Covid-19 Tracker Application Using Python

Covid-19 Tracker Application Using Python

Today we are going to make Covid-19 Tracker Application Using Python which you can assume to be a medium level project as we will need to use three Python libraries.

Here, we are going to create a GUI application to track the COVID-19 cases.

We need to use three different libraries here.

  1. tkinter – for GUI
  2. matplotlib – to show data graphically
  3. covid – to get COVID data

We have many posts based on tkinter so if you have any problem in tkinter then we suggest to read them.

You can install “matplotlib” using the pip command given below

"pip install matplotlib"

Python community has made a library to get the COVID-19 information easily.

Library is"covid" and its so simple to use.

Visit this site for more details of this library.

You can download it using the pip command given below.

"pip install covid"

Note: python >= 3.6

Type this command in your terminal to install and use this library.

Now lets see and understand the code.


# importing tkinter
from tkinter import *
# initializing tkinter
root = Tk()
# setting geometry
# setting title
root.title("Get Covid-19 Data Country Wise")

# function which will get covid data and will show it
def showdata():
    # importing matplotlib which will be used to show data graphically
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    # to scale the data we are importing patches
    import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
    # importing covid library
    from covid import Covid
    # initializing covid library
    covid = Covid()
    # declaring empty lists to store different data sets
    cases = []
    confirmed = []
    active = []
    deaths = []
    recovered = []
    # using try and except to run program without errors
        # updating root
        # getting countries names entered by the user
        countries = data.get()
        # removing white spaces from the start and end of the string
        country_names = countries.strip()
        # replacing white spaces with commas inside the string
        country_names = country_names.replace(" ", ",")
        # splitting the string to store names of countries
        # as a list 
        country_names = country_names.split(",")
        # for loop to get all countries data
        for x in country_names:
            # appending countries data one-by-one in cases list 
            # here, the data will be stored as a dictionary
            # for one country i.e. for each country
            # there will be one dictionary in the list
            # which will contain the whole information
            # of that country
            # updating the root
        # for loop to get one country data stored as dict in list cases
        for y in cases:
            # storing every Country's confirmed cases in the confirmed list
            # storing every Country's active cases in the active list
            # storing every Country's deaths cases in the deaths list
            # storing every Country's recovered cases in the recovered list
        # marking the color information on scaleusing patches
        confirmed_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='green', label='confirmed')
        recovered_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='recovered')
        active_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='blue', label='active')
        deaths_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='black', label='deaths')
        # plotting the scale on graph using legend()
        plt.legend(handles=[confirmed_patch, recovered_patch, active_patch, deaths_patch])
        # showing the data using graphs
        # this whole for loop section is related to matplotlib
        for x in range(len(country_names)):
  [x], confirmed[x], color='green')
            if recovered[x] > active[x]:
      [x], recovered[x], color='red')
      [x], active[x], color='blue')
      [x], active[x], color='blue')
      [x], recovered[x], color='red')
  [x], deaths[x], color='black')
        # setting the title of the graph
        plt.title('Current Covid Cases')
        # giving label to x direction of graph
        plt.xlabel('Country Name')
        # giving label to y direction of graph
        plt.ylabel('Cases(in millions)')
        # showing the full graph
    except Exception as e:
        # asking user to enter correct details
        # during entering the country names on GUI
        # please differentiate the country names
        # with spaces or comma but not with both
        # otherwise you will come to this section
        data.set("Enter correct details again")

Label(root, text="Enter all countries names\nfor whom you want to get\ncovid-19 data", font="Consolas 15 bold").pack()
Label(root, text="Enter country name:").pack()
data = StringVar()
data.set("Seperate country names using comma or space(not both)")
entry = Entry(root, textvariable=data, width=50).pack()
Button(root, text="Get Data", command=showdata).pack()

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Author: Harry

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