ")
    # checking If Employee Name is Exit Or Not
    if (check_employee_name(Name) == True):
        print("Employee Name Already Exists\nTry Again..")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
    Email_Id = input("Enter Employee Email ID: ")
    if(re.fullmatch(regex, Email_Id)):
        print("Valid Email")
        print("Invalid Email")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
    Phone_no = input("Enter Employee Phone No.: ")
        print("Valid Phone Number")
        print("Invalid Phone Number")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
    Address = input("Enter Employee Address: ")
    Post = input("Enter Employee Post: ")
    Salary = input("Enter Employee Salary: ")
    data = (Id, Name, Email_Id, Phone_no, Address, Post, Salary)
    # Instering Employee Details in
    # the Employee (empdata) Table
    sql = 'insert into empdata values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)'
    c = con.cursor()

    # Executing the sql Query
    c.execute(sql, data)

    # Commit() method to make changes in the table
    print("Successfully Added Employee Record")
    press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")

# Function To Check if Employee With
# given Name Exist or not
def check_employee_name(employee_name):
    # query to select all Rows from
    # employee(empdata) table
    sql = 'select * from empdata where Name=%s'

    # making cursor buffered to make
    # rowcount method work properly
    c = con.cursor(buffered=True)
    data = (employee_name,)

    # Execute the sql query
    c.execute(sql, data)

    # rowcount method to find number
    # of rowa with given values
    r = c.rowcount
    if r == 1:
        return True
        return False

# Function To Check if Employee With
# given Id Exist or not
def check_employee(employee_id):
    # query to select all Rows from
    # employee(empdata) table
    sql = 'select * from empdata where Id=%s'

    # making cursor buffered to make
    # rowcount method work properly
    c = con.cursor(buffered=True)
    data = (employee_id,)

    # Execute the sql query
    c.execute(sql, data)

    # rowcount method to find number
    # of rowa with given values
    r = c.rowcount
    if r == 1:
        return True
        return False

# Function to Display_Employ
def Display_Employ():
    print("{:>60}".format("-->> Display Employee Record <<--"))
    # query to select all rows from Employee (empdata) Table
    sql = 'select * from empdata'
    c = con.cursor()

    # Executing the sql query

    # Fetching all details of all the Employees
    r = c.fetchall()
    for i in r:
        print("Employee Id: ", i[0])
        print("Employee Name: ", i[1])
        print("Employee Email Id: ", i[2])
        print("Employee Phone No.: ", i[3])
        print("Employee Address: ", i[4])
        print("Employee Post: ", i[5])
        print("Employee Salary: ", i[6])
    press = input("Press Any key To Continue..")

# Function to Update_Employ
def Update_Employ():
    print("{:>60}".format("-->> Update Employee Record <<--\n"))
    Id = input("Enter Employee Id: ")
    # checking If Employee Id is Exit Or Not
    if(check_employee(Id) == False):
        print("Employee Record Not exists\nTry Again")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
        Email_Id = input("Enter Employee Email ID: ")
        if(re.fullmatch(regex, Email_Id)):
            print("Valid Email")
            print("Invalid Email")
            press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
        Phone_no = input("Enter Employee Phone No.: ")
            print("Valid Phone Number")
            print("Invalid Phone Number")
            press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
        Address = input("Enter Employee Address: ")
        # Updating Employee details in empdata Table
        sql = 'UPDATE empdata set Email_Id = %s, Phone_no = %s, Address = %s where Id = %s'
        data = (Email_Id, Phone_no, Address, Id)
        c = con.cursor()

        # Executing the sql query
        c.execute(sql, data)

        # commit() method to make changes in the table
        print("Updated Employee Record")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")

# Function to Promote_Employ
def Promote_Employ():
    print("{:>60}".format("-->> Promote Employee Record <<--\n"))
    Id = input("Enter Employee Id: ")
    # checking If Employee Id is Exit Or Not
    if(check_employee(Id) == False):
        print("Employee Record Not exists\nTry Again")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
        Amount  = int(input("Enter Increase Salary: "))
        #query to fetch salary of Employee with given data
        sql = 'select Salary from empdata where Id=%s'
        data = (Id,)
        c = con.cursor()
        #executing the sql query
        c.execute(sql, data)
        #fetching salary of Employee with given Id
        r = c.fetchone()
        t = r[0]+Amount
        #query to update salary of Employee with given id
        sql = 'update empdata set Salary = %s where Id = %s'
        d = (t, Id)

        #executing the sql query
        c.execute(sql, d)

        #commit() method to make changes in the table 
        print("Employee Promoted")
        press = input("Press Any key To Continue..")

# Function to Remove_Employ
def Remove_Employ():
    print("{:>60}".format("-->> Remove Employee Record <<--\n"))
    Id = input("Enter Employee Id: ")
    # checking If Employee Id is Exit Or Not
    if(check_employee(Id) == False):
        print("Employee Record Not exists\nTry Again")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
        #query to delete Employee from empdata table
        sql = 'delete from empdata where Id = %s'
        data = (Id,)
        c = con.cursor()

        #executing the sql query
        c.execute(sql, data)

        #commit() method to make changes in the empdata table
        print("Employee Removed")
        press = input("Press Any key To Continue..")
# Function to Search_Employ
def Search_Employ():
    print("{:>60}".format("-->> Search Employee Record <<--\n"))
    Id = input("Enter Employee Id: ")
    # checking If Employee Id is Exit Or Not
    if(check_employee(Id) == False):
        print("Employee Record Not exists\nTry Again")
        press = input("Press Any Key To Continue..")
        #query to search Employee from empdata table
        sql = 'select * from empdata where Id = %s'
        data = (Id,)
        c = con.cursor()
        #executing the sql query
        c.execute(sql, data)

        #fetching all details of all the employee
        r = c.fetchall()
        for i in r:
            print("Employee Id: ", i[0])
            print("Employee Name: ", i[1])
            print("Employee Email Id: ", i[2])
            print("Employee Phone No.: ", i[3])
            print("Employee Address: ", i[4])
            print("Employee Post: ", i[5])
            print("Employee Salary: ", i[6])
        press = input("Press Any key To Continue..")

# Menu function to display menu
def menu():
    print("{:>60}".format("-->> Employee Management System <<--"))
    print("1. Add Employee")
    print("2. Display Employee Record")
    print("3. Update Employee Record")
    print("4. Promote Employee Record")
    print("5. Remove Employee Record")
    print("6. Search Employee Record")
    print("7. Exit\n")
    print("{:>60}".format("-->> Choice Options: [1/2/3/4/5/6/7] <<--"))

    ch = int(input("Enter your Choice: "))
    if ch == 1:
    elif ch == 2:
    elif ch == 3:
    elif ch == 4:
    elif ch == 5:
    elif ch == 6:
    elif ch == 7:
        print("{:>60}7".format("Have A NIce Day :)"))
        print("Invalid Choice!")
        press = input("Press Any key To Continue..")

# Calling menu function

Output for Employee Management System Project in Python

output for Employee Management System Project in Python
Employee Management System

Employee Management System Project in Python is a distributed application designed to keep track of all employees in any firm. It stores information about their employees’ personal information.

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Author: Ayush Purawr