About 20 Python Projects for Resume
Today, in this article on 20 Python Projects for Resume, we’ll expose you to some of the top beginners to advanced python projects for resumes. In 2022, your best investment will be learning Python through practical projects. Therefore, working on actual Python projects is essential if you wish to grasp the language. At CopyAssignment, we firmly believe that projects always speak louder than certificates. Every idea comes from a separate area and includes details about the various projects you might develop there.
Data scientists and web developers should use Python the most. Many businesses also need Python developers, data scientists, and web developers. Therefore, if you are one of them looking for employment using your Python talents, your CV must include some Python projects.
Beginners Level Python Projects for Resume:
(1) Live Weather Forecast

Have you ever wished that if it was going to rain later in the day, you would have been ready in the morning? You wouldn’t forget to bring your umbrella to work if you did it this way. What you need is the weather prediction.
This project will show you how to create a Python script to get the weather forecast. The script simply asks the user to enter the city name and in return, it displays the day, time, weather status and temperature.
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(2) Password Generator GUI Application

Generator of Passwords: Strong passwords can be generated for us by a GUI application. This application won’t require any sort of web connection because it’s a Graphical User Interface (GUI) programme.
This GUI application will ask the user to enter the length of the password he/she wants and the pass. A button will be provided and on clicking that button, a password that contains upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols will be generated. So let’s look at the concepts and libraries we’ll be using in this application:
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(3) Desktop Battery Notifier App project for 20 Python Projects for Resume

good python projects for resume
It’s always a burden for a programmer to check for battery level. Especially when there’s an important task to do and you have to continuously check for battery level. So this is the
In order to tell the user how much battery percentage is left, the user has to write a script on how to send a desktop notification that displays the battery percentage of a laptop or computer.
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(4) Sudoku Solver

python project ideas for resume
A grid of nine by nine boxes is used in the straightforward numerical game known as sudoku. The boxes are filled with numbers from 1 to 9. In each row and each column, the same number cannot appear twice.
There are several ways we can create a sudoku solver, but we’re going to utilise Python to create a straightforward application. Here, we’ll employ two techniques that greatly simplify and speed up the programme. Recursion and backtracking are the two significant techniques we’ll mention.
Concepts Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with the source code here
(5) Youtube Video Downloader GUI

The likelihood that your personal information will be leaked increases if you download the video using Downloader or try to do it from an arbitrary website. This task is quite easy-efficient-safe when done with the Python Tkinter library.
The YouTube Video Downloader attempts to quickly, easily, and quickly download any sort of video from YouTube.The user must copy the URL link for the YouTube video before pasting it into the application. Later, in order to download the video, the user must click the download button.
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(6) Music Player

Everyone enjoys listening to music as a pastime in daily life. We all require a music player in order to listen to music. So let’s create a custom Python music player.
In this project, we’ll build a music player that makes it simple and quick to organise and play all of your music files. Our goal is to develop a music player that allows us to play, pause, stop, restart, and quit music. These choices must be available in the Music Player GUI.
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(7) Instagram Reels Downloader

Everyone utilises social media in the modern world, and one of the most widely used apps is Instagram. One of the more common features is the reel and video feature. So what if you want to download the reel directly from the website?
In this project, we will create a simple GUI that offers the user a field to paste the particular reel link. A download button should be there. An instruction button will show instructions to the user like only public account reels can be downloaded etc
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
Intermediate Level Python Projects for Resume:
(1) Web Browser

The very first intermediate project on the list of Beginners to Advanced Python Projects for Resume is Creating a Web Browser. The web browser obtains the necessary information from a web server and then shows the page on the screen when a user requests a web page from a certain website.
Here we will be creating a GUI same as a normal web browser with features like search, forward, backward, refresh and home button.
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(2) Hangman Game

The fourth project in Python coding projects for resumes is the Hangman game. The goal of this game is to guess the name of the movie by guessing the letters (A-Z). In this game, if the player correctly guesses the correct letter that is within the word, the letter appears in its proper location. The user must guess the correct word until a man appears to be hanged, and at that point, the game ends. With each correct guess, the empty boxes get filled with that correct letter. And with each wrong guess different parts of the man start to appear and finally when the number of wrong guesses is over, a hanged man is shown and that’s where the game ends.
The two main aspects of this game are:
- The Hangman: In the context of the hanging man, we need to give the player a visual aid.
- Word Display: The word must be presented at the beginning of the game as blanks rather than letters.
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(3) Bank Management System using Files

The user can create an account in this project, the Bank management System using Tkinter, by providing details such as their username, opening balance, and pin number. After that, the user must provide those details in order to access their account. The user has access to transaction data, balance enquiries, and credit and debit amounts, among other things. Simply entering a certain amount allows the user to credit or debit sums.
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(4) Telegram Bot project for best python projects for resume

This project is all about building a telegram bot using Python and embedding it in telegram. This bot is capable of replying to the queries of the user etc. Using Python, the development of this bot is fairly simple.
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(5) Tic Tac Toe

Each player in the two-player game of tic tac toe has an X or an O as their symbol. Any player that receives their (X or 0) sign three times in a row, column, or diagonally is the winner. Thus, there are a total of eight winning scenarios: three for the rows, three for the columns, and two for the diagonals. Isn’t it fascinating?
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(6) Control PC from Anywhere

This project revolves around setting up the connection between two PC. Once the PCs are connected we can control one PC from another. The connection between two PC is established using a socket. The os module helps us to interact with the operating system.
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(7) Flappy Bird Game

In this tutorial, we’ve created a computerised version of the game in which the player controls the bird by pressing either the up key or the space bar. Python will be the language we use to write the code. Additionally, Pygame, a cross-platform collection of Python modules created for creating video games, will be used. We can add images, background sounds etc using PyGame.
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here. We have included this project in the list of 20 Python Projects for Resumes because we have really worked hard on this project so that you can understand it easily.
Advanced Level Python Projects for Resume:
(1) Hate Speech Detection

The model used for identifying and detecting hate speech on the internet is called “hate speech detection.” Many people post unpleasant remarkS on social media. Therefore, a key component of problems in the modern internet world is hate speech identification.
We are going to employ Python-based NLP machine learning techniques to develop a hate-speech-detection programme.
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(2) Traffic Signal Violation Detection for top python projects for resume

The project’s objective is to automate the traffic signal violation detection system The system’s top priority is accurately detecting and following the vehicle and its operations.
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(3) Employee Management (Bankend in MySQL)

This project’s main aim is to make a system that manages employees in the company. This system can also be made using files but considering it as an advanced project we will use MySQL. This project is created using console-based programming, and the system’s back-end is connected to a MySQL database.
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(4) Control Mouse with Hand Gestures
This project is a mouse simulation system that mimics your hand movements and gestures to carry out all the actions your mouse would normally carry out. You can move the cursor and make the left and right clicks as well as drag, select, and up-and-down-scrolling gestures based on your hand movements.
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(5) AI Typing Tutor
In this project, we’ll learn how to build an AI typing tutor that keeps track of our finger location and checks to see if we pressed each key with the appropriate finger. This AI primarily uses the Home Row typing style, which includes keys like A S D F and H J K L in the home row. This is a must to do python project to add to the list of 20 Python Projects for Resume.
This AI tutor checks whether the key is pressed with particular fingers or not. For example, the A key should be pressed with the index finger only, the F key should be pressed with the first finger only etc
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
(6) Covid Tracker Application

The last project in our article 20 Python Projects for Resume is Covid Tracker Application. In these pandemic times, it’s very important for one to be alert about the cases. In order to overcome this, we came up with this project that you must add to your resume.
Ths GUI lets you take a single country name or multiple names at a time. A button should be provided and on clicking that the data distinguished by country names appear on the window. This app also displays graphs for better visualisation and analysis.
Libraries Used:
Source: You can find a detailed explanation with source code here
We strongly encourage you to develop these 20 Python Projects for Resume. These projects will definitely help you a lot and will be a great learning experience. Try developing on your own and whenever you are stuck, refer to our articles for detailed explanations. Thank you for visiting us.
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